Sunday, February 26, 2012

I Interrupt the Bright Lights for this Announcement

On Sunday, I posted about the bright lights of my city. Now I post about a dimming light which has come to my attention. I do hope you will take a moment to read and try to put yourself in this young man's shoes.

The young man's name is Edwin and he is 21.  My friend Jonah at Missions of Hope has assisted Edwin in having a Bone Marrow Aspiration test done at the Aga Khan Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya.

The medical report says that Edwin has a massive hepatosplenomegaly and is recommended to have a peripheral smear for conclusive opinion of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.  I don't pretend to understand all of this report and the numbers involved. After google searching I see that this is a very serious condition.

Like most Kenyan families, Edwin's family cannot afford any kind of sustained medical attention and assistance.

I've learned that Edwin's mother has already sold almost everything they own to help with the travel and medical costs associated with getting to the hospital in Kisumu. What we are praying for is someone who could step forward and help Edwin and his family from A-Z, that is, with the continuation of his diagnosis and throughout his medical  treatment. I know there are people out there who could, and would do this, if they only heard about the need.  

We are asking if you would be so good as to share this story as broadly as possible. At the bottom of this post you will find share buttons. It is very easy to share this story on Facebook and Twitter or via email with your friends; even to blog about it on your own blog.  We also value your prayers.

I will provide updates on my blog as they come available. Please check back. Thank you for your time and attention. Blessings!

If you can help Edwin directly with your finances, please let us know or simply send your gift to kerichojoy[at]gmail[com] via Pay Pal

February 29, 2012 - Update: Jonah will be escorting Edwin to hospital tomorrow to see what next steps will be for Edwin. I have also written to an organization to see if they might help Edwin. We covet your prayers .

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bright Lights

We had a wild, windy day yesterday with great big, wet snowflakes falling fast and furious. It was unwelcome weather because I was going out to a dance performance (more about that in a later post).  The big white strips caught in mid-air are the snow flakes. The snow was falling so fast that it was difficult to get a photo of it. You can see the large flakes lying on the patio floor.

 It is rather late in the season to be getting snow where I live. We also got a large snow fall early in the season which is again unusual. The weather is largely unpredictable around the globe these days. 

My small garden will have to wait awhile until the weather warms up but I'm sure the skiers are happy with the fresh snow.
I like the pretty photos snow helps to create and I simply love looking at the bright lights at night on a snowy mountain. I can see these scenes from my desk.

It is most difficult to get a night shot with my camera.  
I'm happy with these few that I'm sharing with you. 
 I hope you like them too.
Please click on badges below to see more blues and scenic photos!

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...