Friday, January 29, 2010

Moon Light


One night as Dick lay fast asleep,
Into his drowsy eyes
A great still light began to creep
From out the silent skies.
It was the lovely moon's, for when
He raised his dreamy head,
Her surge of silver filled the pane
And streamed across his bed.
So, for a while, each gazed at each-
Dick and the solemn moon-
Till, climbing slowly on her way,
She vanished, and was gone.

By Walter de la Mare

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Katy ~ said...

Isn't it kind of magical and mystical that we all have and see the same moon. Boggles my mind. Your pix are much alike; I like that!

Joyful said...

Hey Katy, it is so magical and mystical that we all see the same moon. It boggles my mind just like it boggles yours. And, it makes me feel more connected to people around this wonderful world. Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

affectioknit said...

I love that poem - and the moonlight...

Joyful said...

I love the poem too and I see that you have a similar photo on your blog. I think your camera is better suited to taking night photos than mine is.

Joyful said...

Isn't it kind of magical and mystical that we all have and see the same moon. Boggles my mind. Your pix are much alike; I like that!

A Few Scenes from the Week

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, Here are a couple of snapshots to end the month.  Wishing you a fabulous end of November. See you in the mon...