Sunday, May 19, 2013

Crisis near Kisumu

Hello dear friends,

It has been a long time since I've written about Kenya so I hope you will be touched by these photos and brief report.

It has been raining a lot in Kenya and for a rather long time. Different issues have arisen here and there in the country, primarily flooding and destruction. My friend, Jonah has been in Kisumu, north west of where he lives. There is has been volunteering to try and help some of the flood victims. (Click on photos to enlarge).

(All photos belong to the Kenya Missions of Hope)

The workers had to use  boats to reach out to the people in the far flung islands created by the floods.

Please pray for the rains to stop in Kenya.

The people are praying for help and for the rains to stop.

If you would like to make a contribution to help them, you can send donation of your choice to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com

If you would pray for the people that would be so encouraging also. Thank you so much. Click on the link to join others for Our World Tuesday.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Kobo Quote

The average person reads fewer than 100 books in their lifetime.

How many have you read?
(Kobo quote)

I've read far more than 100 books but not nearly as many books as I'd like to read. That is one of the reasons I now set reading goals every year.  Though my goals are modest in comparison to other readers I find that goals do help me focus and remind me that I need to pick up and read a new book every now and then.  I've also found that reading goals have helped get me into a rhythm and practice of reading and so I've easily met and surpassed my goals both last year and this year.  I can either increase my reading goals or have time for other goals. I like to try and have a balance. Reading goals are also helping me focus more on  Bible studies and other studies.

Many people say that they read a lot more on their e-readers. I have a device that I can read books on but I still read paper books. I don't yet get the same enjoyment from reading on a device but that may change.

Some things I do like about an e-reader is that you can download lots of free books onto it. The other nice thing is you can have many books going at the same time and dog ear the pages. I don't like putting dog ears on paper books so I usually use a book mark or a piece of paper. Often they fall out and I lose my place. Sometimes it takes me awhile to find my place again, lol. Do you have that problem too? I also like the fact that if you go on vacation you can take an e-reader along and it holds far more books than you can carry or read on a holiday.

My e-reader only holds a charge for perhaps just over 2 weeks. I often forget to turn the wi-fi off and so that takes a lot of power. It is actually much more than an -reader. I can check email, play games, take photos and videos, check the news, etc. I have many books on their now but seldom use it for reading.

I've just ordered a mini-reader and I'm waiting for it to come it. It holds a charge for up to a month. That is long enough for most holidays. It also allows me to borrow books from the library. I can do that now with Adobe Digital Edition but I haven't set it up to sync with all my "gadgets".  With my new mini reader it will already be set up to allow me to borrow books.  I  think this is going to be a great feature and I've been adding books to my library "read later" list so I am reader to borrow them when the mini reader arrives.

I bought the mini reader at $20. off the regular price and they are giving me 5 free books($15.00 value) though not exactly books in my favourite genre. I cancelled a book order from Amazon which has been on back order for some time. I found out I can borrow the book I cancelled from the library on my e-reader. Altogether these savings  have virtually paid for my mini-reader and I haven't even started using it yet.

I purchased a black case to go around this mini-reader which is small enough to fit into a man's shirt pocket. It also has different size fonts so you can enlarge to your heart's content.

If you have a mini-reader I'd love to hear how you are enjoying it.

A Friend in Need

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing? It's been a hectic time in my life of late but things are getting done. Nothin...