Monday, June 17, 2024

Lost & Found

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I was busy the whole weekend cleaning, running errands and reading the latest books borrowed from the library.

Saturday evening I ran an errand to the pharmacy to pick up milk and cream. On the way back I found a wallet sitting on the sidewalk in the corner of a very busy intersection. I was just about to cross the street when it caught my eye so I went back for it.

I opened it at home to find cash, a debit card, some health cards, but no information to help me locate the owner. I had a name and a country (Hungary) so I went on line and wrote a message to a few people to see if they might be the right ones. But these folks were not active on social media so I don't think they ever saw my message. 

Sunday I decided to go to the police station but when I got there kind of late in the day I saw that it was closed. I tried buzzing but there was no answer. Outside I ran into a police officer and told him my dilemma. He suggested I return tomorrow or go to the police station's property office. I asked him if he could take the wallet and he said no because he didn't have the right paperwork to complete. 

I expressed concern that the individual didn't have access to money or debit card and he assured me that the main thing was that no one was using their ID. So I had no choice but to return home with the wallet and hope I can make my way back to drop it off on Monday. 

Who knew it would be so difficult to return a wallet? When I picked it up I was assuming it belonged to a local not a foreigner. I hope the foreigner has a place to stay because they don't have their debit card or cash right now.

After the stop at the police station I decided to go to a nearby retail store to look for bathroom faucets. I found one at a good price and bought 2 of them, one for each bathroom. I also bought a fern that was on clearance. I intend to hang it from the ceiling since I don't have any flat space to put more pots.

1 comment:

  1. I have been missing your posts as I am not keeping up on a regular basis like I should. I hope by now you have had a chance to turn in the wallet at the police station. I also hope the person who lost it has found a way to make do in the meantime. I pray they were not alone and maybe had friends/family there to help. Anyway, I do hope they can find the owner. Hope you are doing well!!


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