Tuesday, March 27, 2018

An Unexpected Pause

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I'm just popping in to let you know that I will be taking a hiatus from blogging. Some of you might be wondering what happened to me as I haven't posted in over a week and left few comments in the blogosphere.

Unexpectedly and rather suddenly I got some kind of bug just over  a week ago. Recovery is very slow and I really am not up to being on line much. I will be back when I'm feeling much better.

In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying the changing season wherever you live. Here at home it is overcast today and quite dull.


Kami Gimenez said...

Oh no! I hope you are feeling better soon. Sometimes the changing seasons seems to bring extra sickness. We've had several out at church and my Brenna is just recovering from a good cold. Love you dear sister! I'll be praying for you!

Rhodesia said...

Oh no, get better soon I always miss you when you are not blogging. We will all be here though when you return. Take care, prayers and thoughts are with you. Diane

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Get well soon.

HappyK said...

Sure hope your feeling better soon. Rest up and get well.

Red said...

I hope you have a complete and rapid recovery.

Mari said...

Praying you feel better soon!

shayndel said...

Will miss you! But know its good and best to take care of yourself and get your strength back!!
Praying for your health and recovery in this season of Resurrection and everything renewed!! Blessings and Love!♡

Jeanie said...

Penny, I'm so sorry to hear you are unwell. I hope a lot of rest and downtime will kick that virus to curb.

diane b said...

Oh Dear that is not good news. I hope you get well soon.

Breathing In Grace said...

Just stopped by to say hi and see that you're not feeling well.... Hope you get better really fast. Take care of yourself. Happy Easter!

Jan said...

Get well soon Penny. Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly and hope you've someone looking after you where necessary. I will miss your posts but the most important thing is that you are ok so have a good rest and maybe you'll be feeling up to popping back again before long. Xxx

jabbott said...

Get better soon Penny will be in touch xxx

Angie said...

You will be missed, but focus on resting and recovery! A very blessed Easter to you!

Elisabeth said...

So sorry that you're not feeling well, Penny! Do take care and get some much needed rest. Wishing you a blessed and Happy Easter!

Stephanie said...

I wish you a speedy recovery and will miss your blog posts.

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