Friday, March 4, 2011

Heart for the Pokot

I mentioned yesterday that my friend Jonah had recently returned from a food relief effort amongst the Pokot people in communities located hours and hours drive north of Nakuru, Kenya.

He travelled to Baringo, Pokot and Ngoron areas to distribute food supplies to people hit hard by drought.  This area is very dry and they cannot grow crops so they rely heavily on outside sources of food. They are a pastoral people and raise goats and cattle when they have the means. It is a difficult area because of its dryness and lack of potable water.  There is an ability to grow crops if one has water but this area is in lack of water to drink let alone to cultivate crops.

The people are gathering in anticipation of food distribution.
You can see the happiness on the faces of the women who greet the volunteers bringing food aid.

Jonah reports that he and the NGO workers from Kericho Town who helped to transport the food had a great trip and they really enjoyed doing everything that they could do for the people.  He was especially grateful to the US government for donating the relief supplies to take to the Pokot people and also for the relief they have provided to many other people in drought stricken areas of Kenya.  He is so touched by their generosity.

Here you can see the US logo on the cans and bags of food awaiting distribution.

Jonah and the team had to travel all through the day and the night to get to their destinations and they did arrive safely though the land rover they used to travel and transport is over 20 years old.  They had to stop every few hours to permit the overheated engine to cool down. No doubt the heat of the area added to the problem of overheating.

Along the way, in a place near Kamurio, they met this small boy named Kigen. He is 9 years old and in serious  need of medical help.

Here Kigen's mother and Jonah pray with the staff in the basic medical facility.
Kigen's mother, Paulina tries to feed her baby while Kigen sits under the blanket. The blanket protects him from the flies.
Kigen under cover.
This is Kigen uncovered. He really needs help.

If you can help with funds to get Kigen to a medical facility for proper diagnosis and treatment, please scroll to the bottom of this post where you will find a link to a donation button.

Kigen needs to get to the nearest hospital in Eldoret. We hope they can help him there otherwise they may need to send him to Nairobi. We need a miracle to help him and for his healing. Please join with us. In the meantime, please help get this word out to your friends and contacts and put Kigen and his family on your prayer list if you have one.

If by chance you are one of the blessed ones who could provide a substantial donation to this child or to help his people who really need food and water wells, I would prefer that you do not send the funds to me. Instead, please contact me and we can discuss in more detail how best to send your assistance.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

You can donate to assist in little Kigen's medical mission. 
Donations can be made via Pay Pal here. Just click the donate button.

Photo credits:  All photos the property of Missions of Hope, Kenya, Pastor Jonah.
Photos may be used with credit. Many thanks and blessings.


Jo said...

Hi Penny; wonderful work that Jonah and the other volunteers are doing. I commented on your post about Kigen yesterday and tried to access your email but it keeps bouncing back. Please mail me so that I can make contact with you regarding this little boy's plight. My email address is on my blog profile . Blessings. Jo

Joyful said...

Dear Jo, I'm sorry you've had some problems reaching me. I'm glad you wrote me here though as it is the first time I've heard of problems with this gmail addy. I've written you and hopefully you will get my email. If you don't, please make another comment here. Blessings. xx

Diane said...

Penny I did leave a message yesterday abut Kiegen but the post and the comments seem to have vanished! Diane

Joyful said...

Hi Diane, you had me worried about what is going on. After going back to look at the post on Kigen (yesterday's date), I'm happy to say I do see your comment there (and my reply). I hope you can see it too ;-) Hugs.xx

Diane said...

OK just found it, I missed the sky post that was in-between! Just off out for the day. Will catch up later. Diane

Joyful said...

Glad you see it Diane. Have a wonderful day. I'm off to snoozeland :-)

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

When I read this I was reminded how blessed I truly am!

Joyful said...

Dear LOLM, you are indeed blessed ;-)

erer said...

Thanks for sharing these photos with us. Surely heart wrenching. We must do the best we can.

Joyful said...

WarmSunshine, thank you for your visit, your compassion and prayers. Blessings. xx

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

RYC: You gave me a whole new perspective concerning retirement homes when you said your mother was enjoying the companionship. Thank you for that!

Al said...

This is a moving post for me. I wish I was in a situation to contribute, but not at this time.

Joyful said...

LOLM, thank you for dropping by. I'm glad you enjoyed my comment. I've left another ;-)

Joyful said...

Al, thank you for your words and your kind heart. I know that it isn't always possible to help even when we'd like to.

Unknown said...

Very touching post! :0)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Lisa.

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

RYC means 'reguarding your comment'. :-)

I've only seen the retirement homes from the aspect of those that are bedridden or very ill and who are not enjoying the other advantages of the home. It's good to know that there is another side to it. :-)

Joyful said...

LOLM, thanks! I've learned something new today too :-)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Penny, as I look through these's like such a stark contrast- blue sky and sunshine..yet drought and trouble. Even the transportation, which just means there has to be a constant awareness of limitation and dependence on Him. I will continue to pray (what I am able to do). I'm sure Jonah has some stories to tell in regard to the relief effort (dealing with the gov. and that)), but probably should keep him in mind to pray as well. Thanks for your post and response below too!

Regina said...

My thoughts and prayers for the work of your friend here. Blessings will come in His name. Amen,

Joyful said...

KP, I share your views. There just has to be a dependence on Him and that includes for people like me to be enabled to give. Jonah no doubt has oodles of stories but he is actually a quiet man and not prone to saying much ;-) I encourage you to pray for him as he is keeping very busy and these journey's take a lot of time, committment and just physical strength also. Blessings. xx

Joyful said...

Thank you, Regina. Your prayers mean a lot!

Candice Suter.....Sweetstuff said...

I hope the rains come to these poor people. And I will pray for the little boy! God bless him!

Joyful said...

Thank you Candy Sweetstuff :-)

overtiredmum said...

My son is having a cuddle while feeling sorry for himself with a nasty cold - I just want him to smile. I feel so much for Kigen's mum - no matter where you live you want you children to be happy and healthy.
I'm doing a 24 hour wii-danceathon next week for a UK charity called comic relief - I hope that some of the funds we raise help children like Kigen.
Your friend is amazing - xo

Joyful said...

I do hope your little one is feeling better soon. Even we grown ups get to feeling sorry for ourselves when we are sick. Thankfully your boy has his mama to give him hugs. It's great you're doing a charity for children. I hope you raise lots of money. I think my friend is pretty amazing too. That is why I help him ;-)

 gmirage said...

My heart goes out to Kigen but I unfortunately got nothing to share myself. :( I will check back and soon as I'm able I will give what I can.

This post reminds me so much of Michael Jackson as a kid sitting on his mom's lap while watching the same scene. He cried and told his mom that someday he will do something for the kids in Africa...he did help and not only the kids there but the media hated him and destroyed his name...

Bless your efforts...(now following your blog)

Joyful said...

GMirage, Thank you for your kind words. I pray the good Lord would open up his blessings on you. Love and hugs and thanks for the follow.

Joyful said...

I hope the rains come to these poor people. And I will pray for the little boy! God bless him!

Joyful said...

My thoughts and prayers for the work of your friend here. Blessings will come in His name. Amen,

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