Friday, March 10, 2023

Warm & Cold

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well. Today I want to share photos I took on Wednesday. The day started off sunny and warmish. I went to the community plot in the late afternoon (first photo) and by the time I left it had turned cold. 

In this photo you can see how bright and beautiful the sky was before it began to cloud over. Today is now Friday and it was very cold when I returned home from a late outing. It's supposed to start raining soon and I expect we'll have unsettled weather for the rest of this month which is the norm. I'm glad I went to put the compost in the garden on Wednesday because I sure wouldn't feel like doing it now.

Thank you for stopping by.
I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday


  1. Great capture...very different colours in the first photo in the sky.
    Looks like beige and grey blue. Amazing.

  2. I love the beautiful bright blue sky in the last photo.

  3. Those photos are lovely. We're the same here -- 20s now. Up to high 30s today and 40s tomorrow. We have a little snow -- not a lot -- and I suspect it will melt by midweek.

  4. The weather is the weather, all we can do is be prepared for it. We have a very sunny cold period going on right not.

  5. I am feeling well! I hope to stay that way while traveling. :) I hope you are well, too.

  6. Hope you have more sunny days.


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