Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pear Tart

Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 

Leviticus 26:4

One of the fruits of the tree that I love is pears.
One of the unripened left over pears.

 We had some pears this week that quickly started to ripen.  They got used in an easy to make tart.

Pie crust rolled and put into tart pan.


  • 1 (unbaked) pie crust
  • 3-4 pears, quartered, cored, peeled, and sliced
  • 1/2  cup sugar, divided
  • 1 Tbsp.lemon juice
Pears sliced and arranged in the pan and excess dough taken off the edges.


  1. Line a 10-inch tart pan  pr pie pan with an unbaked pie crust and set aside.
  2. In a large bowl toss pear slices with 1/4 cup sugar and lemon juice. Arrange pear slices on crust in a pattern of your choice.
  3. Bake at 350º until crust is brown on the edges and pears are tender which will take about 40 minutes depending on your oven.
  4. While the pear tart is baking put the remaining 1/4 cup of sugar in a small saucepan along with 1/4 cup of water and the remaining pear slices.  Once it boils, reduce heat, simmer and cook for about about 10 minutes until the syrup thickens.
  5. While tart cools, brush generously with syrup. 
  6. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Finished tart!
This is a simple recipe to make and is the first time I've made it. I had pie crust on hand in the freezer from the last time I made a pie so all I had to do was thaw it out first. If you don't make pie crust you can use a store bought one.

Notes: The original recipe calls for 2/3 cup of sugar (1/3 for mixing with the sliced pears and the other 1/3 to make the syrup but I used less because of my diabetes. If you like a sweeter tart, you can use the original amount of sugar and add 1/3 cup of water when making the syrup. If you have a tart pan with a removable bottom like mine, I recommend putting it on top of a cookie tray when you put it in the oven. Otherwise the juices will be running into your oven and possibly catch fire. Putting the tart pan on top of a baking sheet will likely increase the time you need to bake the tart.



Vores have said...

Hej Joyful.
Fine ord fra Tredie Mosebog 26:4.
Lidt sjovt at tænke på at jeg for 55 år siden gerne ville have været missionær i Afrika.
Jeg gik i søndagsskole, der var der en der hed Anne hun var missionær dernede.
Jeg skulle i søndagsskole, uanset hvad mine forældre skulle, og jeg fik en flidspræmie for det, en lille kuglepen med/dusk.
Jeg blev ikke missionær, jeg blev uddannet kontorassistent.
Flot pæretærte du viser.
Håber at det går godt med dit blodsukker / blodtryk.
Pas god på dig selv - ønsker dig en god dag.
Knus Hanne Bente ♥

pike said...

Good food blog ! welcome blog reader.

Bossy Betty said...

YUM! I love pears in general but this looks especially good!

Fred Alton said...

This looks and sounds yummy. I could almost smell it baking!

Shanda said...

I think I need to try this! It looks so beautiful I cannot imagine it tasting as good as it looks!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

This looks delicious! When cooked it appears as a beautiful large flower.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I got a good recipe from the internet for a pear cake.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow, these photos of your deserts look so good Penny!! Very appitizing and artistic- thanks-

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