Sunday, October 30, 2011

Creamy and Tangy

Saturday's juice was a little creamy and a little tart.  It was made in my blender rather than in a juicer.

I wanted to make a juice featured by my friend Brenda at Hearts Touching Hearts here,  but I didn't have the ingredients on hand so I had to modify the recipe substantially. I still need to try Brenda's avocado drink. Next time I get to the produce store I will make certain to buy spinach and English cucumbers.

My juice consisted of:

- 4 stalks of kale, chopped finely
- 1 small lime. chopped fine
- a small piece of zucchini squash, chopped
- a few stalks of parsley springs, no need for chopping
- 1 small avocado, peeled, no need for chopping but discard the nut inside
- 1 half of a small banana, peeled

Throw all this into a blender along with a cup and half or two of water and some spices as you like. I used some Mexican chili powder but would have added some cayenne or garlic powder if I had some on hand. Yet another few items for my grocery list.

Blend until you can no longer see any specks of kale and drink.

I found this blend of produce made a creamy if somewhat tart and tangy juice due to the use of a whole lime. Perhaps next time I will try it with only half a lime.  My blender is just a regular household blender and I could taste little pieces of the vegetables in the mix.  This didn't bother me. It probably all works as good fiber. This is good news for my reader Kay, at an Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel, who wants to try blender juicing.

Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's healthiest fruit, because of its nutrient contents such as vitamin K, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and it has reasonable calories in it. Potassium can help you guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke.  Avocados contain many good things for our bodies but I will end my little educational bit here and encourage you to eat an avocado now and then. It contains good fat.

Where I live avocados are quite expensive as they are imported from warmer climates. I make an effort to always have them on hand and try to eat them once or twice a week in simple salads, a sandwich and now, juice.

Not bad and I think it is probably quite healthy with avocados and kale as it's main ingredients.

What about you dear reader? Do you have avocados as a crop where you live or is it too cold?


Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks so healthy and yummy,yummy!!! I think it's good for body and soul! :)
Have a nice sunday- moni

Joyful said...

Thank you, Moni. I'm glad you like it. Have a wonderful day!

Phillip said...

Sounds like a meal in a glass.

Jo said...

Mmm, Penny, that looks super. I will buy corgettes when I next go to Eldoret market and also look for kale. Else we have ample fresh spinach or young cabbages in the valley which will work, I'm sure. I like the idea of the pieces in the drink. Seems healthier. Have a wonderful Sunday, my friend. Blessings, Jo

Angelika Poe said...

Penny ... oh, I've never eaten avocado, but somehow I do not know why ... I always mixe my smoothies from what I've just there and there are many fruits, vegetables, ... less

Enjoy your meal and greetings from the Geli

Jan said...

Love avocados and your green smoothies are something I am really tempted to try. So much to do and try in this life. It's all so wonderful! Avocados do grow outdoors further south here in the UK I believe but up here in the cold, cold north we would have to grow them indoors in pots. Must try.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Tes said...

Oohh.. would love to try this! :)

Joyful said...

Phillip, it is like a meal in a glass. My friend and her husband have their similar version for breakfast.

Joyful said...

Hi Jo, you have a lot of wonderful produce there to mix up. I think the spinach would be better as it isn't so hard and can liquify easier. If you try the cabbage, I'd love to see how it works. Happy juicing.

Joyful said...

Dear Geli, I know you like to juice too. Try it with an avocado when you can. I think you will like it.

Joyful said...

Hi Jan, you are so right. There are just so many things to learn and to try and do in this life. And usually so little time or money ;-) I'm amazed they can grow avocado in some parts of the UK.

Joyful said...

Tess, please do try it and thanks for your visit.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

The avocado and banana would both make it lovely and creamy....very healthy!

Fred Alton said...

Oh how I love avocado, banana, and any other tropical fruit. We enjoyed them for many years while living in the tropics. Unfortunately they do not grow here in Tennessee!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I mentioned to my younger son about some recipes I'd seen while online. He broke his seven day fast for our Anniversary (I felt bad) but he did pretty good. His last was a 21 day with the lemon cayenne but this was vegetable juicing. I guess he plans on another. I have maybe one more avocado on the counter and a couple in the fridge. This was the best year and the best avo's we've had. I really enjoy them! I'm thinking of doing a fast but not sure what just yet?
Thanks for being such an inspiration!

Joyful said...

Pieces, yes the banana and avocado make it so nice and creamy.

Joyful said...

Fred, I remember how well the bananas and avocados grow in Kenya. I'm afraid they do not grow where I live either.

Joyful said...

Regina, if you do a fast I hope you just do a partial one. I'm really not so sure that those who are chronically ill should have strict fasts but I'm sure they are those that disagree with me.

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