Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Hello January ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to the New Year friends to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Toni liked to talk about each new month and it's meanings. 

January was named for Janus the two faced god who looked behind and ahead.  Its the warmest month in the southern hemisphere and the coldest in the north.

Garnet is it's gem stone.  Garnets come in all colors but the rarest is the Tzavorite.   

January 7 is Eastern Orthodox Christmas because some eastern churches use the original Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. 
January became the first month of the year in 450 BC for the Roman world.
Let's talk about two faced January.

1. Looking back, what do you hope continues or does not change in your life?
The love of my DH, family and friends and a good church group.  

 2. What good came to you from the previous year?  
I found a new church that I like and that fellowships at a time I can attend.

3.  Are there things you hope to accomplish in the new year?

I tend to have too many things I'd like to do. Experience and time has taught me my limitations.  For various reasons I cannot do as much as others or even as much as I used to do. This year I will focus on continuing to declutter and making a cosier home. I will also focus on more crafting.

4.  January's flowers are the carnation and the snow drop. Do you sometimes buy flowers for your home? What kinds of flowers to you like best? 

Yes, I sometimes do buy flowers for my home especially in the Spring and Summer.

I definitely don't buy as often as I used to due to the high cost. Once in a while someone else buys me flowers. 

My nephew delivered a bouquet to me on January 1st.  I was happy. If it wasn't too dark as I type this post, I would take some photos and share them with you.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The End of 2024 in the Sky

Hello dear friends and fellow bloggers,

Happy New Year to each and every one of you. I hope that 2025 is your best year yet.  May the year be everything you hope it will be.

Today on the first Friday of the New Year 2025, I'm sharing the last sky photos taken the day before Christmas 2024 and the day after Christmas, in that order.

The day before Christmas

and the day after.....

We've actually had a lot of rain but just before Christmas the sky gifted us with some pink pastels.

Thank you for stopping by and viewing my Skywatch post. I hope to hear from you and to visit your blog as well.

Happy New Year!! 

“Don't wait until February to start living in January.”
― Anthony T. Hincks

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Theme Words 2024-2025

Hello friends,

I hope the New Year has started off well for you.

On this first day of 2025, I took things slowly.  I give this gift to myself each and every year as a way to try and centre myself before having to get back into the usual flow of things.

The Christmas decorations were taken down but I won't retrieve the storage tubs to put them all away until tomorrow.  I know the 12 Days of Christmas is not over until January 5th this year but I've had the decorations up quite early this year.  In any case, I usually do try to take them down a day or two into the New Year.  What about you dear reader? Do you like to put the decorations away on January 1st, wait until the Day of Epiphany (January 5, 2024) or another day?

I'm planning to spend time this week doing some deep cleaning and set the house back in order. 

Today I washed the master bathroom shower curtain and liner.  I'm noticing that the rug in the master bathroom is beginning to look ragged and in need of replacing so I'll keep an eye out for one though it isn't a big rush.

The pillows also seem to need replacing.  I've had the current pillows for going on 6 or 7 years.  They don't seem to hold their shape anymore or feel as fresh even when washed.  I've order some new pillows and pillow protectors that are supposed to be good for those that suffer from dust or allergens. My DH is sensitive to dust so I'm hoping the new pillows will suit the need.

After taking down the decorations, the fireplace mantle looks so bare.  Usually there is a large framed African batik print hanging above the fireplace. But when I put up the Christmas decorations, I banged the picture and the glass shattered. So now I have to find a place that will replace the glass.  for now I have an old faux painting over the mantle.

I also have several bags in front of the fireplace to sort through.

These were the last books I read in 2024.

I had a modest goal of 30 books in 2024 and ended up reading 60 books.  The pages read total was 21, 898 pages.  I'm sorry I didn't exceed 22,000 but oh well.  For 2025 I've set another modest goal of 40 books. I may end up reading more but then again if I do more handcrafts, I might have less time for reading.

In 2024, I selected a theme word for the year.  My word was 'create'.  I intended to create things primarily through sewing, crochet and knitting and possibly other hand crafts. I didn't quite get to what I wanted due to other disruptions, mainly renovating the patio and the master bedroom. The patio project just seemed to go on and on and on.  They started the work in February 2024 and didn't finish until September 2024.  During that time, they started on my patio but only came back very sporadically until the last month.  They were working on other patios in the building.

By the time, they finished the work, it was too late to plant anything for the summer. In fact the summer was pretty well over for the year. I did manage to purchase a new patio umbrella and patio chair cushions as well as set up the furniture and planting pots but nothing else will be done until the Spring of 2025. 

As far as creating goes, I managed to knit 23 dishcloths.  I make them for myself and for gifts to friends.  I also made a crocheted cushion cover. I'm not happy with how it looks and plan to undo all the granny squares and create a border between each square instead. Last, but not least, I tried to learn how to bead. My first effort isn't that good but I learned a lot. I hope to finish this beaded pin in January then I'll be making a few other items.

If you're like me, I always underestimate the supplies I'm going to need.  Often it's because I'm making things up as I go, lol. So I've been purchasing some items to get started on some crocheted items and beadwork, possibly leather work.  It's been such a long time since I did any beadwork.  Back in the day I made jewellry which was quite popular with the women in the community. One needs so many supplies to do any kind of beading and it can get pricey. I think almost all crafts are quite pricey these days.

I bought a set of hooks so I should have the right sized hooks for most projects.

Granny squares without borders.

A multi-coloured skein of yarn I'm hoping to use for borders.

Most of these dishcloths were made with my cotton yarn stash.

I think I've slowed down on knitting dishcloths. I want to move on to other knitted projects. I'm not a proficient knitter so it will take me time.

Last, but not least, I started a beaded project. I haven't finished it yet so I'll wait another month or so before I take a photo of the finished project.

I no longer make goals or resolutions as such and haven't done for years. I find having one word that encompasses the majority of things I think I'd like to do over the year helps me a lot.

In 2025 my theme word is 'renew'. 

I'm hoping to renew my physical body. I need to get some energy back.

I'm hoping to renew my spirit.  I need to make sure I do more to keep my spirit strong and my spiritual life focussed on God and his promises during these challenging times.

I'm hoping to renew my mind and my creative spirit.  I've been preparing and I'm looking forward to getting a few things underway.

Are you planning any goals or resolutions.  If not, do you select a theme word for the year?

Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas Lights & Short Break


Every year the Christmas light displays bring me a lot of seasonal cheer. I'm sharing a few of them from this year for you. Usually I also take in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden Christmas Light display but I opted to forgo it this year and just relax and take in a slower Christmas with fewer activities and obligations.

I'll be taking a short break to enjoy the season. Thank you for stopping by. I hope your Christmas is blessed and special no matter how you may celebrate it.🎄🎄🎄

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Skywatching in Mid-December ~ Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

In another week it will be Christmas. 

In today's photos you'll see that there is no more snow on the mountains.  Our temperatures are currently two times higher than the norm (usually 5 Celsius but currently anywhere from 9-11 Celsius) and there is no likelihood of the white stuff by next week unless things change substantially. It's okay by me. In fact we don't often get snow in December as far as I can remember.

I took these photos on December 18th. It was actually a beautiful and warmish day.

You can clearly see the "line" on the mountain. 

The mountain in the last photo is called Grouse Mountain and is home to one of the ski hills in the local area. The 'line' going from top to bottom of the mountain is where the skiing slop is located.  The ski slopes in the area opened last week or the week before.  At that time I could visibly see the snow on the mountains.  At the moment there is none and none is expected soon. I

I hope it doesn't mean major losses for the skiing companies but they've been having a difficult decade.  The future doesn't look that promising either. I got curious and found this article on the issue if you'd like to read more.

Thank you for joining in and reading my Skywatch Friday post today. I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. 

Monday, December 16, 2024

Holiday Thoughts ~ Tuesday

Welcome once again to Tuesday 4, hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea. 

It's frigid across Canada and America and winter is early this year. There are only a few days left until Christmas...how are you spending this time? 

1.What are you up to in preparation for the holidays?  There isn't a lot to prepare these days. I no longer travel at Christmas and I no longer have a large family to think about

The decorating was done several weeks ago and I spent some time shopping for a few new items such as a new Christmas tree, a Christmas wreath and a garland.  I only have a few people for whom to prepare gifts. I've done most of that though I still have to wrap them. I have 2 more gifts to buy but it won't take much time. I have one gift to send in the mail but the postal service has been on strike for a month. Service will resume in a few days but it will take time to clear the backlog and things will not reach their destinations by Christmas.

The Christmas stockings have been hung and partially filled.  I have a few small items to add. 

Other than these things. I just have to buy a few items for Christmas dinner and clean and freshen the home for the holiday period. 

 2. What is your absolute favorite holiday movie? 

It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed. I watch this movie almost every year though I think I missed it last year for some reason. This movie gives me the warm, sentimental feelings.

 3. What are your hopes for this coming season? 

This year my hope and plan is to have a quiet, restful holiday with no extra responsibilities. It's been a dreary and tiring year of decluttering, patio rebuilding and master bedroom restoration.  I'm feeling in need of a rest so plan to take it easy though I'm not being a complete hermit.

I've had one Christmas luncheon at my home with a friend. 

I hope to host two others for dinner if their schedules permit.  I've given them some optional dates. If it comes together, it comes together. If it doesn't, I've tried my best. I hope to also at least touch bases with two or three others by phone or in person.

Unexpectedly, I have a relative who came from far for a hospital stay so I've also visited with her and her daughter. It can be lonely being in hospital at any time but especially when you're in hospital and so far from home at Christmas. 

4. Tell us your view on the great tea/coffee/hot chocolate debate and do you want it with fruitcake or cookies? Come on own up!! 

Fruitcake isn't my favourite. I do like nut and raisin cake but never make it myself so it will have to be cookies. Almost any cookie will do, lol. I'll have it with coffee, thanks!

Thank you to Annie for continuing to host this meme and thank you to all the people who read these posts and especially to those who take time to leave a comment. I appreciate you all. 

Take care and have a very Merry Christmas. 🎄🎄🎄

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Night & Day


Night & Day by Robert Louis Stevenson

When the golden day is done, 
Through the closing portal, 
Child and garden, Flower and sun, 
Vanish all things mortal. 

As the blinding shadows fall 
As the rays diminish, 
Under evening's cloak they all 
Roll away and vanish. 

Garden darkened, daisy shut, 
Child in bed, they slumber-- 
Glow-worm in the hallway rut, 
Mice among the lumber. 

In the darkness houses shine, 
Parents move the candles; 
Till on all the night divine 
Turns the bedroom handles. 

Till at last the day begins 
In the east a-breaking, 
In the hedges and the whins 
Sleeping birds a-waking. 

In the darkness shapes of things, 
Houses, trees and hedges, 
Clearer grow; and sparrow's wings 
Beat on window ledges. 

These shall wake the yawning maid; 
She the door shall open-- 
Finding dew on garden glade 
And the morning broken. 

There my garden grows again 
Green and rosy painted, 
As at eve behind the pane 
From my eyes it fainted. 

Just as it was shut away, 
Toy-like, in the even, 
Here I see it glow with day 
Under glowing heaven. 

Every path and every plot, 
Every blush of roses, 
Every blue forget-me-not 
Where the dew reposes, 

"Up!" they cry, "the day is come 
On the smiling valleys: 
We have beat the morning drum; 
Playmate, join your allies!" 

Linking up with Skywatch Friday

Monday, December 9, 2024

Countdown to Christmas ~ Tuesday 4

Hello and welcome once again to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where 4 questions hopefully help us to blog, meet people and think about things in general.   

Sometimes the simplest questions can be a bit difficult to answer. 

Christmas is celebrated all over the world. 

Today's topic is the countdown to Christmas.

1. What was the countdown to the holidays like for you as a child?  Special projects at school.. at home.. with friends?  Do you use an advent calendar?

The lead up to Christmas was always a special time. Every year our schools and our churches would prepare by rehearsing a play about the birth of Christ and also rehearse for the singing of Christmas carols.  I was in our small church choir and always enjoyed the singing but I was never into acting. I remember having to play an angel once and I was so nervous for weeks on end and on the day of the performance. I didn't have the same issue in the choir because I didn't sing solo. 

At home we kids didn't have much to do but we were so excited with the anticipation of eating all the wonderful baking our dear mom would make each year. In fact, when she wasn't home I'd sneak into the crock pots and try to help myself without it being noticed. Many years later mom and I had a good laugh about it as she admitted knowing what was going on, lol!  

No one that I knew ever used an advent calendar and in fact I never even heard of one until well into adulthood. Now I usually send one to my niece in advance of Christmas. This year I didn't get a chance to send her an advent calendar due to our mail strike.

2. As a kid did  your family stay home on the holidays or go visiting around ... what do you do now?

We always stayed home at the holidays. My mother was known for her wonderful cooking and every major holiday, including Christmas she would make so much food and people would drop by all day and into the night to eat and to visit.  She loved being of service in this way.

These days I stay home because now I make the dinner. Sometimes I host people, either family members or friends for dinner. I'd like to host moreo often but my energy levels simply aren't there when it comes to holidays.

3. What foods did Mom and Grandma make for those  days?   What snacks were out?   What is the food situation in your home today?

In those days the usual menu for Christmas was the traditional bread stuffed turkey and all the fixings like mashed potatoes, green beans, corn niblets, tomato and lettuce salad, coleslaw with raisins, Hawaiian salad, gravy and a variety of canapés (sausages, crackers, cheeses, pickles) and snacks (nuts, chips, dips etc. Desserts were plentiful too with jellies, cakes, puddings, dessert bars, pies and ice cream. Growing up I always felt that we prepared way too much food because there was always a lot left over though people ate a lot too. 

I resolved to make far less food once I started cooking myself especially since I don't have an 'open' house. I strive to make plenty of food so people can eat their fill plus have a bit left over for later.

4.  What is Christmas dinner for you and yours? Goose? Turkey? English Roast Beef?

Christmas dinner is usually stuffed turkey because I'm very traditional that way. However I will often make something different, like ham for New Year's Dinner especially if we had turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas and we are feeling 'turkied out', lol.

As the years go by, I'm wonder how long I'll be making a larger holiday meal. I keep saying, I'll make a chicken instead of turkey.  But last Christmas and again for the most recent Thanksgiving, we had a smaller turkey instead. That way I got to stuff it because a turkey doesn't seem complete to me without stuffing. If I can find a small turkey for Christmas dinner we will have that again this year. We also have mashed potatoes, baked Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, various types of salads, pickles, cranberry sauce, gravy and some kind of dessert. Snacks usually consist of a variety of cheeses, crackers, pickles and crudités.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Beautiful Pastel


We had a nice break in gray skies earlier in the week. I love the pastel colour in the sky and the lights on the ski slopes.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my Skywatch Friday post.

Teenage Years ~ Tuesday 4

It's time once again for Tuesday 4 brought to you each week in memory of Toni Taddeo and hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea . 1. Did...