Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Ran out of Bread

I ran out of bread this weekend. Usually I buy whole grain bread but the sales at two of my local shops were all sold out. I was too busy and too tired to try making a loaf so I whipped up a batch of bannock. You can find the recipe here.

I formed the dough into a loaf rather than a flat slab. I also added some Tuscan herbs to the top. If you make it this way, the loaf will not be like a yeast loaf. It will be more crumbly. I just did it this way for variety and I quite liked it. I hope to make Turkish bread soon and will post the recipe and photos when I do.

It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4

Note: Please stop a moment and enter my giveaway here.


Anonymous said...

Oh my this looks so so delicious! I can imagine eating it warm with melted butter! Fancy sending me some? ;)

Joyful said...

Yes, this kind of bread is great with butter and jam. It is much like tea biscuits/scones in recipe ingredients as the natives got it from the Scots when they came to Canada in very early days. Bannock though is not delicate like tea biscuits. It is heartier :-)

Unknown said...

Looks delicious!

Joyful said...

Thanks Shell! xx

Joyful said...

Thanks Affectioknit!

Joyful said...

Yes, this kind of bread is great with butter and jam. It is much like tea biscuits/scones in recipe ingredients as the natives got it from the Scots when they came to Canada in very early days. Bannock though is not delicate like tea biscuits. It is heartier :-)

Joyful said...

Oh my this looks so so delicious! I can imagine eating it warm with melted butter! Fancy sending me some? ;)

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