Showing posts with label my world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my world. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

My World of Hail

I was preparing to go to the community garden plot on Saturday because we had a sunny day. 
However we had a snowy hail fall down fast and furious that afternoon.
It looked quite eerie and the sky was quite dark.
The birds were flapping crazily but they quickly disappeared.

I couldn't do any outdoor gardening but I managed to repot a number of indoor plants that were very much in need of it.

I've done a lot of reading over the cold, darker months. These are the books I've completed to date.

Out of the completed books I most enjoyed A Trial in Venice, Pure Land, The Shogun's Queen and The Goldfinch.
You can learn more about each book by clicking on the titles if you are interested.
I'm currently reading The Last Concubine (the 2nd in the series written by Lesley Downer), Wardrobe Wake Up and The Orphan Thief.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Accidental Detour

A few posts ago I mentioned I had a broken washer. I've been spending time on line since then researching washers, washer/dryer pairs and checking out flyers and pricing.

In the end I purchased a May Tag washer and dryer.  I didn't even consider May Tag during my research. You never really know what is in store until you get to the store no matter how much research you've done.

I've always believed May Tag is reliable and dependable. A message I got from the many years I watched May Tag commercials as a child.  I've posted just one of their many old commercials for you in case you are unfamiliar with them.

Initially I was going to purchase the Whirlpool brand.  Whirlpool and May Tag are made by the same company and I thought May Tag machine looked to be better quality of the machines I was checking out.  It comes with a great warranty and I purchased an extension to make sure any labour repairs will be covered for the first few years.  I think I will be more than happy with the machine.

On our way to check out laundry appliances, we took the wrong turn on the highway and ended up in a place called Horseshoe Bay. This is the place where the ferries depart to various destinations on the smaller islands around these parts. This is also the departure point for the big ferry over to Nanaimo located on the much larger island called Vancouver Island.

We decided to stop for lunch at a restaurant called Trolls.  I've been wanting to have fish and chips there for a very long time.  It was a spectacular day and the food was delicious. The bonus was we got to sit outside and enjoy the air and the view.  Afterwards I crossed the street to take these photos to share with you. Unfortunately I just had my phone camera.  Thank goodness for phone cameras.

At the park area, across the street from the restaurant.


The big ferry is readying for departure. I'm guessing this one goes to Nanaimo.

The pier.

My view from the restaurant patio. My face was literally in the plant.  The flowers had fragrance.

It wasn't all rosy and light today.  Earlier I had notice that Grandma Sally is not doing too well. The doctors don't hold out much hope for her and the family members have been asked to visit.  Grandma Sally has been in hospital for about 2 months and most of that time has been spent in ICU. I pray for her healing and comfort but her advanced age and length of time she has already been in hospital make it unlikely she will get strong enough to return home. Only God knows for sure though and I try not to limit him.  My fervent hope and prayer is for Grandma Sally's comfort.

 I'm a bit late with the link up but I'm
joining in with

Our World Tuesday

Skywatch Friday


Friday Foto Friends

Thanks for stopping by! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Greek Dinner Revisited

Hi friends,

I don't know about you but when it is very hot outside I find it difficult to know what to eat. Only a few things appeal to me. Greek foods seem to agree with me well in this heat. You might remember I made a Greek dinner a few weeks ago.  It was time for another one.

This time I cooked the potatoes extra long to make sure they were brown. In my oven that takes awhile.

You can find the recipe here 

I skipped the oregano spice but made sure to put lots of garlic, lemon juice and oil. 

I didn't feel like making kebabs or souvlaki so cubed the pork, marinated it and put it on my indoor grill. It is so quick to cook but you need a bit of time for the marinade to work.

Frugal Tip: Purchase a full boneless pork loin roast and slice into pork chops as well as pork cubes for stir fry, kebabs and marinated cubes (as in photo below). I was able to get a full side of pork loin roast on sale for only $12.  It was a fabulously frugal way to get some nice dinners.

Here is a recipe. Again I skipped the oregano. I do like oregano but I am out of it at the  moment.

I also made some Greek Tzadziki (Cucumber) Sauce. I didn't have thick yogurt on hand so I strained the whey out of some before I used it. I found it was much runnier (thinner consistency) than last time even though I drained a lot of whey from the yogurt and water from the cucumbers too. You can avoid that problem by buying thicker yogurt or straining yours longer.  I decided to thicken up the sauce by adding a bit of ground up flax seeds.  This not only made it the right consistency but gave me some needed fibre. It didn't affect the taste either.  Here is a recipe for the sauce (minus the flax seeds).

Frugal Tip:  Purchase plain yogurt on sale and strain the whey out using a thin cloth. You can make it to your preferred consistency and save on cost of buying more expensive Greek yogurt.

To round out the meal there was some toasted pita bread and leftover green salad from the previous night's dinner. A few cherries for dessert. I love cherries and eat a lot of them during their brief season.

Frugal Tips:  There can be a tremendous gap in pricing at local food markets for fruits in season. Shop around. Prices in my neighbourhood range anywhere from $2.49 per pound to $9.99 per pound for cherries. One week a local grocer might have them on at the highest cost but the next week their cost is lowest. You can save a lot of money just by being willing to go a few blocks more for your treats.  Another tip is to purchase flax seeds whole and grind them yourself as needed. Store both the bag of whole seeds and the ground up seeds in the fridge to keep it from going rancid so quickly due to the oil in the seeds.

As you know I've been mentioning the excessive heat for long but in anticipation of some small rain we are having, it cooled off on Friday and Saturday. 
The predicted rain arrived on Saturday but there wasn't a lot of it.
Thunder and lightening storms are predicted for the rest of the province and the fear is the lightening will cause more wild fires.
We already have over 200 fires burning and the cost to the treasury is now in excess of 100 Million Dollars (Canadian).

Sunday (June 11th) called for a bit more rain. It did come down a bit but not a whole lot.

Here is a photo I took on Saturday morning.

The sky is very dark with a combination of smoke and rain clouds.
Today is Monday and we have a lot of blue in the skies for the first time in a week. The sun is also out in full force and there are a few clouds in the sky.
I may add today's pic later but right now am preparing to green my niece who will arrive within the hour.

Thank you for sharing my world with me.
Joining in with Our World Tuesday
I hope you visit again soon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Tuesday

Hello friends,

It's another glorious and beautiful day here in Vancouver. After a period of heavy rainfall early in the Fall we have been having warmer than average temperatures and lots of mostly sunny days. I'm happy about that.

As you can see from my garden everything is pretty much finished for the year. The hardy geraniums are hanging on and their bright colours still make me smile when I look out. All the other plants are done for the year except the trees on my patio garden.

Even the pansies are done for the year. In fact the leaves look like they have some black spots on them which I didn't notice earlier.

I have an appointment on Wednesday morning so I'm using today to get caught up on my housework and cooking. First I've prepared a vegetable medley to go in the oven. It is primarily made up of cubed butternut squash, some eggplant, onions, a couple potatoes and whole cloves of garlic. I've mixed them up with olive oil and fresh rosemary and thyme. This will all be roasted at high heat, uncovered for about half an hour to an hour, depending on how small you chop the vegetables and how fast your oven cooks.

These vegetables are meant to accompany the barbeque ribs which I'm marinating in the bag (in photo below) with a mix of brown sugar, ketchup and vinegar.  Sometimes I add other ingredients like mustard or Worcestershire sauce for more intense flavour.  The ribs will be roasted for a couple hours on low to moderate heat (275 to 325 Farenheit) so they will be popped into the oven to cook for an hour or more before I crank up the heat and add the vegetable medley.  I don't usually make ribs because of the sugar that goes into the sauce. I think once in awhile won't hurt the blood sugar too much as long as I eat healthy most of the rest of the time.

Also I have a pot full of dried chick peas in my rice cooker.  I boil them for a minute after soaking for a short while. I boil them for 1-2 minutes then turn it off the cooker and let the chick peas sit in the pot for an hour or so. Then I boil them again in the same pot and water until cooked. I always have chick peas on hand whether canned or dried.  They are versatile and I never know when I will get a craving for hummus.

I used to be one of those people who was put off of using dried beans because of the time it takes to prepare them. I would soak the beans overnight and then cook them up the next day.  I found this rather inconvenient for my schedule.  Several of my readers suggested I prepare beans using the  quick method (boil for a minute, sit for an hour then boil until cooked). It does save time and doesn't require much pre-planning.  If you have the dried beans on hand and the time on any given day to prepare them, you are good to go.

On the stove top I am boiling up some vegetable stew made with the left over butternut squash, eggplant and onions. I've added green onions and carrots for more flavour and colour and a few potatoes will be thrown in as well. The base of the soup is chicken bouillon (store bought not home made) to which I will add some tumeric powder.  Finally, I will add a few cans of chick peas to make it nice and thick. This stew is intended for lunches Tuesday and Wednesday.

I hope to mix up some no knead bread before I am done for the day. It will need to sit overnight and be baked tomorrow.  I've made it before and posted on my blog but for the time being I can't locate the post. It is a nice bread if you don't like kneading but it does require time to let it rise overnight or all day before baking.

After all this cooking I still have to sweep and wash floors  and vacuum the front room. Fortunately I did most of the laundry on Tuesday. There is still more to do. Where does it all come from?

So that's what I'm busy doing today. I'd love to hear what you are doing.

Joining Our World Tuesday today.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Unexpectedly Beautiful Day

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. 
Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, 
certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. 
Robert Louis Stevenson 

I was surprised to see there was a seagull sitting at the top of the cross on the church spire.

The wispy clouds are dark grey. It was supposed to rain. Unexpectedly the sun was out and it was a glorious day.

Here you can see the snow blankets much of the mountain.  

Thank you for your visit. Please visit again soon!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day Trip to Kamloops, My World Tuesday

Driving to Kamloops, BC. We are at the highest elevation of the mountainous highway.

Passing by Merritt, BC.  One hour left to go before we get to Kamloops.

Today my brother, my cousin and I took a day drive to Kamloops to visit my mother.  We left around 7:45 a.m. and arrived in Kamloops at 12:30 p.m. after a leisurely drive and several stops. I only took a couple of photos along the way.  After stopping for some lunch we arrived to visit mom. She was waiting in the dining hall anxiously keeping watch for us and was so happy when we arrived.

We visited for a time in the dining hall and I showed her the shawls and dresses I had brought for her. She loved them all.  After visiting for awhile my brother went to pick up my niece who lives about a half hour from where mom now resides.  When he returned, we left my brother to visit my mom in private while I took my cousin for a look around the facilities and took my niece to see the new rose garden that is now open at the facility.

As soon as we opened the door to the garden, the fragrance of the roses was heavenly.  I took a few photos as the blossoms were so lovely.  There were about 6 or 7 varieties of roses in the garden but I took photos of these beautiful red blossoms only.

Afterwards, my cousin and I took mom to her room where we tried on her dresses as best we could given she was sitting in her wheelchair. My guess is that the staff will cut the new dresses up the back to make them easier to wear. Hopefully they won't wash them. I will have to retrieve them later and sew some seams up the back.  She loved both dresses but I think the red one particularly caught her eye.  While we were trying on her dresses my brother drove my niece back to her home.

We visited awhile longer with mom and took her back to the dining room for dinner before calling my nephew to come and meet his auntie for a quick visit. We visited with him briefly in the parking lot before we departed at 5:45 p.m. for the drive back to Vancouver. He usually wants a real quick visit so we were careful to take little of his time. This time he asked why the rush, lol. We may seem him this weekend when he makes a trip to the big city.  Soon he will be moving to my city permanently as he has given up his job to return to university and complete his Bachelor of Arts degree.

We made it home at approximately 9:45 p.m.  We were all very tired as none of us slept well last night but all in all we had a fruitful and pleasant visit.

For more scenes from around the globe please click here.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Welcome to my newest followers, Nancy from A Gardener's Cottage in Michigan and Jose Ramon Santana Vazquez from Spain. Thank you both.

It was almost two years ago that we had a fire in the condo and had to move to a hotel suite for a few months. My room mate had one suite in the hotel and I had another. It was nice having this because daily someone would clean my bathroom and vacuum and my roommate would cook dinners and bring them to me down the hall. All I had to do was get ready each morning and wash my dirty dishes as well as do my laundry. There was a washer dryer in the apartment so that was handy.

This was my kitchen area.

This was my living room area and the small built in desk at which I did my blogging. You can see through the open blinds that there was a small patio.

I enjoyed living in the hotel but by the end of my time there (about 4 months), I was ready to go home. Lately though I find myself missing the hotel. What I really miss is the ready access to downtown and the well known English Bay area. 

Off of my patio I can see the waters of English Bay just beyond the high rises.

It was hard to get a good shot of the water due to that one building, lol. But you can see the big "ship" in the background.
Here is a night time shot of the sunset and the busy strip called Davie Street. I enjoyed the busyness and it wasn't too noisy to sleep at night.

What I miss most though is the wonderful and colourful sunsets which I could readily see and photograph from my patio.

I also miss my Saturday walks to nearby places like this farmer's market

... along "secret" winding paths like this


... and lovely, unexpected places to sit

...and being able to buy big bunches of flowers like this :-)

and fireworks displays like this....

Even crowds like this rushing  back from the fireworks show.

All in all, I enjoyed my stay at the hotel.  But I am glad that my home is repaired and I can stay there once again. It was just nice to remember the "good times" at my temporary home.

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A Gorgeous Day

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Here in my part of the world we will soon transition to Spring and planting season or growing season.  Wh...