Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday Plans

The sky is always changing and I thought it looked especially interesting on a recent walk.

In Fly Lady Land it's Plan and Play Day.

I'm planning on moving out one room so the restoration company can better assess water damage. It means, I need to pack up everything I might possible need for awhile for my personal use while work is ongoing. It should be easy but I tend to think of every possible thing I might need and over pack.  I do the same when I go on holiday. 

I'll likely remain at home while work is ongoing at the condo, though that isn't 100% certain. Once they open up the walls we'll have a better idea of the work plan and schedule. I'll have time to work on a number of projects while I'm at home, even if it's only at night after the workers have gone home for the day.  

For the play part of my day I'll likely read a good book, take a walk, go for coffee or watch some television. I may even do all four if I have the energy. We'll see how the day goes.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. I don't envy you a minute of this. Good luck, Penny.


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