Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day Trip to Kamloops, My World Tuesday

Driving to Kamloops, BC. We are at the highest elevation of the mountainous highway.

Passing by Merritt, BC.  One hour left to go before we get to Kamloops.

Today my brother, my cousin and I took a day drive to Kamloops to visit my mother.  We left around 7:45 a.m. and arrived in Kamloops at 12:30 p.m. after a leisurely drive and several stops. I only took a couple of photos along the way.  After stopping for some lunch we arrived to visit mom. She was waiting in the dining hall anxiously keeping watch for us and was so happy when we arrived.

We visited for a time in the dining hall and I showed her the shawls and dresses I had brought for her. She loved them all.  After visiting for awhile my brother went to pick up my niece who lives about a half hour from where mom now resides.  When he returned, we left my brother to visit my mom in private while I took my cousin for a look around the facilities and took my niece to see the new rose garden that is now open at the facility.

As soon as we opened the door to the garden, the fragrance of the roses was heavenly.  I took a few photos as the blossoms were so lovely.  There were about 6 or 7 varieties of roses in the garden but I took photos of these beautiful red blossoms only.

Afterwards, my cousin and I took mom to her room where we tried on her dresses as best we could given she was sitting in her wheelchair. My guess is that the staff will cut the new dresses up the back to make them easier to wear. Hopefully they won't wash them. I will have to retrieve them later and sew some seams up the back.  She loved both dresses but I think the red one particularly caught her eye.  While we were trying on her dresses my brother drove my niece back to her home.

We visited awhile longer with mom and took her back to the dining room for dinner before calling my nephew to come and meet his auntie for a quick visit. We visited with him briefly in the parking lot before we departed at 5:45 p.m. for the drive back to Vancouver. He usually wants a real quick visit so we were careful to take little of his time. This time he asked why the rush, lol. We may seem him this weekend when he makes a trip to the big city.  Soon he will be moving to my city permanently as he has given up his job to return to university and complete his Bachelor of Arts degree.

We made it home at approximately 9:45 p.m.  We were all very tired as none of us slept well last night but all in all we had a fruitful and pleasant visit.

For more scenes from around the globe please click here.

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Diane said...

Bet you slept well after all of that though.  It was a long day.  I did not realise that it was such a long trip for you to see your mother.  Diane

NatureFootstep said...

sounds like a great day with family. :)

EG Wow said...

WOW! That really was a quick visit considering how many hours you were on the road! I can understand why you were so tired. How nice your mom was pleased with her new dresses!

Bossy Betty said...

I am sure your mom loved your visit and the dresses!

Linnea said...

Sounds like you had a busy but productive day! Lovely roses. We've had quite a bit of rain this year so many roses are spotted and moldy. Thanks for stopping by.

Andymichelle Vik said...

I love roses! How great that your mom gets to live in such a beautiful place. You really do encourage and inspire me with the way that you show love to your mother - so many elderly people are forgotten and neglected by their families these days.

Joyful said...

I did have a great sleep!

Joyful said...

Yes it was a great day with a lot packed into a few hours. Thank you for your visit.

Joyful said...

Yes indeed it was but it was a good way to get a lot done in a reasonably short period of time. Today there is a road closure on the same highway we travelled!

Joyful said...

Bossy Bettery, she really did!

Joyful said...

Indeed it was busy and productive, Linnea. The roses were divine. You wouldn't believe how fragrant they were. Just stupendously fragrant.

Joyful said...

Yes mom is fortunate to be able to live in a nice home and have many spots she can visit so she doesn't feel like she is stuck in a small place.

Regina said...

The roses are gorgeous Penny! I'm so glad you had a fruitful trip with your family - good for everyone (hey no rush) (lol)! I know long drives can be exhausting but touching how she waited like that and am sure she loved her new dresses- so cool! Enjoyed your update

Joyful said...

Regina, I wish you could have smelled the roses. I've never come across any with such wonderful fragrance before and I've seen and smelled a lot of roses, lol!

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