Monday, October 17, 2011

A Delightfully Refreshing Juice

I experimented today and it led me down an interesting path.

While I was out at the supermarket buying mushrooms for my stir-fry veggies, I decided to pick up some watercress, guava and small, fuji apples

Tonight's juice consisted of all of the above, plus some spinach, parsley and two small green pepper.

Watercress and other cabbage greens are among the most highly nutritious vegetables. They provide an excellent source of vitamins B6, C, manganese, and carotenes.  Greens in the cabbage family also provide a very good source of fiber, iron, copper, and calcium. The greens are also a very good source of vitamins B1, B2, and E. Greens like these provide almost three times as much calcium as phosphorous.  Great news because high intake of phosphorous is linked to osteoporosis. As a member of the cabbage family, watercress also has anticancer properties.  Caution.  If you have hyperthyroidism you should avoid eating watercress because of its high iodine content.

I bought the guava today because it's ripe scent was wafting under my nose as I stopped near it to pick up some bananas. Watercress has a bit of a sharp taste so I thought guava would be just the thing to tame it down. Guava is a tropical fruit that has a green rind, white or pinkish flesh and small seeds. It is preferred by many people over oranges because it has more Vitamin C. The nutritional content of guava includes calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, nicotinic acid, Vitamin A and B, Vitamin C and fiber. All these minerals and nutrients are great for the body.

Guava can help with many health issues, including: constipation, colds and coughs, controlling high blood pressure, weight loss, improve appearance of the skin, improve poor circulation, and battle type 2 diabetes by lowering blood glucose. Not to mention, it's taste is so tantalizingly different from all other fruits I've eaten.
The result, a light green, creamy and refreshing drink.


WebbieLady said...

I have to taste it to be able toimagine...very interesting juice!

Travel With Lulu said...

The guava with watercress - a sweet yet spicy combination? We really enjoy juicing too :)

Joyful said...

Webbie Lady, thank you for being the first one to comment. I agree. You really must taste and assess the juice for yourself. Hopefully you can try soon ;-)

Joyful said...

Happy Homemaker, you got it just right. The juice is a spicy and sweet combo. So glad that you enjoy the taste of juicing.

Ebie said...

It looks interesting. Have you tried juicing the ff items?
bittermelon, apple, celery and carrots. It is a Chinese "recipe" for better health.

Joyful said...

Hi Ebie, I have juiced apples, celery and carrots though I have to be careful with the sugar content. I've read that bittermelon is good. Can you tell me, do you juice these things altogether?

Angelika Poe said...

Good morning Penny, I just drink a smoothie 2x a week, but only with 2-3 fruits, so that what I have and what must soon take away, very much I drink it with carrot ... let your meal and have a beautiful day, warm greetings from Geli

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks very tasty!

snowwhite said...

Guava seems to be a perfect fruit! The fresh-green juice looks so tasty, and I am wondering what kind of taste it is.

Thanks a lot for wonderful information. What I am doing for my health is to take a variety of vegetable and fruit, fish and soybeans, but less animal protein as much as possible. I know sugar is bad, but it is so hard to resist it, sweet temptation for me.

Best wishes,

Fred Alton said...

Oh My! What wonderful memories you stirred up...of a time we could walk down to the milk house built over the creek where our fresh milk was stored - look around the edge of the creek and get all the watercress we wanted...visits to Grandma's where we could pluck guava fresh off the tree, along with many citrus varieties such as tangerines, oranges, kumquat, and even wild "Bullis Grapes". That's making my mouth water.

Vores have said...

Det ser rigtig lækkert ud.
Ønsker dig en god aften.
Knus Hanne Bente ♥

clairz said...

What a beautiful looking juice! You are persuading me that I need a juicer.

Joyful said...

Dear Geli, I'm glad you drink smoothies. I like smoothies too! Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Joyful said...

EG Wow, thanks so much!

Joyful said...

Keiko, It sounds like you eat very healthy. I am learning to do the same. I also have cut way down on the animal protein. I thought I didn't eat very much of it before but I am eating even less now. It is hard for most of us to be very very strict so you are not alone when it comes to sugar cravings :-)

Joyful said...

Fred, how blessed you were to have such exotic fruits growing up where you lived. In my youth, I had never heard of these things. In fact, one still can't get several of these items where I grew up as it would be too cold to grow much of it there and too expensive to ship them for the few people who would want them.

Joyful said...

Tak Hanne, det var lækkert. Har du en god uge!

Joyful said...

Sivinden, thank you!

Joyful said...

Clair, if you are now eating a lot of vegetables from the local farmers, I think you would love a juicer. It will give you more options for how you eat those wonderful veggies :-)

Saucy Siciliana said...

Delicious and refreshing juice. Here in Rome just recently the Fuji apples have made their appearance, they're delicious!

Kateri said...

That juice sounds delicious. I often add kale to my morning smoothies.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Boy this is strange..I was told this page didn't support mobile and I'm on my laptop too!
At any rate, thanks for the healthy reminder. I enjoy greens have always had good luck growing them. Guavas are pretty tasty. Thanks for sharing your drink!
Wishing you a terrific day tomorrow Penny.
I have to figure out what's going on here?

BlueShell said...

Thank you for sharing,
Greetings from a Portuguese girl.

Roan said...

My father was a big believer in juicing. I haven't tried any for a long time, but this one looks very good.

Urmi said...

Interesting and innovative recipe. Very healthy, nutritious, yummy, colourful and tempting juice.

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