Sunday, April 1, 2012

Photo Journey to Kamloops

I recently went to visit my mother who lives about 4 and half hours north through the mountains. I thought it would be good to show you the scenery along the way.

The first 2 photos were taken about 1.5 hours into the journey. Truth be told I never seem to think about taking photos until I see this mountain range. The mountains are always spectacular but on this day they seemed to be outlined somehow in that the shape of them seemed more clearly defined than usual. Perhaps it was just my imagination. No matter how many times I travel this highway, things always look different to me.

This photo is taken on the highway going through Chilliwack, an agricultural area.

This photo is past the City of Hope. We are climbing up to the summit of the mountain range.  There used to be a toll bridge here for many years but it is now gone. Instead they are building a toll bridge closer to where I live.

I am always awed by this sheer rock face on the mountain no matter what the season.

There was very little traffic on the highway going up or coming home. It causes me to think that the price of gas has so many people deciding not to travel far these days
These photos show you how much snow has fallen this year. There is still plenty of it. In fact, a light snow fell on the drive north and more flurries fell on the return journey.


When we get to this flat stretch it means we are nearing the City of Merritt which is about 1 hour south of Kamloops.  For years Merritt has been known as the home of the Merritt Mountain Music Fest, a large country music festival held every summer.  This year it will be held July 19-22, 2012.

It is hard to see but if you look at the lower part of the photo you will see some of the buildings (homes and businesses) that make up part of Merritt.

We are now nearing the City of Kamlops; my destination.

We are missing the main town by driving down the side of a mountain into the North Shore.  This scene is always very pretty at night when the city lights are shining.

Normally  the weather would be very warm by now but it is still chilly by Kamloops standards. This is a view of the north shore of the city, Bachelor heights to the top left and the Kamloops Industrial Park and Raleigh in the far distance on the right. You keep driving on the Trans Canada Highway north beyond those mountains. You can read a bit more about that journey here.

Once I got to my destination I quickly set about doing the work mom requested to re-arrange her closet and her drawers, put a stacking shelf on her dresser to hold her products and locate several photos in her storage tubs. I was able to tape all her photos inside the picture frame and hang it up. I also managed to have dinner with my niece and visit mom for a bit. The journey home was quiet and easy. I arrived home in the wee hours of the morning.

I hope you enjoyed the journey with me.


OneStonedCrow said...

Thanks Penny - I certainly enjoyed the journey - thanks.

Those mountains are stunning hey - are the peaks covered with snow the whole year round?

Fred Alton said...

Nice, Penny. I'm glad you had a good trip to visit your family and especially were able to help your Mom this way. It would be dangerous for me to live near your place because those mountain pictures made me want to get back on the snow-skis. At my age (almost 75) I would soon have a broken leg or neck! Ha. Beautiful highway and scenery. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Jan said...

Thanks Penny. I very much enjoyed sharing the journey. It does look chilly, all of those cold blues and with the snow. Such a beautiful landscape. Glad your enjoyed your visit with your Mum, I am sure she was pleased to see you. The photographs would be a welcome addition in her room.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful snowy photos!

Pat said...

Oh, I love photos taken from a moving car. These are spectacular mountains! You got some great shots. You are a faithful and devoted daughter to your mom.

LindyLouMac said...

That was quite a road trip you took to see your Mum, but worthwhile of course.

Joyful said...

Hi Graham, I'm glad you enjoyed the journey.

The moutains are not always covered in snow. Probably the next time I visit, there will only be a little snow on the highest peaks (off the highway).

Joyful said...

Well I certainly wouldn't want you to get on the skis, Fred, lol!

I'm glad you enjoyed the scenery.

Joyful said...

Hi Jan, in winter the photos do tend to have cold blue hues to them. It isn't actually winter but on the mountains and even here where I live we still don't really have Spring like weather.

I hope you are doing well. I am catching up with your latest posts.

Joyful said...

As far as moving car photos go, I was pleased with the photos. Sometimes on a sunny day the reflection on the glass interferes!

Joyful said...

Lindy it is a long journey. Too long for a day but thankfully it can be done in a pinch.

Jo said...

Oh those mountains are spectacular, Penny. Thanks for sharing. And you are such a blessing to your mom as you are to all those around you and even people from Africa. Bless you for all you do for so many. (((hugs))) Jo

Brenda Green said...

Dear friend,
All right Penny, make me jealous for Colorado. It's hard enough being in the desert with out you putting up all your beautiful pictures of the mountains. (HaHa)
I'm glad that you had a good safe trip my friend.
hugs me

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Your pics are fantastic!

Jenny Woolf said...

What fabulous scenery! Wow! I think that the mountains look particularly defined because the snow has melted or something on the top but is still visible further down, giving the impression a black line has been drawn over the top of the mountain. That's my thought, anyway - what do you think? If so I wonder how it happened as it is usually colder further up.

G.N.SHAW said...

Outstanding picture and very beautiful! Takes a substantial photography! Congratulations

Bonnie said...

Those clouds are gorgeous! I bet the sky looked even more beautiful in person.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. I enjoy reading of your journey.
Happy Easter!

JDC said...

Really beautiful place.

issatchieu said...

Love the clear blue skyline....& incredible mountain summits...
THESE PICS ARE EPIC!!!! Amazing trip just seeing from these photos.

Pearl Maple said...

Thank you for sharing your photo journey, you do live in a truely beautiful part of the world.

Jo said...

Lovely journey Penny, thanks for taking us along. The mountains are awesome; the photos took my breath away! I'm sure your mom appreciated all you do for her and especially for the visit. Bless you for being so caring. Hugs Jo

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