Monday, March 7, 2011

Mercy Mission for Kigen Goes Forward

Since leaving a post on Saturday about little Kigen, we have been involved in a whirlwind of activity.

I know this photo is hard to look at but this is little Kigen and this is his reality. He is nine years old and he has some kind of skin problem. We really do not know what it is but we know he needs immediate help.  Kigen lives in a remote part of Kenya amongst the Pokot peoples and there is no road to get to where he lives.

My friend Jonah has been on a number of mercy missions to the Pokot people over the years. His most recent journey was about one week ago. During that trip he met little Kigen and his family. They all prayed together for this little boy to be helped and to get the treatment and healing he needs.

This is my friend Jonah on a different trip to help the people in the drought stricken area near Marigat, Kenya.  You can see it is dark. When they travel to help people and they do it on few funds they must journey night and day sometimes to get to where they are going. This way they can avoid costs of extra days car and driver hire and also save on lodgings.  Kenya is an expensive country which many people in the west do not know. The people must save money and be as frugal as possible. Your dollar will be used wisely.

Jonah just returned from a mercy mission on Thursday morning last week but is now back on his way to get Kigen and his family. He had a lot to do before he could leave on this mercy mission.  First, he has to get supporters and pray for the mission. He cannot act without support. He needs our help.  Once he knows he has our help, he then has to get word back to Kigen's parents that this mission will go forward.  Then he has to hire a car and take care of all the logistics.

Kigen's mother

When I saw the photos of Kigen and his family and heard of their plight, I really had to do something.  So I posted about it here on my blog and sent word to my friends to share the information. Jonah also posted on his blog and tweeted about little Kigen.  Some donations are coming in due to these efforts and importantly people are also praying for Kigen and this mission. The people that have already sent their donations or who have promised that they are on the way, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  It means the mission is now underway.

Jonah praying with Kigen's family.

For those that are praying for this mercy mission, we also thank you!  It is through prayer that things will change. It is through prayer that people will be moved to join this effort.  It is through prayer that little Kigen and his family will have the faith and strength to make this long journey.  It is through prayer that Jonah will have the strength and resources to physically and emotionally undertake this mercy mission again so soon.  It is through prayer that the medical staff and hospital will be prepared to properly diagnose and treat little Kigen.  It is through prayer that we will have enough resources to properly undertake this mercy medical mission.  I believe in the ability of prayer to move mountains.  Particularly, this mountain in little Kigen's life.

I'm so happy to report that since Saturday Jonah has done a number of things. He planned to be in Eldoret, Kenya on Monday (it is now night time Monday in Kenya so people should be fast asleep). Up to now Jonah has also been coordinating with the hospital in Eldoret to see if they can undertake the kind of assessment that Kigen needs.

A car that can withstand the travel of the roads ahead will be hired in Eldoret and word has been sent ahead to Kigen's family through the mission station in the area. This  needs to happen so that Kigen's family can make the journey to meet him and get their ride to the medical centre.  Little Kigen and his family must walk 5 or 6 hours on a long and dusty path to get to the mission station.  There is no road that goes to where they live.  It will be a difficult journey for them all.  Especially considering Kigen's medical condition and the fact that they just made the same journey a few days prior in order to get food assistance.

At the mission station, Kigen and his family will get some rest and freshen up.  There they will meet up with Jonah and the driver and make the long journey to Eldoret. The journey to Eldoret will be a little easier as they will not be walking, they will be riding.  Nonetheless it will take a whole day.

So the mercy mission to help little Kigen is underway. If you have played a part in this mission through a donation, prayer or by spreading the word to your contacts, I thank you so much. Your efforts are not in vain. You will have an impact beyond measure.

If you are just now hearing about this story and want to do something to help, we still need you. There are so many needs to cover in this medical mission and a number of people who we need pay for services.  Kigenkerichojoy[at]

:  It is now just after 1:00 a.m. in Western Canada. Received word from Kenya that little Kigen is awaiting surgery. Please keep him and the surgeons in your prayers. I'm praying just now before sleep. God bless.

Photo credits:  All photos the property of Missions of Hope, Kenya, Pastor Jonah.
If you wish to share this story, photos may be used with credit. Many thanks and blessings.

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  1. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Joy.

  2. Thank you for sharing this story...I am so sorry about this little boy...and I pray that there will be a solution to his skin disease...Thank you for visiting my blog...that was so sweet of you..I'm going to be your newest follower.

  3. Thank you Smiling Sally for your visit.

  4. Cindy, thank you so much for your visit and your prayers. I'm happy to "meet" my newest follower. Blessings xx

  5. That's really hard to look at, makes us appreciate m0ore of our blessings.

    My Blue Monday

  6. Oh I am so sorry for Kigen. I hope they can treat him. So nice of you to spread the word around...Christine

  7. thanks for coming by and commenting :-)!

  8. All of us should count our blessings every day -- every minute. It is wonderful that you are helping to bring some blessings to those who don't have what we take for granted.

  9. I'm praying and the post is up! Money is sitting in an envelope and will be posted tomorrow!

  10. It is very disturbing seeing people living like this. Wish the world could all share and live in harmony.

  11. Chubskulit, you are so right!

  12. Xinex, thank you for your visit and your kind thoughts.

  13. Tiffany, thanks for dropping by too!

  14. Sallie, it is so true that we should never forget our blessings. We have so many if we simply stop and think.

  15. Notes, thank you for the post and the donation. I'll be watching the mail. Blessings and hugs. xx

  16. LV, thank you for your gentle heart.

  17. Soooo many prayers are needed for soooo many...
    Continuing them~~~
    May you wake each day with God's blessing,and grace.
    Sleep each night with His keeping,
    safe in His loving arms.
    And~~~ May you always walk in His tender care and mercy.
    Prayers and Hugs~~~Dena

  18. Thank you Dena. Many hugs back. xxx

  19. Anon, thank you for your prayers. xx

  20. There is still so much misery on the African continent. Belgium is very much involved in their old colony the Congo, where people need a lot of help too ! Medical and education.

  21. Hello Gattina, thank you for your visit. There is a lot of suffering on the continent, some of it caused by colonization and some by natural reasons like weather problems. My focus is on Kenya and right now, this little boy Kigen. One by one we can help people and if we multiply that over and again by all of us who care, we can indeed make a difference. It takes love. Blessings :-)

  22. Hi Penny: I've just had a reply text message from Jonah who says little Kigen is with the doctor and that he will be undergoing surgery shortly. I pray for the resources for all the needs that you mention above to be met. You're right: prayer moves mountains and moves fellow bloggers' hearts. Bless you for all you do here in this part of Kenya. Jo

  23. Thanks for the update. I'm about to go to sleep and will pray first. Thank God we got him to the doctor. Bless you :-)

  24. Jonah sounds like a very special and caring person. Wouldn't the world be a wonderful place if there were more people like him around. You also sound a pretty special person though as well. Take care. Diane

  25. Joyful, thanks for all the effort you are putting in to assist Kigen. Can you share with me a link to Jonah's blog?

  26. Diane, Jonah is indeed a very special person. If we had more like him this world would be a better place for sure. I'm blessed to know him.

  27. Hello my friend, Otieno. Jonah's blog addy is in the link at the bottom of this post (see photo credits) but you can find it at

  28. Wow..what a story! I'm trying to wrap my mind around that 5-6 hr walk!! That's just unreal..well, I will of course continue to pray..thanks for the update. I'm going back to read the recent one.

  29. A very touching story. Well done all those involved in helping this family.

  30. KP, it is hard to imagine such a long walk. In Kenya long walks are very common amongst the villagers who have no money for transport and often live far from anywhere.

  31. diane b, It is a touching story.

  32. diane b, It is a touching story.

  33. There is still so much misery on the African continent. Belgium is very much involved in their old colony the Congo, where people need a lot of help too ! Medical and education.

  34. Wow..what a story! I'm trying to wrap my mind around that 5-6 hr walk!! That's just unreal..well, I will of course continue to pray..thanks for the update. I'm going back to read the recent one.

  35. It is very disturbing seeing people living like this. Wish the world could all share and live in harmony.

  36. All of us should count our blessings every day -- every minute. It is wonderful that you are helping to bring some blessings to those who don't have what we take for granted.

  37. Thank you Smiling Sally for your visit.


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