Saturday, October 10, 2015

Seagulls on the Island

Seagull at Granville Island in Vancouver
Granville Island Public Market in Vancouver is a destination for tourists and locals alike. There is a lot to look at and admire on the waterfront and the atmosphere is very peaceful and enjoyable even when there are hordes of people around. At least, I find it so, but I don't get to this place too often anymore. I may get there at least once, perhaps twice a year. 

This time I was with a friend who likes to go there and it was probably the quietest I have ever seen it. It looks like the group of ladies in the background were enjoying shopping and picture taking. I think they may have been waiting for one of the Aqua buses that goes from one end of the Island to downtown Vancouver.

I found these seagulls just in time for Saturday's Critters with Eileen. 

Have a great weekend everyone!

If you missed my post from Thursday please see it here. Especially if you are the praying kind. 

Thanks so much!


Nancy Chan said...

I think I would love this place and would enjoy watching the seagulls.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

Lovely place....great reflections.....happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the waterfront is a pretty area to visit and I love the gulls. Great shot! Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Breathtaking said...

Hello! It does look like a picturesque place to visit. Good shot!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Looks a interesting place. Have a lovely weekend.

Irma said...

Beautiful place to stay, I love the Gull.
Best regards, Irma

Meredith said...

I feel that way about the beach, I never have time to go walk on it even though I live pretty close to it.

Linda said...

How lovely! I have always loved seagulls. They are curious, intelligent and have great taste (in that they love the ocean). :)

Christine said...

Lovely scenic shot! Alas I was only able to spend about a half hour in Granville Island before heading to Penticton when I visited BC several years ago. Vancouver is a great city.
Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a lovely place to visit. I like gulls. Enjoy your weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

really cute shot with the seagull in the foreground and folks in the back.

Al said...

That's very pretty - I've never been to this island or market.

Anni said...

What super composition with your seagull photo!!!

Red said...

The last time I was on Granville Island was 1953!!! How about that? I think it's much changed since then.

Stephanie said...

Wonderful capture!

Cynthia said...

That's a great shot of the waterfront, featuring the seagull. You have wonderful views where you live.

A Colorful World said...

Great photo! Good to see this part of the world!

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Thanks for the neat pic you took at Granville Island. I'm curious about this. Instead of taking the Aqua bus over to downtown could they have walked over the 99 Bridge or would that have just been a very long way to get there? I did not know about the Aqua bus. I'll bet it would be a fun thing for a tourist to do ... even taking it over to Hadden Park.

NatureFootstep said...

I like the composition in your shot :)

Joyful said...

Hi John, if one has the stamina and fitness level they can certainly walk to town from Granville Island. They would have to walk under the Granville Street Bridge and a few blocks over through heavy traffic zone (with lights) and an indirect route to get to the Granville Street Bridge (what you refer to as the 99 Bridge). Once you cross the bridge you would go left (west) and a few blocks more to the actual beach area. It would be better for most people to take the bus over to English Bay and walk along the beachfront. That is far prettier and much more enjoyable. There is plenty of walking to be done once you get to the West End (downtown area) and lots to look at. Hadden Park is not downtown by the way and I do know the Aqua Bus (one of the companies) goes that way too.

Pietro Brosio said...

What a nice place, Joyful, really enjoyable!
Many greetings!

Green Thumb said...

What a nice place to shop!

ak_ut said...

such a nice image - happy week!

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