Friday, April 27, 2012

Skies over this past Week

I dislike moaning about anything and that includes the weather. I am quite tired of all the rain we've been having though I hesitate to complain too much as I know it could be worse, much worse, given the terrible events in weather happening all around the world with seemingly increasing frequency.

We have had some nicer days of sunshine here and there but nothing sustained and weather temperatures are still on the coolish side. I wanted to show you the sky above my home in a series of photos taken this week.

I also wanted to show you one of the few plants in my garden. I just haven't planted anything new what with all the soggy weather.

Sky on Monday, April 23, 2012.

Sky on Tuesday, April 24, 2012.

Sky on Friday,April 27, 2012. You can't even see the mountains.

Solomon's Seal on Friday, April 27, 2012. Though it grew a lot since the photo taken below, I'm finding the growth is not as lush as it was last year. This might be attributed to the incessant rain and lack of sustained sunshine.

Photo taken on Monday, April 16, 2012.  The growth had sprung up overnight after one nice warm day of sunshine.

Thank you for your visit.

Please check in at Skywatch Friday and see the sky in many other places around the world.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joyful!
Lovely pictures!!! I love pictures of the sky! I would almost see Jesus returning in some of them~
That is a good idea to take pictures of the sky and keep a running record of it.

I also loved seeing your Solomon's Seal. Didn't know that is what they are called. ♥♥♥

snowwhite said...

Spring is the time when people strongly feel the vital energy of new life. Each rain helps all beings grow. Beautiful skies and images of spring!! Great shots.

Jo said...

Wow, that plant is lush even though you say it should be a lot bigger, thicker. I'm sure with sunshine it will grow well in no time at all. Hope you're having a great weekend. (((hugs))) Jo

Diane said...

Solomon's Seal has really grown well for you. I have been complaining about the continual rain, but you are right, things could be much worse, especially when you look at other events around the world. Love your photos, our grey skies are not even worth a photo, they have no character at all, just flat grey and dismal! Diane

eden said...

Beautiful dramatic sky. Love your plants too.

Lonicera said...

Though I love the look of Solomon's Seal, when I grew it in my garden I found it to be almost pernicious - the rhizomes ended up spreading far and wide under the lawn and it would pop up all over the place. I can imagine what a pain it must be that it should rain so much - it's bad enough here, but I've read that you get it even worse...

Tracy said...

Well, the skies while cloudy are beautiful...the the skies of Monday with that tiny bit of pink hue. Very lovely!

Joyful said...

I know what you mean about the sky pics, Cathy. I agree.

Joyful said...

Hello Keiko, spring is always a time of new growth. Rain is great but we need some sunshine now and then :-)

Joyful said...

Thank you, Jo. Yes, I have noticed my plant is scrawny this year but I'm sure if the sun comes out, that will change.

Joyful said...

Thank you Diane. I think what helps the cloud formations here to look more interesting are the mountains. Of course when the sky is flat, I have to find other ways to make it look interesting.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your visit Eden and your kind comments.

Joyful said...

Thank you Caroline. I had that problem of overgrowth and wild spreading with my bamboo plant which I dug up after a few years. I haven't had that problem with the Solomon's Seal- yet.

Joyful said...
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Joyful said...

Thank you Tracy. I did like that hint of pink too.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Beautiful sky photos even if the days were a bit gloomy!

Joyful said...

Thank you Beth! Have a nice weekend.

Denise said...

Such beautiful pictures, love the sky.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Denise!

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