Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Joy Cloud

I got this very neat idea from my blogging friend Jan. I wrote down a bunch of things that give me joy and put it into this wordle program (on line) and it makes a "CLOUD"  out of your words for you. I call this one my "Joy Cloud" following Jan's lead but you can make different kinds of clouds too.  There are other things that give me joy but these are the ones that came to mind rather quickly.

You can adjust the fonts and colours within the pre-set limits.  The program (here) does allow you to identify and give prominence to words but I couldn't quickly figure out how to do that in the context of so many words (I'm sure there is a way but I wasn't able to intuit how). Still I really like this program and the idea of having a "Joy Cloud".

Originally I started this blog with the intention of helping me remember that there are many things for which I can be joyful even though a lot of what I've had to deal with over the years really sucked.

This cloud would be a nice visual way to help me remember some of the joys in my life. I can always tweak my list and make more lists for printing and meditating upon.

What do you think dear reader? Do you think a cloud like this would be helpful to you, or do you just see it as a messy piece of words that would give you a headache?  We all learn and remember differently I know. What is appealing to one is not necessarily appealing to another person.

If you want to give it a try visit Jan's blog here and see what she has to say about how she is using the "joy cloud".


OneStonedCrow said...

Hehe cool ... when I looked at your Joyful cloud the first thing that I saw was 'waterfalls' ...

... please do tell more ...

Joyful said...

He he, I love water of all kinds...waterfalls give off a refreshing mist, don't you find? I'd love to see your "Joy Cloud".

Lonicera said...

Love the idea, must try it. My pleasure in waterfalls is the desire to run in and stand under them, the heavier the better (within reason, that is), and be able to go inside the waterfall where there is no water, just the curtain in front of you. And to swim in the pool it forms...
That was a nice mental break from a very boring morning's work. Back to reality!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to make a Joy Cloud. Looking at the words are appealing to me.

Anonymous said...


Joyful said...

That sounds good too! I'm glad you find the word cloud a nice mental break. I quite like it myself.

Joyful said...


Joyful said...

Cool, eh?

Jan said...

Loving all of your joyful things on your joy-cloud penny. As you say, we can just keep on adding, there is so much in the world to feel joyful about. I also noticed waterfalls first. It reminded me that I'd missed waterfalls from my cloud lol! I love how bold and clear all of your words look.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Jan for introducing me to this wordle and the joy cloud ;-) I really love it. I played around with the "randomization" button until I got what I wanted.

Denise said...

I love your joy cloud.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Denise.

Anonymous said...

Love it too! I wish I was still in school when I saw this post. I had tried making a word cloud for one of my projects but couldn't find how to do it. Thanks for this. I should make one soon.

Joyful said...

I'm glad you like it. I do hope to see a cloud on your blog soon ;-)

Pat said...

Beautiful, colorful and joyful. I think I'll try making one myself some time when I'm not so busy.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Pat. I am more busy than usual but made one anyway. Sometimes a busy time is a good time to get things done, lol!

Brenda Green said...

Dear Friend,
I think it's great, Maybe I would give it a try with bible verses or chapters. You did a great job, and a great topic, JOY!!!! me

Joyful said...

Hi Brenda, it would be difficult to do with bible verses unless they are very short or if you just put the reference and maybe 1 word to remind you what it is about. The wordle program uses words, not sentence or chapters. You can use phrases if you put a hyphen between the words. God bless!

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