Saturday, March 19, 2011

~ More Frugal Tips ~

I want to say a big "welcome" and thank you to my newest follower, Katie over at the blog, Gates Place.

This post is part of my short series on how I personally save money so that I can give to causes I support and also help myself get out of debt. If you are interested in other the other articles in the series you may read here and here.

  1. I make my own laundry detergent and use vinegar and baking soda for household cleaning. Check out these uses for vinegar and baking soda here and a recipe for  making laundry detergent here.
  2. A new tip I've learned from Ilona at Life After Money ~ use bubble bath to clean the toilet.  This is a great tip for using bubble bath someone gives you as a gift when you don't know what else to do with it.
  3. I reuse plastic bags and various store containers where possible. The best repurposing I've seen for plastics came from a quilter who uses plastic take away food containers as storage for notions and fabric. Awesome!
  4. I purchase inexpensive plastic bins from the dollar store to store my potatoes and onions as well as other dried goods. I prefer to use wood, glass or other natural materials where possible but the cost is quite prohibitive. I will use the plastic bins as long as possible instead of discarding them just because I get tired of them and want a change.
  5. I also purchase inexpensive plastic bins to use in my bathroom and in storage areas like closets,
  6. There are many containers that I need for storing other foods and making sure they don't go bad. I don't always use plastic especially if they are to be stored on my kitchen counter (noodles, rice, raisins, brown sugar etc.). I look for attractive containers from the variety store where the cost is 1/3 to 1/2 off of the regular prices.

    All these containers were purchased on discount. I don't need them to be "matchy matchy". In fact, I dislike things that are overly matched.
  7. I purchase inexpensive white towels wherever I can find them. I like the thin, fluffy kind.  I bought my last ones at Field's and I think they cost me $2.00 each. Perfect for throwing in the wash with some disinfectant.
  8. I do not buy furniture very often and I use most things until they are quite worn out. My home, though comfortable, does not look like a a feature in a decorating magazine. I sometimes wish it did but  having time to enjoy life, and giving to the Kenyan Missions of Hope  is more important to me.
  9. To compensate for not buying furniture, I use slipcovers on my sofa and chairs.
  10. I give “lost” furniture a home. For example, I have a dresser/desk and a chair in my bedroom that came from the garbage out back of my home. They are in fine condition.
  11. I look for household items at the thrift store. I purchased a wing chair, lamp, and side table there in the past few years.
  12. I try and buy direct from the manufacturer for items like mattresses.
  13. I shop for appliances and large pieces of furniture when they are on sale. I also shop and wait around  if I am looking for something that costs more than I am willing to pay.  I ask stores to price match also if I find something close by for a higher price which is cheaper somewhere else. This saves on cost of delivery too.
  14. I buy furniture that needs to be put together especially if it will save money (shelves,closets and a TV stand are recent examples).
  15. I shop on Craigslist and am a member of my local Freecycle where I can list items I want to give away or look for items I want.  This doesn't always help me because I am limited in my ability to get around but it is an option, especially if you have wheels.

    I have plans for another two posts in this short series on saving pennies. Please check back again soon if you are reading/participating in this series. I'd also love to hear your ideas for saving money on household items.

    I want to add here that I have been challenged and inspired to make a change in terms of my habit of using plastics due to the efforts of one woman, Beth Terry, who has championed the cause of reducing plastic usage in her own life for the health of our bodies, our oceans and the planet.  Once you read this inspiring woman's blog you will see just how reliant on plastics we have become.  You can read more about the cause at Plastic Free Living. Before you go, please stop and leave a comment or your frugal tip for saving on household expenses.  Until next time, happy savings!


  1. Such great ideas and easy ones too! Thanks for sharing these tips.

  2. Marinela, so lovely to have you drop by. Thank you for your encouraging comment.

  3. BB,I've been working full steam ahead for about 4.5 years now on stretching a penny and a reducing my own consumption. It does take time to really implement ideas but if I can do it, anyone can :-)

  4. We are the same about plastic bags - I reuse them for trash can liners so as not to have to buy as many trash bags. We do the same thing with furniture - at some point I would like to reappohlster our couches and refinish our dining room table, but not in a huge rush for either!

  5. PW, that's wonderful! It really makes me feel good to know that we (and others) are making efforts to help our planet by reusing things rather than trashing and buying new. Living with a little character is also more interesting.

  6. Thanks for sharing these ideas...several I already do, and a few were new to me...

  7. Hi Karen, I'm so happy that you implement several of these ideas and also that you learned something new! That's awesome. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday ;-)

  8. There are some really great ideas here, thankyou so much for sharing!
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :) Did you get the pattern I sent by the way? I put it in the post in the end, as our scanner was determined to defeat me...hopefully it will have reached you/will reach you soon! xxx

  9. Thanks for the read Rachel. I have had a great weekend. Nothing too special but made lovely with the return of the sun. I didn't get the pattern yet but it should take about 7 business days. Thanks so much! xx

  10. I love reading what other women are doing to save money. I especially like that you mentioned you save money in order to give to others. Truly biblical!

    I cook quite a bit from scratch to save money. My top money savers are homemade laundry detergent, family cloth and pads, homemade mayo and bread.. and no boxed mixes.

  11. LoLM, thank you for stopping by! I do believe that we are to give to others so it is nice to hear of another sister who believes likewise.

    Thank you too for sharing your awesome savings tips. :-)

  12. Thank you for your kind words regarding my last work. Fully appreciated. ;)
    Your blog is wonderful, these frugal tips worth gold. Good to read, good to know, great to put at work in life. Thank you , again.

  13. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed this post with all the useful tips. I try and reuse whatever I can, envelopes for spare coins and to-do lists, containers for anything and everything. I don't have trash bins in my home, I use paper bags as a base for plastic bags that I change when they are full. Thanks for your inspiring post.

  14. So glad I foudn your blog...looking foward to reading. I thought I might share my "dry" recipe for laundry detergent...I have been a huge fan now for about 2 years.

    3 cups Borax
    2 cups baking soda
    2 cups washing soda
    1 bar dial soap grated (or whatever soap you want to use).

    Also, two other really easy things:
    - no cable tv; where we are you can get a bunch with an antenna.
    - use the library for books, movies, music...our library even now has audio books for download.

  15. Great ideas! I must admit I do not live a plastic-free life...but would like to so will check out the link you provided.

  16. Great ideas! I must admit I do not live a plastic-free life...but would like to so will check out the link you provided.

  17. Thank you for your kind words regarding my last work. Fully appreciated. ;)
    Your blog is wonderful, these frugal tips worth gold. Good to read, good to know, great to put at work in life. Thank you , again.

  18. I love reading what other women are doing to save money. I especially like that you mentioned you save money in order to give to others. Truly biblical!

    I cook quite a bit from scratch to save money. My top money savers are homemade laundry detergent, family cloth and pads, homemade mayo and bread.. and no boxed mixes.

  19. Hi Karen, I'm so happy that you implement several of these ideas and also that you learned something new! That's awesome. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful Sunday ;-)

  20. BB,I've been working full steam ahead for about 4.5 years now on stretching a penny and a reducing my own consumption. It does take time to really implement ideas but if I can do it, anyone can :-)


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