Friday, March 11, 2011

Click for a Cause

I want to thank my newest followers:  Cindy Adkins, gmirage, Regina and Ai Kai Rui Liu.  I hope I write something worthy of your interest as you grace me by your comments and make this blogging adventure worthwhile.
Thoughts and prayers are with the Japanese people as the strongest-ever earthquake to hit Japan triggered a tsunami that moved across the Pacific Ocean. Early reports from the Associated Press indicate that at least 300 people have already died.  Here is an excellent overview of  early responses from large international-aid charities, grant makers, and other groups. Click here for a link to the overview and ways you can help.

Twitter is all abuzz with tweets about Japan and prayers and help for the country. I found a helpful tweet about how to follow the disaster on twitter in real time.  Click here.

Map credit: Zimbio
It's hard to believe but it has only been a few days since I first told you about little Kigen. See here. While early blog posts had good readership and some donations, interest has slowed a bit. We know that is normal and other things distract.  But we are still praying and seeking God to meet all the needs related to little Kigen's care. If you can help, we'd love to hear from you. Please continue to pray also as that is so very important. Thank you and be blessed!

Kigen receiving IV treatment.
Kigen's need isn't as astronomic as the needs in Japan but they are just as real and catastrophic to him and to his family.  Together, ordinary people can have huge impacts in the lives of people, one step at a time.


You can donate to assist in little Kigen's medical mission.   
Donations can be made through Pay Pal here
Updates on his treatment will be posted when they come available.



Bossy Betty said...

Thanks for these links and these reminders too!

Joyful said...

You're welcome, BB! Thanks for stopping by!

Al said...

That Japanese earthquake is terrifying, hopefully things won't be even worse once they get to the most-affected areas.

Joyful said...

Al, earth as she unleashes her power can be very terrifying. I am thankful I have my faith in God and the power of prayer to turn to in times like these. I wish you peace as you watch the news.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ya..everyone here was watching the latest news and either on the phone or texting. I saw those images from Calif..there is so much going on (like with little Kigen) it makes your head spin! I won't forget!
Thanks for the update..wishing you a peaceful weekend my friend~

Joyful said...

KP, yes indeed there is a lot to think about and prayer about and to give thanks you are safe and your loved ones and we can pray for those in need. Love and hugs xx

OneStonedCrow said...

Hi Penny - nice to catch up with your blog again - I missed the Kigen post but the Japan catastrophe is right in my face at the moment ... sometimes I think it's better not to have a TV ...

I was hearing about the world's new billionaires a few days ago and wondering why, ... why does one man need so much wealth when there are so many with nothing at all?

Joyful said...

Hi Graham, it's nice to "see" you now that you are back home. I know what you mean about thinking better of having a TV. On the other hand, despite the vices, new technologies like the internet and even TV can be helpful at times ;-) Little Kigen is in Kenya. You can catch up to things by clicking the underlined link where it says "See here". Amazing isn't it, how one man can own so much. Top billionaires, Carlos Slim in Mexico and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet in the USA. I don't think the top billionaires in Asia, Africa & the Middle get on the Forbes list. My guess is no one would have a clue how much any of these men really have. I think probably some day it will all be exposed...

snowwhite said...

Thanks for your deep concern.
Actually this area had experienced terrible Tunami a few times, so they had well prepared by building solid and high breakwaters. But TV showed huge Tuname getting over them easily, carrying a fishing boat. It was the most devastating scene I had ever seen.
Mother Nature's wrath cann't be stopped, humanbeings are powerless in front of nature.
Thank you and everybody for praying for the people. I pray for no more loss, nor more suffering!

Joyful said...

Snowwhite, you're so welcome. It is only such a little bit I can do and to try and help others to know what they can do. I know the Japanese people are very well prepared compared to most people for the earthquakes and tsunamis that can happen. I've long been fascinated by how your people can live with these heavy threats being in such a small country all bound by water. Same fascination extends to all islands along the pacific rim. You may or may not know that I live in an earthquake zone also and we are not nearly as well prepared here in the sense that many of our citizens wouldn't have a clue what to do though our officials probably feel they are well prepared. I used to have a small backpack ready to go in case of emergency. I have to get it ready once again as one never knows. Of course, it will only be helpful to me in certain circumstances but it is better to try and be prepared as best you can. I join you and many other sin prayers; for comfort and for safety. Blessings. xx

Joyful said...

Thanks for your deep concern.
Actually this area had experienced terrible Tunami a few times, so they had well prepared by building solid and high breakwaters. But TV showed huge Tuname getting over them easily, carrying a fishing boat. It was the most devastating scene I had ever seen.
Mother Nature's wrath cann't be stopped, humanbeings are powerless in front of nature.
Thank you and everybody for praying for the people. I pray for no more loss, nor more suffering!

Joyful said...

That Japanese earthquake is terrifying, hopefully things won't be even worse once they get to the most-affected areas.

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