Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
 Welcome!  It's time again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Today we are talking about some things related to home?

1. What styles of décor do you like?  Mid Century?  Colonial?  Contemporary?

I like too many decor styles to have a favourite.  Having a beautiful home has never been that important to me though. It's more important I feel comfortable in my home. Since I used to travel a lot and I like handcrafted things from my travels or those I make, I prefer to decorate in an eclectic or bohemian style.

2.   What  makes your bedroom comfortable?

My bedroom is comfortable when I have cosy and warm or cool bedding depending on the season. I also like a variety of pillows because some days I need neck support while other days I need less support but I always need my head to be quite elevated.  I also need lots of room for putting water and others things I might need including the phone for the alarm.

3   What do you think makes a home comfortable and welcoming?

A home where people don't feel that they are going to get something 'dirty' because it is too white or too elegant. Other than family and a few friends, I don't invite that many people to my home.  Invariably they comment on how comfortable or peaceful my home is and that is the feeling I'm after.  Some people also like to investigate all the books on the bookshelves. Over time I've downscaled a lot of books but I still have more I'd like to give away in due course. 

4. Do you share your home with pets? Would you tell us about them please?

Long ago I had a beautiful while, long haired Turkish Angora. The cats I like tend to have long hair and require a lot of maintenance. These days I don't want to spend so much time brushing a cat or vacuuming after it but I do miss having one. From time to time, I think about getting another cat though it will likely be a medium haired cat. So far, the timing doesn't seem to work out to get a cat but I'm sure eventually I will have another fur companion.


  1. So I see we are alike in our homestyle. Two of my rooms are for grandkids. My bookcases use to be full of books. Now one has Legos and books while the other has crafts. I do have one in my bedroom that holds my Bibles and special books. It is more work to have a long hair doxie than short hair, but we loveher!

  2. Hi Joyful, It sounds like you have a peaceful and welcoming home. May your home and your heart always be filled with Shalom!! Blessings and peace be with you! ❤️

  3. I know I would enjoy visiting your home. You have lived in such interesting places and I am sure your home reflects all of that. You also tend to cook dishes that sound so interesting and delicious, so I would look forward to having a meal with you!! I would love for you to show me your beautiful city and park, etc. as well. Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us here.

  4. I agree its most important to be comfortable and happy in a home and that means using things you love. Angora cats are beautiful for sure.

  5. There's nothing like the comfort of home! Pets do come with baggage, it all depends on if you think they're worth it. I love pets, at this point in my life I doubt I'll have any more. Taking care of two senior dogbabies now, we're just old seniors together! lol

  6. I loved your answers. Definitely a good pillow for sure.


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Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...