Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's Happening with Little Kigen?

I want to welcome my newest follower, Nelson Issangya who originally hails from Tanzania and now lives in Oregon. Nelson I do hope you find some of my blog posts worthy of your time and interest. I've never been to Tanzania but I imagine it looks a lot like Kenya :-)

I hope you're having a pleasant Sunday. The clocks had to be set forward by one hour here last night so I am behind on things and catching up after losing an hour.  It is also still very overcast and rainy but I have some "sunny news".

Little Kigen is doing better. Jonah went to see him in the Moi hospital in Eldoret Sunday. I guess the little guy was asleep for most of the visit but Kigen's mom reported that he is getting better and being treated with ointment for the wounds and medication for the ears and eyes until he has surgery and further consultations with specialists later this week.

The hospital entrance.

The younger child, Tikitiki, is doing much better too. He is Kigen's little brother and his eyes are now clean looking and he can see too. We praise God for that report.  The mother is adjusting well to the hospital environment in the big city of Eldoret and she has been able to make some friends which is so important when you are far from home.

Jonah takes a bag of food to the hospital. When you are in hospital in Kenya you must bring your own food.

Some good nutritious food and water.

Currently there are many sick patients at the hospital.  This means that where possible, people are being doubled up in the available beds.  This includes little Kigen and his brother Tikitiki.  We are thanking God that the little boys are now able to stay together because initially they were in different wards due to their age difference.  You can imagine that for little boys so far from home and in a big, strange, place, they are far happier being able to stay together.

Since Kigen has arrived at the hospital they have given him IV treatments and blood transfusions in readiness for surgery. The skin specialist has been booked for tomorrow (Monday) and Wednesday is the surgery day. Just note that things can change without notice in Africa so we will update you when the actual surgery and skin study are completed.

Kigen being examined and prayed over.
I understand that Kigen's mom left behind a child in the village that she is breastfeeding so she has had some breast pain this week. Jonah is glad that she is with the boys in Eldoret as this makes the care of the children that much easier.  Please pray for these little ones, their dear mom, the surgeons, doctors and Jonah.

We gratefully accept donations to assist in little
Kigen's medical mission.
You may donate by Pay Pal by clicking here.
There is a donate button at the top right.
Updates on little Kigen will be posted when they come available.
Photo credits:  All photos taken by Jonah.


  1. Thank you for your participation in
    Unfortunately our Planet is giving feedback to both the act of cruelty to the next.
    Sorry for the English used the google translator.
    GOD be with a fraternal embrace.

  2. Ricardo, thank you for your visit. I understand what you mean even though the google translator is not so good ;-) God be with you too and the work you are doing and thank you for being my new follower.

  3. I'm so glad you updated about little Kigen!! I will try to donate more soon... :)

  4. HalfDozenDaily, thank you so much for your care and concern for little Kigen. Big Hugs xx

  5. Hi Penny, thanks for the update. We continue to pray for these little ones and their mother. And the hospital staff and Jonah who are so tireless in tending to these. Yes, back in South Africa you have to bring your own bed linen and food to hospital as well. Bless you my friend. (((hugs))) Jo

  6. Hi Jo, I just logged in here and I see I have email from you also. I'm glad that you were able to get a comment through after your internet issues. Thank you for that. I will respond. Perhaps you don't know but here in North America, patients and their families do not need to provide their own food and linens. People often complain about the food they get but at least they get some! We appreciate so much the prayer you are making on behalf of Kigen, his family and Jonah. Love and hugs. xx

  7. Thanks for the update on Kigen, it is good to know that he is doing well. I am sorry that his mother had to leave her youngest behind. Not good for either Mum or child, I hope they are soon reunited. Take care. Diane

  8. Hi Diane, thanks for your comment. I agree it isn't the best for small child and mom to be separated at this time. Unfortunately these kinds of decisions have to be made as the mother already had two small and sick children to care for on this trip. Such is the plight of poor mothers around the world. Take care and have a great week.

  9. I'm so happy Kigen and his brother are in the hospital and improving. It is wonderful to know our donations are going to help these dear young ones get well.
    Thank you for letting me know about Jonah and his work, via my friend Jo's blog.
    -- K

  10. Kay, it is exciting to be able to donate and to know exactly who and how our funds are helping someone in desperate need. Thank you for stepping up and doing something positive for this little one. Hugs xx

  11. HalfDozenDaily, thank you so much for your care and concern for little Kigen. Big Hugs xx

  12. Thank you for your participation in
    Unfortunately our Planet is giving feedback to both the act of cruelty to the next.
    Sorry for the English used the google translator.
    GOD be with a fraternal embrace.


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