Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Hello my friends and fellow bloggers,

I'm still waiting for warmer weather. Though we have been getting a few days of sunshine here and there I cannot believe it is still very inclement and cool. Even the tree blossoms that lined the side street where I live died off already. They hadn't even fully bloomed though I think there are still many tree blossoms around town. Hopefully I will see some this weekend when I go to the Vancouver South African Film Festival (VSAFF).

I finally planted my pansies yesterday as they were beginning to die off in their little starter plant boxes.  They are now in containers. I know that pansies are a very hardy plant so I think those that were dying off will revive if properly cared for.

I love pansies and I love the different colours of them.  The pansies speak to me of childhood memories.  Memories of walking to school in the  morning, seeing dew on the grass in the fron tlawn and the pansies "smiling at me" before walking to school through a forest.  We were living in a small town near the western coast, far from my northern childhood home.  I had never seen pansies in my home town and at the age of 5, I guess the pansies spoke to me of the excitement and exoticism of being far from home and extended family. I liked living in this new place and so pansies are associated with good memories in a child's world.  Perhaps this is why I love pansies so much.

When I bought my starter plants, the store didn't have the white pansies with burgundy centres or the plain yellow ones.  I will look for those colours somewhere else.  In the meantime, I'm so glad I have these ones to look at. 

Can you see the mixed yellow and burgundy pansies in the background?

The humble pansy has always been one of my favourite flowers.

I see my Solomon's Seal is coming up nicely despite the coolish weather. In one day they suddenly shot up about 6 inches! This plant looks so wonderful every year when in full bloom. I will take more photos of it later in the season.

My vegetable garden will have to wait for awhile yet. I think early next week if I am up to it I will prepare the soil, raining or not and see what I will plant.

In case you haven't looked at it yet, I've added an epaper to the top of my blog. Please check it out. You can scroll up and down the page.  If you hold your cursor just under the profile icon you will see a sliding rule come and you can click on it to scroll up and down the page.  If you want to check out other  parts of the paper you can make selections from the right hand column options. Or, make it easier on yourself by clicking the title "Cherop's Mix". It will bring up the epaper onto your computer screen and you can read it in full size.  The paper will be updated every day.  My hope is to feature some interesting photos and African gospel music and African culture each day. Content will depend on what is being featured on twitter on a given day. Let me know how you like it.


  1. I love pansies too, such happy faces. Since God created them, I like to think it is His was of smiling at us while we garden.

    blessings, jilly

    1. Thank you, Jilly. I agree that pansies have such happy faces.

  2. Pansies are beautiful flowers, and I believe they are very hardy, as I saw them growing in the cemetery where I visited my dad. They come back year after year too!

    1. Thank you for your visit. Everything I remember about pansies is that they somehow survive the elements. They look delicate but are strong. How lovely that you see them growing where you visit your dad. I'm hoping he liked pansies too ;-)

  3. Hi Penny, pansies are Grant's all time favourite flower. Back in SA they're called "gesiggies" in Afrikaans which is the diminutive name for "faces." Beautiful colours. Happy spring my friend! Hugs Jo

    1. I like that name "gesggies" or "faces". I don't know what season you are in but happy season to you ;-)

  4. Our pansies at at their best now it is raining so much!

    1. Glad to hear your pansies are in full force Lindy Lou. Rain is so good for the gardens as long as it isn't overly much I guess.

  5. Those pansies are just gorgeous! What beautiful colors! Here in Rome it has been raining for days and it is raining a lot today too.

    1. Thank you Francesca. I hope you weather improves for you soon.

  6. I too love them!! These are intensly beautiful! Thanks for the thoughts of home. I don't have them growing in my yard but have always admired them. Cheers to your gardening adventures this Spring~

    1. Thank you, Regina. It's so nice to "see" you again.

  7. I think lots of us are wondering where spring has gone! we're having rain here..boo..enjoy your beautiful pansies! xx Lala

    ps : re fabric shops, so sad they're closing, isn't it ? however here, in Spain in spite of the crisis, women still buy fabrics, as there's a strong culture of dressmaking.

    1. Ah, the Spring seems to have been non-existent for many. I hope the summer won't be too rainy or too hot!

      I'm glad you still have a strong culture of dressmaking where you live and fabric shops from which to choose.

  8. Oh, so beautiful....
    here is raining too. It is spring but it's cold and rain....


    1. Thank you for stopping by BlueShell.
      I do hope you will enjoy some nice weather soon.

  9. Thanks for being so supportive of my blog and my life. Im grateful to have made a friend like u.

    Beautiful Pansies in Burgundy & yellow, created to bring smiles to our faces :) I believe the weather will get better.
    Do solomon seal grew better in cool weather? I didnt knw that.

    Singapore is Hot & humid thru out the year. Maybe you will like it hehe.
    Have a sweet weekend!

    1. Melissa you are so sweet that it is easy to support you ;-)

      I'm glad you like my pansies. The Solomon's Seal actually grew quickly on a day of sunshine and springs up more with each day of sun. It has doubled in height since I posted this.

      I think Singapore would be too humid for me. I don't do well in humidity or very hot weather. I hope you can stay cool ;-)

  10. Delightful photos of the pansies. Please keep in mind that when you post flower photos, you may wish to take part in my Floral Friday Fotos meme (open until Wednesday Australian time):


  11. Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos! Lovely to see your pansies there!

  12. Dear Friend,
    First I want to say, thanks for the e-paper. it has very interesting things to say. and we don't even have to go far. thank-you penny. also I'm so glad that you were able to plant the pansies, they look beautiful, May God Bless you with a beautiful veg. garden also. have a sunny day. me


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