Thursday, March 10, 2011

Foot Loose and Flying

Click on the badge for more wonderful Sky Watch photos.

Added: Though my post is meant in fun, I am struck by the sadness in other places. As I watch the late news I see the devastation in Japan as a result of a powerful Sendai earthquake. I also understand that others countries along the Pacific Rim are on high tsunami alert. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in all these countries and especially to my blogging pals in Japan and on the Hawaiian Islands. God be with you all. Love and hugs.


  1. Wonder how they got up there! Lovely shot!

  2. ladyfi, I imagine some young person threw them up there. I thought they'd make a fun shot to end the week. Have a great weekend.

  3. What a fun photo, wonder if they ever managed to get their shoes back again LOL. Have a good weekend. Diane

  4. Hi Diane,do you have trainers sitting on telephone wires where you live? We seem to have them here :-) Have a great weekend.

  5. Hi Penny..I wanted to make sure and leave a comment in case I have to stay off. Since the volcano's been acting up we've had hundreds of small earthquakes daily..but today they are getting bigger. The last one was about 30 min. ago and it was a 4.5 .I'm sure Japan's triggered something huh..but we're still under a tsunami watch. But I can't belive how devastating it is for them..looking at that wall of water hitting and the, just sad.
    I wil try and update later.
    I like your photo and wish you a hug..thanks for your concern!!

  6. KP, I'm glad you had a moment to drop by here and update us. I'm still up here though I meant to go to sleep much earlier. I'm thinking of and praying for you all. Love and hugs.

  7. I am sad too.
    My prayers and wishes.

  8. Indrani, I think there will be many more sad people as the news spreads of the devastation. Thank you for your prayers for the people affected. xx

  9. I always wondered why the kids have to throw their shoes over the wires. It is sad news about the eathquake and the tsunami. I will also keep everyone in these areas in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Someone must have a lot of extra shoes.
    Something bad is happening to our world.

  11. I, too, am sending my love and prayers to all of my wonderful blogging friends in Japan and the South Pacific areas that are being threatened by the tsunami/earthquakes. Such a sad way to begin the weekend! I do love your post for the day and the incredible blue skies and the fun "shoe exclamation point"! Kids will find a way! Hope your weekend goes well!


  12. Your photo is so happy and lighthearted, but certainly the day is not.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  13. EileeninMD, I've always wondered that too ;-) Your prayers added to others will move mountains.

  14. Thomas, I usually find that young people throw away the shoes they are no longer wearing. It is certainly true that something is happening in the world. At times like these, it is my faith in God that is a true help to me. I also live in an area where a major earthquake is expected but of course no one knows when.

  15. Thank you Sylvia for your visit, your kind words and your prayers for the people of Japan. They will need all our prayers and our help.

  16. Chubskulit, thank you. You have a great weekend too my friend.

  17. K, thank you for your visit and your comment. I hope you are having a good start to your weekend. Hugs.xx

  18. K, thank you for your visit and your comment. I hope you are having a good start to your weekend. Hugs.xx

  19. Wonder how they got up there! Lovely shot!


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