Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Week Ends

Hello everyone,

It is the end of another week. I trust that means that most of you will have a few days off from your usual schedule and will be able to recharge and refresh.

I was out at some large pharmacies late yesterday and decided to take some sky photos while out. The first three photos I am sharing with you were taken in the early evening on West Broadway, west of Cambie Street in Vancouver.

I like the swirling clouds in the sky.  I am not sure what the building with all the round windows is, but I think it is part of the Vancouver General Hospital complex of buildings.

On the opposite side of the street we have these interesting fountain sculptures. These sculptures have been here for years and years. I love the idea of water and fountains on a busy city street but I think it would be nicer if they enhanced the area with more gushing water and public seating so people could sit down and enjoy the sound of water.  There is a restaurant with a patio just behind or beyond the sculptures but it is a little too far away for the patrons to get any benefits of moving water.

These petunias are from my garden. I thought I would see how close I could get to the inside of the flower. My series of photos shows that once I get too close to the center there is not enough light to get a clear photo.  It was just a quick experiment. I'm sure that one can angle the flower petals differently to get better shots or one would need a better camera.

Please join in and see what others are doing for SkyWatch Friday and Floral Friday Fotos. 
Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nearing the End of the Day on Car Free Sunday

Lots going on: music, food, entertainment but I didn't get to most of it. Day was sunny until dusk then clouded over.

Join others for (nearly) Wordless Wednesday here.

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...