Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blue Monday on June 7, 2010

This restaurant called Senor Froggy's has lovely teal blue topped tables and wonderful wall plates with various shades of blue. The food is not bad either!  The food is Mexican themed and there are several types of salsa of which you can have as much as you want.

Drop in at Smiling Sally's blog and have a look at more beautiful blues.


Jo said...

What a "cool" looking place, Joyful. The fruit looks so yummy. Have a wonderful day.

Jan said...

Novel idea for Blue Monday.... hope you get to go there now and again.
Blessings - Jan

SmilingSally said...

I do enjoy Mexican food! Happy Blue Monday, Joy.

Jeanne said...

Hello Joyful, the restaurant sounds great. Love the plates on the wall and the salsa looks so good.
Happy Blue Monday.
Hugs, Jeanne

Kim, USA said...

Hmmm makes me crave for salsa. Thanks for sharing!

Blue Jar

Anonymous said...

Wonderful assortment of plates... salsa looks tasty. ...Karen

Anonymous said...

A lovely your header. Those plates are beautiful..

Pie said...

Salsa all you want? my husband would love that.

My Blue Monday.

Joyful said...

Salsa all you want? my husband would love that.

My Blue Monday.

Joyful said...

Wonderful assortment of plates... salsa looks tasty. ...Karen

Joyful said...

Hmmm makes me crave for salsa. Thanks for sharing!

Blue Jar

Joyful said...

What a "cool" looking place, Joyful. The fruit looks so yummy. Have a wonderful day.

Joyful said...

Hello Joyful, the restaurant sounds great. Love the plates on the wall and the salsa looks so good.
Happy Blue Monday.
Hugs, Jeanne

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