Monday, May 28, 2012

A Little Bird Came to Visit

Little sparrow come
Splish and splash, and dunk again,
Delight in your bath

{me, May 28, 2012}

Please join others here for Our World Tuesday.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Patio Make Over Unveiled

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, 
food and medicine for the soul. 

~ Luther Burbank 

The garden is not fully planted but these container pots will remain more or less the same. The blue pot is a newer addition to the grouping. I've planted some colourful geraniums in them. I can't wait for the proliferation of blooms.
 The repainting of the patio table and chairs was completed during this week of sunshine and warmer weather.  Just in time too as it is supposed to rain tonight and for much of the week.  The metal parts of the set used to be hunter green. Now they are a dark milk chocolate.The patio cushions won't be left out in the rain for at least this first year of wear. They last a little longer that way even if I have to remember to bring them in out of the rain. I purchased a chair cover for the winter months when we get even more rain. I've never used one before. I hope it works!

I will try to post more photos later if my garden "takes".
It would be nice to be surrounded by healthy gardens this summer if we ever get the right balance of sun and rain. I need all the help I can get ;-)

I also have some wonderfully awesome news.  A friend of mine in NC has been dealing with cancer for over a year and has tumours in various parts of her body.  The prognosis didn't look too encouraging but just yesterday she wrote and told  me that the tumours in her kidneys and liver which were to be removed surgically are now gone!!! That's just the most awesome news I've heard in awhile. God is good and I continue to pray for others who need a healing touch. May God bless you and encourage you if you are reading this and are in need of healing.  Keep on praying and believing.

I also found this awesome daily audio bible podcast which makes it easier to get into the word. If you'd like to try it, please go to

Happy week ahead to all of you.

Good Morning Tuesday - Tuesday 4

It's time for T oni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 ... just four questions each week for you to ponder and share your thoughts, likes and dislik...