Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Few Pics From a Night Walk

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I went for a walk to do some errands on Sunday early evening. I photographed a few little interesting things along the way.

I was headed to a small mall located to the west of where I live. As I neared my destination, I captured the skyline of the downtown core and the lights of one of the ski slopes.

At more or less the same corner, I captured the clock tower of our current City Hall.

I took a photo of the signage at this intersection.  I wanted to remember it as the corner where I found 3 homes that were in a foreclosure sale. I've never seen even one sign of a foreclosure sale in all the years I've lived here so this was a bit startling though not entirely surprising.

This old house looked in disrepair and is one of the homes under foreclosure proceedings.

Two other homes under foreclosure are on the other side of the signage.

Across the street is a beautiful, old Victorian home that I've long admired. Most of these large old homes are subdivided into numerous suites.

I love the stained glass and the big veranda.

After I stopped at the mall, I made my way to Broadway Avenue. I was on my way to Michael's Craft Store but they were closed.  I missed out by about 15 minutes.

After that I hopped on a bus heading further west. I was going to a particular location of London Drugs. Before I got there I spotted this cute little tea shop with its name taken from Alice in Wonderland. It looks amazing but oddly I couldn't find it on google. I'll have to look again another day but Sunday night they were preparing for an event, setting up tables, checking menus and so on.

The street had a very hyggelieg feel about it with the lights around the trees and extra lights in the 'air'.

It turns out that London Drugs didn't have the items I was looking to buy although their website said they had one item in stock. I was told that the website stock information is not that accurate especially if it only says one item remaining. I expected this because I have experienced the same issue before.  It was too bad but not the end of the world. At least I got my steps in.

Sunday the air was much, much warmer than it's been in weeks. I was actually overheating so took my time going about. I'm happy the weather is back to our usual moderate temperatures. I hope you are keeping warm where you are. I know much of Canada has had a significant amount of snow.  Keep safe.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Baby It's Cold Outside - Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

We're at the tail end of our winter snow and very cold temperatures if we can believe the weather forecast.

I had to go out yesterday and today to deal with a malfunctioning cell phone. I bundled up as if I was in minus 40 degree weather with long johns and double layers on top, winter books, a neck scarf and gloves. My upper legs and toes were still very cold. I'll chalk it up to poor circulation because I'm usually always cold some people aren't bothered by the weather at all. 

In fact, I saw 3 people out yesterday with bare legs and improper footwear. One person didn't even have a winter jacket on. Today I saw 2 more people who weren't adequately dressed but today felt much warmer than yesterday.

I'm looking forward to rain this weekend because it will bring warmer temperatures.  Right now, the temperature is 1 Celsius and the day's high was 3 Celsius. Last night someone told me we broke a weather record for the day at - 6 Celsius. I tell you it felt much, much colder. Probably because we have damp air.

The above photos were all taken on a walk to the cellular service provider.

Today I took one photo on West Broadway Street looking north towards downtown. You can see some towers in the background.  These are part of a massive rental development project led by the local area First Nations. Once completed there will be new homes for 6000 people and they are sorely needed.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday.  Thank you for stopping by! 

Friday, February 7, 2025

First Friday in February 2025

 Happy new month of February to you all. 

Snow was in the forecast for a week or two before it finally fell about 1 week ago.  It's actually stayed longer and been colder than I was expecting.  Those who are used to getting snow and cold temperatures all winter long would call us wimps, lol.  The cold snap doesn't stop us from getting out and about and I always enjoy watching the sky whether it's day or night.

Thank you for joining me on Skywatch Friday. Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are in the world.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Weekends ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
It seems that everyone loves the weekend.
What about you?

1.  Do you feel happier as the weekend approaches?  Just how do you feel about weekends?

I feel happier as the weekend approaches even though I'm retired now and technically my time is my own.  I think I feel happier for two reasons.  Firstly, I'm habituated to looking forward to the weekend from the days when I was working and offices were closed.  Secondly, now that I'm retired the days from Monday to Friday are interrupted by many things because businesses, offices, including medical offices are open then. Once Friday rolls around I breathe a sigh of relief, lol.

2. What are your weekends usually like and do you do anything special?   Do you attend a church/synagogue?

My weekends have not changed much since I was working. Weekends are always a time for catching up with various things, running errands that take more time and relaxing (meeting friends, reading books, going for dinner/theatre, etc.). I do attend church but meet at night rather than the morning.

3. Do you sleep later on the weekend or do you stay up later at all?  Are weekends for catching up on sleep?

I'm a night owl and have always been so I stay up later than most people.  This is usually when I get my reading done or watch programs I didn't have time for earlier in the day.

4. Do you read or watch more movies/TV on the weekends or catch up on things missed during the week?

Yes, I do watch more movies on the weekend. I watch TV during the week but tend to watch movies (television, streaming on the internet, in theatre) on Saturdays. I also use the weekend to catch up on many things that I didn't have time for during the business week.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Evening Sky ~ Last Friday Sky of January 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

Welcome to my Skywatch Friday post. I snapped these photos on my way to buy some produce at some of the smaller shops in another neighbourhood.

It was going on 5:30 p.m.  It's so great to see that it isn't dark so early anymore. Each day the light remains for just a bit longer and soon it will be spring and time for planting.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Gift of Colour in a January Sky

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you all doing this January?

It's horrific and/or dramatic news around the world these days. I'm trying to avoid spending too much time on the news so I can keep peace of mind.

I was so happy to see some beautiful colour in my sky this week. We were expecting snow today but it didn't arrive. I hope you are keeping warm and happy where you are.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cushion Covers


My theme word in 2024 was 'create'. I'm afraid I didn't actually create too much due to various interruptions (read more here). 

I hope to try again in 2025 and have selected renew as my new theme word. I selected it to help remind me that I need to renew myself in body, mind and spirit. This word is very open ended and will also help remind me to renew my creativity. Creativity helps my mind and my spirit too.

I've started the first month with a project for a loved one whose birthday is coming up next month. She lives over 1200 km away but she is going to be visiting the province soon and will be staying about an hour away from where I live.  We've made tentative plans to get together for lunch; perhaps an overnight visit if she can manage the time.  I already know she loves the cushion and the colours I've used though she doesn't know I've made it for her.



I still have to block the cushion cover to make it look crisper and 'straighter'. I'm also hoping to make a cushion insert.

I like how it turned out and it has helped reduce my stash of crafting supplies so I've decided to make another cushion with coordinating colours.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Sunny at Last

It was a beautiful, sunny day but such a cold wind.

I wish you all a fabulous weekend. Let's all send warm thoughts and prayers for the people of Los Angeles and the people of the Pacific Palisades community in particular. The devastation there is unbelievable.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The First Week of January

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope your first week of the New Year has gone well for you. I've had a steady week...not overly busy but getting a few things done.

The decluttering continues.

A few master bathroom items were tossed

and replaced as per the next 3 photos.

I also got rid of an area rug. I really like the print but the rug never did have a comfortable home here and I didn't like the quality so out it went. It was purchased on line so I wasn't able to check it out well before I bought it. I've had my eye on another area rug but after checking it out in the store, I decided it wouldn't do so I'll manage without a replacement for now.

A carpet that wouldn't cooperate

I didn't like this cushion cover so I'm remaking it.

I've started the re-do (sorry for the poor lighting).

The cushion cover finished. Now for the backing.

I waited weeks for a notice from the library about the books I put on hold. Earlier this week I picked them up.

The first books of 2025

I purchased a lot of fruit and vegetables which need to be used quickly because they aren't top quality.  I'm trying to use the vegetables in new ways.

A completely vegetarian meal (below) which is quite unusual for us.  I have been craving sweet potatoes with peanut sauce (a Ugandan dish) and it was yummy.

Green beans & almonds, sweet potato and peanut sauce, mixed beans & cabbage

The broccoli, potato, chicken coconut curry was especially delicious so I'll be making it again.

So that's it for now. I. hope to be making similar progress in the weeks ahead. Have a great week!

Teenage Years ~ Tuesday 4

It's time once again for Tuesday 4 brought to you each week in memory of Toni Taddeo and hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea . 1. Did...