Thursday, July 12, 2012

Please Say a Prayer & Lend a Hand

My uncle had surgery several days ago to remove cancer from his colon. Everything went very well and he was recovering nicely. But after I returned home tonight I had a call from my mom and she says things have taken a turn for the worse. It sounds like my uncle had a fall and his newly sewn intestine is ruptured. He had to have emergency surgery and they are operating again tomorrow (Friday). I am not sure all the details or what exactly happened as mom got the information 2nd or 3rd hand. I prayed with mom for her brother and we are waiting to hear more in coming day or two. We prayed not only for my uncle but for the entire team of people caring for him and for the family.

Yesterday I asked for prayer for little Linet in Nakuru, Kenya. Please know her family is very poor and though we have tried to help her mother start a business it is not enough to meet the special food and health needs of her little girl. The little girl needs cleft palate surgery and had to be taken to hospital for surgery due to some complication. We need your prayer and financial support for this family. If you are considering, please don't delay as the help is needed now.

Thank you for your consideration.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

After doing well initially, my uncle had a setback. It seems that putting the intestines back together did not work. Since his first surgery my uncle had to have emergency surgery on Thursday. Then on Sunday he was operated on again and given a colostomy bag but he did not regain consciousness. He passed into glory today at 5:35 p.m. PST. His mortal body will be laid to rest sometime this weekend. His immortal body has been welcomed into Heaven.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kenya Missions of Hope: Linet Goes to Hospital

(Please click on the link below, to read an update from Jonah about little Linet.  It would be great if you could help to spread the word. Blessings. xx).

Kenya Missions of Hope: Linet Goes to Hospital: Hello friends, I have finally taken the gal who is sick in the mouth to the hospital ( read more here).  Please continue to pray for the...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Random Photos Downtown Vancouver

 Our World Tuesday Graphic

I had to go downtown to the Sears store. Sears has been located here in this downtown building for well over a decade.  Before it was Sears it was, Eaton's; a company that went out of business.  Sadly, Sears is moving out of this downtown location as it's lease it up.  I will miss it even though I don't get there that often now that I don't work downtown.

After doing my shopping research,  I was so tired.  I walked around for hours, testing this and testing that. When I left the store, I had to take a rest on one of the many benches that line the street just for that purpose. I decided to take some random photos.

The big stores are open late on Sunday until around 7 p.m.  Many of the smaller stores close at around 5 p.m. and some stay open until 8 p.m.   People like to walk in the downtown area as there are lot of places to eat, movies to see or places to sit and have a drink and people watch. It was a very hot day.  It is actually only about the 4th hot day we've had since April because it's been raining so much.  On this day many people were in shorts which I never used to see downtown and I'm not sure I actually like the look but people are trying to stay cool.  Many of the ladies are also dressed in nice summer dresses.  Some are dressed in hot jeans.  I like to wear capris (short pants) in cotton, and a light top on a hot day. I also wear my hat and sunglasses and take water with me.

In the photo below, you will see the signage at a bus stop. It is a little underexposed  but I thought those of you who live elsewhere would like to see it.  Right below the bus sign is a street map which indicates the different places to catch buses or light rapid transit (like subway but it is over ground). Some idiot has already defaced the map by scribbling on it. Why people feel the need to deface public property, I will never know! Someone has to be pay for all that, meaning the property taxpayers.

Right across the street from where these signs are located is a culinary school. This particular place is where the students cook meals daily and the public can have a fine dining experience. I ate there once many years ago and it was quite good.

On another corner of the street there is a new Shopper's Drug Mart which is a pharmacy in a huge chain of pharmacies of the same name.  This shop wasn't there the the last time I was on this corner.  It's been awhile since I've wandered downtown. to this corner.  The last business there was a bank.

It is a rather large pharmacy. As you can see it is two stories high.

I zoomed in on the back of the 2nd floor to where the "green mural" is located. This mural has been there for years and years, and years!  LOL.  It was there when the bank was there and the bank was there ever since I can remember.  I used to think the mural was rather ugly but now I think it looks rather nice.  Funny how one's tastes can change.

Here is another  helpful piece of signage below. These maps and helpful aids are all over the place these days. I wish they existed when I first moved to the city.

In the photo below you will see where I am going to catch the light rapid transit to the connecting bus home.  For a few stations downtown, the rail is underground.  But for most of this particular line, the rail is above ground. It can be a good way to see the city and some of the suburbs going east.

I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday this week.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Good Report

Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, 
younger men as brothers.
1 Timothy 5:1

Many of my regular readers know that both my aunt and uncle are having cancer challenges. After learning about these challenges, I made my way north to visit them, though they live in different towns. I wrote about my uncle's situation here and about part of my journey to see him here.

My uncle's surgery took place today. Though the surgery was fraught with dangers due to his advanced age and ill health, he apparently came through it with flying colours. He is now recuperating in ICU for several days. The doctor even said he may be released early as he is doing much better than expected though I am hoping they will keep him long enough to rest and make sure he is strong.

We were also told that my uncle would have to wear a colostomy bag but praise to God, it appears the doctor was able to perform the surgery so as to avoid this result.  This means my uncle gets to remain in the place he calls home, rather than be moved permanently to the hospital where they have a floor for seniors who need medical care. Since the colon has to be sewn back together after removing the cancer, we continue to pray for a good healing of the wounds and no leakage or infection.

I can't tell you how overjoyed the family is!  I want to thank everyone who prayed for my uncle.  My aunt too is doing fine though the doctors are keeping a watch over her. In her case, both sides of her breast areas were causing alarm. But after a few tests the doctor doesn't feel it is a return of cancer and he is keeping an eye on things.  I've known this since I visited with her in May but I don't think I reported it here in case you were praying, and wondering.

I hope you all have a pleasant weekend. I know I will.

UPDATE JULY 16, 2012

After doing well initially, my uncle had a setback. It seems that putting the intestines back together did not work. Since his first surgery my uncle had to have emergency surgery on Thursday. Then on Sunday he was operated on again and given a colostomy bag but he did not regain consciousness. He passed into glory today at 5:35 p.m. PST. His mortal body will be laid to reset sometime this weekend. His immortal body has been welcomed into Heaven.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Beautiful Skies Over Vancouver

Skywatch Friday

I  like the skies over Vancouver today. After weeks, make that months, of rain, we are finally scheduled for a week of sunny weather.

I also like this macro geranium photo I took with my smart phone so I am reposting it. It will be a submission for Floral Friday.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Pretty in Pink & Green

My pink geraniums have finally blossomed. As you can see more blossoms will be out soon. The colour is a deep pink.

These pretty blossoms make me happy despite the lack of sunshine.

This macro was taken with my smart phone.

The tomatoes are coming along nicely. This photo to the right shows the growth of the large tomatoes.
We also have some cherry tomato
plants but I don't see any tomatoes
coming out yet.

I love the array of colour now that all the flowers are in bloom at the same time. The rain is starting to beat down the pansies too much but we are expecting sunshine all week and warmer temperatures.

I'm joining Our World Tuesday with this post. Why don't you click here and see what else people are sharing around their worlds.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Drink to Canada's Birthday!

Canada's 145 years old today and so I had a drink in Canada's honour and to my health.

Juice: 3 small bunches of spinach, 1 medium carrot, 1 med-large tomatoe, 1 small yellow pepper, 2 stalks of celery & fresh ginger to taste.

I've long given up going out with the crowds to enjoy the day and watch fireworks. Instead I'm spending a quiet day relaxing at home. I'm watching movies and later will watch a rebroadcast of the nationally televised birthday celebrations from our nation's capital city, Ottawa. Later, we'll have some made from scratch pizzas with lot of fresh veggies for dinner.

What are you doing for Canada Day celebrations? 
Whatever you and your family/loved ones are doing, I hope you thoroughly enjoy it.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Have Slices? Will Bag!

I want to say a big thank you to all of my new followers. You are all appreciated. I hope you will not just pass by once but come again and come often. It would be great too if you leave comments or check out some of my older posts.  If you see any problems like photos that aren't where they should be, let me know so I can "fix" it.

I promise, I'll be by to visit you soon.  If I take the time to read your posts, I will also take the time to comment.


And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts.

Acts 2:46

I have a meat slicer which I inherited from my mother last year and I've never used it.  I was wondering if it would do the job of slicing the bread I made on Monday (see post here).

I brought it down from the upper cabinet, washed it up and used it. It took me awhile to remember that you need to hold down two buttons at once and move the bread at the same time. The slicing was no problem, once I got the hang of it.

I'm rather pleased with the results.  The 4 loaves of bread will last all month.

I was able to get 17 slices out of the larger loaves, and 12 slices out of the smaller loaves. I froze the two larger loaves and kept the smaller loaf out for use. The 4th loaf has been sliced with a knife on an as needed basis. I'm guessing that slicing the bread with the slicer makes more slices so the loaf of bread would last longer. But I can't compare the two methods since I didn't count the slices from the loaf I am slicing manually.  In any case, I far prefer the machine slicing method! The loaf at the top of the photo (below) was already in the freezer when I decided it needed a photo opportunity, lol.

The bread crumbs will be dried and added to my bread crumb "bag".

In other news, I haven't been very good about tending to my garden because we are getting enough rain to keep it nicely water.  The garden is giving me pleasure with it's brightly coloured flowers and nice shades of green leaves.  The herbs grow far too fast for me to use them all.  The very tall plant to the lower right of the bird bath is parsley. I didn't know it could grow so tall!

The bird bath needs to be cleaned every now and then as all the blossoms from the tree above it get in the water.  But the little birds love to come and splash on a sunny day. You can see there are a few clouds in the sky but overall the day was bright and hot. It's back to rain on Friday. It saves me from watering the plants.

Submission for SkyWatch Friday. Please check in there and see submissions from around the world.

Bounty of the Day

I want to say a big thank you to all of my new followers. You are all appreciated. I hope you will not just pass by once but come again and come often.  It would be great too if you leave comments. I promise, I'll be sure to do the same. I believe in taking time to comment if I'm going to take time to read your post, and if I follow you, I will read your posts.

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God." 

1 Cor. 10:31

Tuesday was the big shop day of the week. I purchased all kinds of vegetables (veggies), except lettuce and cabbage which I can pick up later in the week or when I need them.

As you can see by the photos, I bought a lot of fruits: cherries, bananas, papaya, lemons, limes and a few mandarin oranges (not in photo). The cherries were a great price at $1.99 a pound at my local produce market.  That is a significant savings over the price at the start of the season when they were almost $6.00 a pound!  Needless to say, I did not buy them at that price.  I'm so glad to be able to buy them now because cherries are one of my favourite fruits.  Did you know that cherries have a low glycemic load of 22 and are considered good for diabetics?

I usually wash my vegetables just prior to using them in a salad or in a recipe.  But Tuesday I decided to wash everything excluding the carrots immediately after dinner.  Now all the vegetables are nice and clean and ready for use in juices, salads and other dishes. It feels like I really accomplished something, lol.

In the photo below, I'm using big bowls in the sink  for soaking spinach in vinegar water (left), and rinsing, in the yellow bowl (right).

At the end of last week I got a great bargain on the strawberries.  I paid $2.00 for 2 quarts or a dollar a quart.  I think it was because they were from a batch that were starting to go a bit bad.  The price of a quart is usually double the cost if you buy them in a small produce store and even more if you purchase them from the supermarket.  You can get them cheaper if you are willing to buy them in flats at big box stores (imported), or if you buy local by going out to the farms in the area where you  pay a premium price.  I don't get to these types of places very often and I shop mostly at the local shops in my neighbourhood.

My intention is to make sugar free, freezer jam from the strawberries so I  washed and hulled them all before they spoiled.  Amazingly not one strawberry was turning bad. I ran out of time after all this work so I just sliced the berries and set them in the fridge for making jam later.  It will be good on home made bread, waffles or pancakes.

Great buys were also available this week on meat and the prices much lower than they have been in a long while.  Lean ground beef was  $2.48 a pound ($5.47 /kg.), chicken legs were $1.98 per pound ($4.37 /kg.), a package of frozen basa fish fillets (about 4) was aprox. $4.00 and a medium size bag of  frozen prawns (bottom left of the photo below with the blue label) was $3.99, the pork butt roast was $2.68 a pound ($5.91 /kg.) and a whole roasting chicken was about $7.00.  The roasting chicken is not in the photo because we had it for dinner that night, with leftovers for the next day's lunch.

I always buy a  larger roast and cut it into two roasts or one smaller roast and stir fry meat. I also repackage chicken legs and ground beef into appropriate meal amounts.

All the food purchased today cost about $108 and it will feed two people for two to three weeks. I already have sweet potatoes, potatoes, pasta, brown rice, dried legumes and grains, milk, home made bread, canned tomatoes and beans. etc.

I will need to buy extra veggies, fruits, milk and eggs;  but otherwise I have much of my monthly shopping done.
I feel very blessed this week. 

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

1 Timothy 6:8

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pow-Wow Drums and Cho Cho Fire

In last Sunday's post, I mentioned the Canadian and Australian aboriginal entertainers and artists who participated in this year's annual live show in celebration of Canada's National Aboriginal Day.  One such performer was the legendary Buffy Sainte-Marie,who, at the age of 71, still has more energy and vibrancy than many artists half her age.  Buffy is an internationally known Aboriginal activist, musician, educator and artist. I had the pleasure of meeting her once many years ago at a conference. I was struck by how tiny she is.  She is short but also very petite and much prettier in person.  (Read more about her by clicking on her name in the sentence above).

She has many songs that I love; Piney Wood Hills and Darling Don't Cry, among them.  The one I'm sharing with you today is one of her newer compositions, "Cho Cho Fire".  The drums she is referring to in the song are the pow-wow drums which are played by groups of singers.

Photo Credit:  Tribal Spirit
You can read more about the drum and can also buy one if interested, at the Tribal Spirit website.


Ooo you better wake up
Man it's like you're dead and gone
See you movin around the same ole neighborhood
Same ol thoughts in your head spin around

Oh I know that you're a city boy
But if you got a chance to go - ah - ah
Would you come out to a new world
I promise that I'll take it slow - ah - ah

Aya Aya Are you ready?
Aya Aya Come on now
Aya Aya It's a new world
Aya Aya Cho cho fire
Aya Aya Listen to the drum beat
Aya Aya That's my heartbeat
Aya Aya Have a little fun now
Aya Aya Cho cho fire

Look like you're burnin out to me Babe
No good to nobody no how
Think you need a new experience
Need a little powwow in your soul

See the people get excited
Know the best is yet to come
You can see the people gatherin from miles around
See em running for the drum - ah - ah

Aya Aya Are you ready?
Aya Aya Come on now
Aya Aya It's a new world
Aya ay Cho cho fire
Aya Aya Listen to the drum beat
Aya Aya That's your heartbeat
Aya Aya Have a little fun now
Aya Aya Cho cho fire

I noticed that the female back up singers in this video, Soni Moreno and Jennifer Kresiberg, are well known singers in their own right, from the group named Ulali.  I was fortunate to have see them in Vancouver performing with Pura Fé , the third, and also very talented member of Ulali. But I had first heard Pura Fé of the women's trio by the same name, at a pow-wow in Kahnawake, Quebec, many years ago. It was an a capella group, and it was the first time I'd heard an aboriginal a capella group. Since then, many women's groups have sprung up that perform in a similar fashion.  I've always felt that Pura Fé was  a pioneer of some very unique and wonderful music.

There is a terrific video at this link which will bring you up to date on Buffy's latest recording efforts "Running to the Drum" and her new band.

Multi-Grain Bread Made with Soaked Flour

Yesterday I mentioned that I was going to make bread for the first time with soaked flour.  Soaking helps neutralize the phytic acid in the grain and enables your body to better utilize the grain's nutrients.  The flour I used is Robin Hood Multi-grain Flour.

This is what the flour looked like after overnight soaking. My plastic wrap wasn't wrapped tightly over the bowl and so the part at the top was getting a bit hard.

I read on line that you can go ahead and make your regular bread recipe with your soaked flour.  I used this recipe on the Robin Hood website but used multi-grain flour instead of white.

What I discovered is that my dough was far too wet and sticky after mixing to the recipe's ingredients and instructions. I don't know if I somehow added too much water accidentally or if it was because the soak flour was already "wet". In any case, I had to add a lot more flour to get the bread dough to a better consistency.  I added all purpose flour because I didn't want to use multi-grain flour that hadn't been soaked.  After mixing, the dough was still quite soft, but I set it aside with a tea towel over it to let it rise.

The bread looked good after baking.  When I transferred the loaves from the pans to a tea towel for cooling, I could tell that the loaves are might lighter in weight than usual.

When I cut into the bread, it was much softer than usual too.  But there is still enough crunch provided by the seeds on the outer parts of the loaves. 

I will be experimenting from time to time with making bread from soaked multi-grain flour and so next time I will pay attention to how much water I am adding to the flour mixture.

If you haven't already tried soaking your flour and want to give it a try, this is where I got my inspiration from. If you try it, I'd love to hear about your experience.

Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all fine this beautiful day. These photos are from a walk to a small local park.  Some tre...