Thursday, July 31, 2014

Beautiful Summer Sky

I'm making one more appeal to help Elvis finish his university studies. His last day of classes will be August 20th and I've managed to finish paying for his tuition and all his living costs.

 Any donations would be welcome to help pay for the graduation costs and ceremonies. Graduation will be a huge milestone for his family.

Donations gratefully received at kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com

In other news, the boy I was going to help go to vocational high school in Liberia has had a set back. All the schools in Liberia have been closed and there is a state of emergency due to the Ebola virus now making it's way in Western Africa.

We need to pray for these people in west Africa, all the medical staff who help them and put their lives in great danger, and for protection against the spread of the virus to the western nations.

This is very serious business.

My American friend lives just outside of Monrovia, Liberia and cares for a number of children orphaned by the civil war.  She has been sending money for the care and feeding of these children for years now but only moved there a few months ago so the children, including several teenage boys are not used to having adult supervision and direction.

All the children she looks after have now got to take care not to come into contact with outsiders (including friends) and need to stay home from all school and outside activities.

Food and extra medicine for a 2 month period have been purchased but the children don't quite understand just how serious things are.

Prayers for their cooperation and understanding would be appreciated.

Many thanks!

Linking with Skywatch Friday.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Summer Fresh

Summer is a wonderful time for eating fresh vegetables. This crunch salad of red peppers, tomatoes, English cucumbers, radishes, avocado, red onion and romaine lettuce hit the spot. I sprinkled some fresh lime juice over the salad in place of dressing but a tangy dressing would also go well with this.

I grilled some marinated steaks and had some fried bread to go along with it for an easy dinner with a friend.

I hope you are all enjoying your days!
Have a wonderful week ahead.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


This week I had a nice treat. As some of you know I am into juicing. Earlier this year I bought a blender which allows me to pulverize whole fruits and vegetables with a little water and other goodies.  Every other week or so I put the blender to good use and enjoy making and drinking berry smoothies and green smoothies.

I seldom buy whole pineapples due to the cost.  But I found one on sale this week for $2.99. I thought it would make a nice change for juicing.

I added several slices of pineapple to a half a head of  romaine lettuce, ground flax seeds, a bit of ice and water. I pulverized it altogether in my blender and  made a green juice. It was nice and refreshing. Not too sweet because I only used a few slices of pineapple.

Pineapple has many wonderful vitamins and I know a lot of my friends who live in the tropics get a lot of pineapple in their diets.  But for those of us in Canada, a pineapple is a rare treat.

Pineapples are loaded with Vitamin C, B1, and smaller amounts of B2, B3, B5 and B6. It is also a great source of manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, beta-carotene, folic acid, dietary fibre and an enzyme called bromelain.

I won't go into all the benefits of these vitamins, minerals and enzymes.  I will just say that a pineapple's nutrients are good for digestion, many inflammatory conditions (like gout, osteo and rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel, etc.), respiratory conditions (it dissolves excess mucous) and sore throats.

Pineapple is very sweet and must be taken in moderation by those who have blood sugar issues so if you are diabetic you will want to use it sparingly.


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Body, Mind & Spirit

Hi everyone,

I hope you are doing fabulously!

I can't believe how time is flying by. The summer is practically over and I haven't even had time for
"summer things".

I am keeping busy as always.  These days I am trying to focus on my health. It takes all my effort.

I missed my 3 month blood glucose readings so have no idea how it is doing. I lapsed in taking my daily blood glucose readings, again.  but at least I've continued with daily exercise and that is critical to keeping blood sugar lowered.

I've added a few new health supplements to my regime though not daily. Powdered Vitamin C and mushroom supplements as well as probiotics. Good health starts in the gut with good gut flora. I do everything I can to improve the gut health so that my immune system can be strengthened.

I've started something new this week too but I don't want to reveal what it is for another few weeks. If it works I will do a post about it. I am excited though to give this new thing a try. After only 2 days my feet already feel better. I don't want to get ahead of myself though because it takes much more time to see how things really work.

I like fizzy drinks.  This powdered Vit. C added to water is fizzy.

Mushrooms & probiotics are for gut health.
Of course I always love to read and I think reading improves the mind. I bought the first two books in the pile at the library for 50 cents each. I've read two of the bottom 3 books in the pile. The red book I'll Never Be French is a rather fun book about a man who moves to Brittany, France with his girlfriend. His relationship with his girlfriend doesn't last but his love affair with Brittany continues. A well written, heartwarming, humorous book.

The other book, Olivia is also interesting too but I think it could have been much better.   It is a biography of Olivia Newton-John who has always been a favourite singer of mine.  The book certainly told me a lot more about her than I knew but the information is somewhat spotty.  I don't know if  Ms. Newton-John collaborated on the book but it is a thin one as far as biographies go. It is only 267 pages long.

Beautiful Ruins is about an almost love affair that begins on the Italian coast and continues in Hollywood about 50 years later. I can't say more because I haven't read it yet. Laced With Poison is a murder mystery which I have started. It is a nicely written and interesting book but so far I am only on the 2nd chapter. I am saving this one for my transit rides when I go out around the city. Same with The Lost Art of Gratitude by Alexander McCall Smith. I've read many of his books. The ones I like best are set in Botswana, Africa but I'm sure this one will be endearing also.

My latest reads
I'm also trying to keep my spiritual side nourished by keeping in contact with friends and following through on missions needs abroad.

It's been a strange week for getting together with friends. Everyone is so busy these days or not feeling well and so I've had to scramble to keep up with the schedules changes and people keeping in touch and trying to connect.  In the end I just go with the flow but almost each one of my friends is going through something fairly major and stressful.  I can help by encourage them and praying for their needs.  I don't believe in frantic activity and pushing myself beyond my limits so the actual getting together part may take a little long than touching bases by phone or email. Things will all come together when they should as long as everyone makes an effort.

Some of my friends, including blogging friends, also remember to keep me in prayer along with any needs that are on my heart.  I can tell you it really makes a difference in how I go through my days and it gives me strength just knowing that there are people who will take time out of their day and remember me in their daily devotions. That is why I will always do the same for them.

I've also been busy this week with missions needs in Africa. I've added another boy's education needs to my list. This boy lives near Monrovia, Liberia and hopes to be accepted at the end of this month to a private high school (cost is approximately $150 US per semester or $300 for the year).  First he has to write an exam at the end of the month before he finds out if he is accepted.  Once enrolled he would board at the school and get an education in a vocation. He wants to be an electrician.  Liberia is short of skilled tradespeople at the moment so hopefully this will help him to find gainful work afterwards. High school is 4 years. At this point, I have only committed to one year to help a friend who is looking after many orphans in that city.  She has left the comforts of America to go and live with the children. She has one other "boy" who needs to complete high school if anyone else is interested in helping let me know.
The boy from Liberia. It is so sad that he and his siblings are now orphans as a result of civil war.

Elvis, the young man in Kenya who is in medical studies should be finishing up this month. I hope he will have done well enough to graduate though I am not exactly sure when the ceremony will be. He will need funds for the final month of boarding and studies, and then for the graduation ceremony itself. It will be a BIG event for his family as he will only be the 3rd child in the extended family to graduate from university. What joy that will bring to his single mother!

You might remember my friend Jonah and his uncle who lost a loved on in the Mpeketoni attack last month. They finally found out how to apply for reimbursement from the government. They haven't got the money yet and it is sorely needed.Your prayers for this situation would be appreciated.

If you can help with any of these needs, please send via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com.
If this doesn't work for you and you still want to contribute, please send an email to the same address and let me know what works. Perhaps ebank transfer would also be an option for you.

Well my friends, it is always good to drop by and see you on your blogs and to read you on mine. I wish you all a very wonderful rest of your week. Relax, enjoy & take care of yourself.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Appointment Follow-Up

It has been very hot here. At least hot for these parts though I know in many parts of the USA and other countries it can get much hotter.

All week we've had temperatures of about 35 Celsius at the local airport. That usually means a few degrees hotter where I live. I've had the fans going night and day, am wearing very loose cotton clothing and very lazy to do anything but drink cold water, eat lightly and read a good book. So I finished The Known World.

I didn't quite know what to expect from this book. I would say it was quite eye opening for someone like me who didn't grow up in the South.  Though I have seen various movies and read various books, watched different interviews about slavery, etc. I can always stand to learn more about the slave trade and what life must have been like for slaves and their families.  I would recommend it if you haven't already read it. I believe in educating oneself about different issues affecting our world.

I have also been preoccupied this weekend by the passing of an older cousin of mine, and by issues pertaining to my mother's health (pressure wounds) and on going wheelchair issues.

My cousin is the eldest daughter of my aunt who died a couple of years ago.  My aunt's funeral was the last family funeral I attended and I won't be able to make it to this one either due to the very long journey.  It is so sad as you see your elders passing. Not only for those left behind but because the family becomes smaller to those of us who are older. There are so many younger relatives that I've never met and will likely never meet. I never thought that would ever happen.

Mom's wheelchair stopped on Monday. Again! This is like the 5th or 6th time since she first came into possession of it in January 2014. It seems a screw fell out after the chair was "bumped".  Loss of the screw affected the tilting mechanism and more, which rendered her chair unusable. The mechanic couldn't make a service visit until Tuesday.  When I talked to mom Tuesday night she said the staff told her that she would be out of bed early on Wednesday and that the chair had been fixed.  These days she is usually in bed every other day all day to alleviate the pressure on her sores. She is then supposed to be turned on her side every few hours to help with the healing process.

Also on Monday, the nurse practitioner performed a treatment on mom by opening up her wounds to have a look below and see what is going on.

The good news is that the healing of the wounds below seems to have progressed over the past 6 months. That means the staff and nurses will continue doing what they are doing to treat the wounds.
That was great news to me because I wasn't sure what they would find.

However, I didn't get the promised phone call about a rescheduled appointment with the doctor after the original appointment got cancelled last week. I called today to get an update.  The appointment is now set for August 19th at 8:30 a.m.  This means a day trip is out of the question.  But between now and August 19th it is possible that her wounds will heal well enough that the doctor's appointment may not even be necessary.  They will assess the situation about a week in advance of the new appointment.

It means I won't be seeing mom for another month or more so I have to prepare another care package. She is always in need of over the counter items from the drug store, some food and items of clothing. I don't know why but it seems like mom always needs or wants something that is very hard to find.  She doesn't do that deliberately. It is just how it works out.  It means more time is required to hunt things down for her before they can be delivered.   I also have her clothing repairs to do but will send those later when I have time and energy to do the mending. Besides, right now it is too hot to sit at a sewing machine.

I have a question for those of you out there who are cooks. 

I'm wondering what you do on very hot days for meals so that you don't overheat your kitchen?

It is supposed to be back to rain here by Saturday but in the meantime we have several hot days ahead. It will be fun to read how you deal with hot weather meals.  On that note I am heading out soon to buy some watermelon. I love it but I am only supposed to eat a small amount due to the high sugar content.

My View on a Saturday Walk

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you had a great Saturday.  I had a busy one.  I spent several hours shopping on Friday night. I w...