Thursday, June 24, 2010

Shoes, Shoes

Not a day goes by when I don't think about Kenya. My hopes and dreams are for the lives of the men, women and children of Kenya to be improved, even in small ways. I am especially focussed on Chepkurbet, Kenya where I have personal contacts. You never know how touching someone's life, even in a small way, can impact them in a huge way.

Today I leave you with one photo and link to a story which you can read here.

Can you imagine needing shoes? I know that in times past here in Canada even there were many who were too poor to buy shoes. That was long ago and today I have never see anyone going bare foot because they have no shoes.

Shoes. They are such a simple thing to us and one I hope we don't take for granted.

If you would like to know more about how you can help these Kenyan children get shoes, please contact me (kerichoyjoy[at]

Have a wonderful day wherever you may be in the world.


Bossy Betty said...

Thanks so much for this. It certainly puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

Jan said...

Yes, where I was brought up no-one had shoes.... though we were expected to turn up in a pair the one day of the year that the inspector came to the school. We certainly had tough feet.
Blessings - Jan

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

I will be praying for the shoes . I will also pray for your Mom . Thanks so much for sharing .

Laura in Paris said...

I loved in Kenya back in 1980 and helped many little guys and girls get shoes and more. Bravo for what you do..

Joyful said...

Bossy Betty, yes it certainly does put everything into perspective :-)

Jan, there were many in my mother's generation who grew up very poor and had to get by with make shift shoes in winter (in the winter snow you must cover your feet) and who generally went barefoot in summer. Going barefoot I think changes the structure of your feet and might make it more difficult to wear shoes later.

Myrna, God bless your for your prayers for my mom. She appreciates the prayers of faithful saints so much and she especially needs prayer right now. Thank you too for praying for the shoes. So many are in need.

Laura, I remember your daughter mentioning you having lived in Kenya. I hope the atmosphere was much more peaceful than it seems to be the last few years. I am so glad to hear your helped many. God bless xx

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

So glad to have found this! I teach in a Catholic School and really want to focus on social justice next year; was trying to think of a "cause" that would be meaningful to the kids, like furnishing a classroom or...buying shoes! I have crazy curly hair as does a male colleague of mine; I suggested the other day that we do a "SHave Our Heads" challenge/fundraiser. I'll be in touch! Thanks for visiting the KGH!

Joyful said...

Hello Homesteadgirl, this is exciting. It is interesting how you mention working in a Catholic School when I was just looking today for a Catholic run hospital in the town where my friends live in Kenya. I wish you much success on your fundraiser next year and I'd be thrilled to hear from you! Blessings.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there Joyful..nice post and so worth while I might add! Thanks-

Katy ~ said...

Gosh, this is not something that I have ever thought of; I am so ignorant that I thought it was personal choice that people did not wear shoes when it was the warmer weather. Now I am ashamed of myself.

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

We take so much for granted. :( My heart goes out to those in such need. No matter how poor we are in America there are others around the world with real needs.

Joyful said...

Gosh, this is not something that I have ever thought of; I am so ignorant that I thought it was personal choice that people did not wear shoes when it was the warmer weather. Now I am ashamed of myself.

Joyful said...

So glad to have found this! I teach in a Catholic School and really want to focus on social justice next year; was trying to think of a "cause" that would be meaningful to the kids, like furnishing a classroom or...buying shoes! I have crazy curly hair as does a male colleague of mine; I suggested the other day that we do a "SHave Our Heads" challenge/fundraiser. I'll be in touch! Thanks for visiting the KGH!

Joyful said...

I loved in Kenya back in 1980 and helped many little guys and girls get shoes and more. Bravo for what you do..

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