Sunday, June 20, 2010

All Things Crochet

I started this doily the other day and I wanted to make progress on it this weekend.

The first photo shows my progress after struggle to read the pattern and crochet the first four rounds.

I did a few more rounds yesterday and about 12 rounds today to get the product in this second photo.

This doily is called "Pineapple Blossom". You can't really see the pineapples yet. The pattern says the doily will ruffle slightly. Perhaps mine is slightly more ruffled then it should be as I lost the smaller crochet hook after the first day and a half and I continued with a crochet hook that is .25 mm larger.

Once the doily is completed I will wash and block it. This process will hopefully flatten it out properly. I can post another photo after this process is done.

Coupled with not having worked with thread for so long and a difficult to read pattern, I found the doily quite the struggle. I am just happy I've made it this far *smile and now feel I can complete it.

I will make another similar doily soon after finishing the first one. That way I can better learn the pattern. Stay tuned.

If any of you are crocheters, I'd love to hear whether you follow patterns and how often you find the patterns poorly written. Do any of you look at the pictures that come with patterns to help you decipher the instructions? Have any of you ever made anything larger than a doily (say like a bedspread or a table cloth). I've always wondered how long these projects take. They seem so daunting.


  1. I think you did a great job on this, Joy! My sister does this type of work, and I have great admiration for it because I know the time and effort that goes into it.


    Sheila :-)

  2. Hi Joyful, I could never follow a pattern and have all but given up trying to crochet. I knit instead (only in South Africa and only during winter!) My mum crocheted well and made this pineapple blossom too. You are brilliant to make such a beautiful item. Bless you. Jo

  3. That is so great! You should be very proud of yourself!!

  4. You did a great job, I have one the size of the first photo, started about a year ago, lol I have a hard time working with the crochet thread, I do crochet with yarn, and have did lots of projects, yes using a pattern mostly. Hugs Barbara

  5. I think it's amazing how you can crochet! I was taught how to do a stitch many years ago- think it was a double crochet stitch? I could only go back and forth, so I made a lot of really long scarves! LOL It takes a lot of talent to make doilies, tablecloths, and bedspreads. Hope this turns out how you want it!
    ~ Sue

  6. Wonderful job! My Grandma and Aunt taught me to crochet when I was a child. When Grandma's health began to deterierate, I sat with her for long hours over the next few years, crocheting Barbie doll clothes for DD and my nieces. Grandma would reach for the items and critiqe my style. Later, I crocheted piles of doilies, washcloths, and afgans. Best winter time relaxer in the world.

  7. Sheila, thanks for the encouraging word :-) It helps a lot!

    Jo, nice to have you visit. It's wonderful you had a mother who could crochet and that you know a bit about the art. I just took up knitting myself and am at beginner level ;-)

    Bossy Betty, you are so sweet. Thank you for your kind words.

    Barbara, you made me laugh with your comment. How many of us start projects only to let them languish. I try very hard now to finish what I start but it can sometimes be daunting. Wonderful that you can read and use patterns. I bet you make some lovely afghans.

    Sue, how great that you can do some crochet. An internet friend surprised me in late fall with a crocheted scarf and I love it. Perhaps you will take up crochet again :-)

    Susan, thanks for your visit and your kind vote of confidence. It is so cool that you remember crocheting with your grandma and you are so fortunate to have been blessed with a talented instructor. My doily is almost finished but somehow I think I goofed somewhere along the line. I will still finish it tho I may have to make up part of the pattern, lol.

  8. I love to crochet, and have only learnt how to read some patterns recently, although I often find it very hard. I always need a picture to check constantly that I'm on the right track. I find it much easier to just make up my own patterns. I'm finding doing doilies hard but I'm working on it! I'm looking forward to seeing how you block this one when it's finished! <3

  9. Hi Teena, I've had a look at your many projects. You are doing great and I'm sure your doilies will come along too. I'm working on the last round of the doily. I keep thinking I goofed somewhere along the way (as I mentioned above) but I keep on going and hopefully it will work out. Now that I have made the pattern once the next one should be a lot easier and I will country stitches more carefully *smile.


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