Saturday, April 21, 2012

Daily Life

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, How are you all doing?

I've been keeping busy with the daily things of life. Things planned and things unplanned.

You know like what happens when your washer/dryer suddenly stops working and you have to quickly find a replacement.  I'm afraid I can't go too long without a washer and these days there are fewer and fewer laundrymats.  since I've been living in my neighbourhood we've had at least 3 laundrymats close down and no new ones take their place.  What do you do where you live when your washer goes dead? Do you have a back up plan?

This is the replacement washer & dryer. Much quieter than my previous washer/dryer combo and more energy efficient too.

It is also that time again when I have to get the toenails groomed. I go out and have it done.  Though I know this is a luxury for many, I do it because I have diabetes and because I've been suffering for long now with ingrown toenails.  The pedicure helps to get the feet and toenails nice and clean. The polish also makes everything more presentable and who doesn't mind sitting in an automated massage chair while getting the feet washed and cleaned?  I can't do the pedicure myself these days.   I'm going to one new girl since i discovered that I had needle like shards of nails imbedded into my skin. Trust me, it hurt a lot to get it all out.  I'm going to have to keep the toenails very short to prevent the ingrown nails and make sure I don't miss my appointments.

It was also past time to get the hair done. I have been thinking for awhile now that I don't want to have my hair chemically processed any more.  I started highlighting my hair rather late in life and so  I've minimised the hair dye in that way but going every month to the  hair salon adds up to a lot of chemicals. I know I still have chemicals to contend with (like in the nail polish above) but I want to minimize it all as much as possible.

I did some research on henna and thought I'd give it a try. I had to wait an extra long time before getting the henna done since you can't put henna onto chemically processed hair unless you wait 8-12 weeks.  Initially I intended to do the henna myself but my hair dresser said she'd help. I thought for the first time that might be wiser. However it turned out she hasn't done it for ages and ages and was rather nervous about it all. I reminded her that it was her idea to help me and to more or less to stop complaining about the two step process and time that was required.

Here is the end result.

I like it.

Next time we will add some lemon juice for golden colour and some yogurt or eggs for conditioning. I'm experimenting with using henna and will also be experimenting with using different brands.

Lest you think my free time is spent on primping and preening, I am also keeping up with the reading in between other work and errands. I still have my goal of reading 24 books this year. For me that is challenging as I have to remember to read a little a few times a week.  I used to think I read a lot when I completed 6 or 7 novels a year and then I discovered that some people say they read a hundred books or more a year. Well based on the kind of books I tend to read (dense books, rather than read in 2 hour books), I will likely never reach 100 books a year. I will be content to read 24. 
I will have to update my completed reads soon but these are the books I'm reading right now. I finished the top one; an interesting and quicker read about a young woman growing up in Iran and how her family escaped to Canada. I am about two thirds of the way through "A Suitable Boy" and about  half way through Sarah Palin's book, "Going Rogue".

I have more respect for Sarah Palin after reading her book about her political life in Alaska. It is always good to try and learn as much as you can outside of what the media feeds you during political campaigns.

This was the vapour trail above my head today. Whenever I see these, I think of the song "I"m Leaving On a Jet Plane".   I wish I really was!

I leave you with a verse for today.It came to me as I was contemplating on the many tragedies and horrors I find on the internet news and through social networks. 
If we could only have brotherly love toward one another, these horrors would be fewer.

Let brotherly love continue. 
Hebrews 12:1

I wish each of you peace, and brotherly love.

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  1. Yes your hair is a beautiful colour, Penny, and great to be rejecting chemicals. We are fortunate in our climate we can choose not to have a dryer (some do) and I have never had one.
    I haven't been reading much lately and was just thinking yesterday about visiting the library again.
    Take care and God Bless.

    1. Thank you, Jan. I never use a hair dryer any more either. I haven't for many years - except when I go to the hair salon. I hope you find some good books at the library and are able to pick up your reading again. God bless.

  2. Gorgeous colour... I have just the same feet problems as you, but one nail has been removed some time ago, which I thought was a good idea at the time, but I realised subsequently that you can't paint the bare toe with no nail because it rubs off in no time. In the UK you go to a chiropodist to have the "serious" stuff done, but if you want pampering and having your toenails painted you have to hunt for a pedicure to do it - two visits, which is a pain. So I tend not to bother with the latter.

    1. Thank you, Caroline. I had the toenail problem for so long but I just kept going to the nail salon and I didn't even realize that there were shards of toenails embedded in my skin. I decided to try another place and she seems much more able to put up with my screams until she gets the nails just right. Here a diabetic can also go to the podiatrist but they don't do a great job of cleaning the nails and feet so I'd rather go somewhere where I can be pampered. I'm afraid if I go to a podiatrist, that he/she will pull off my toenails and I'm trying to avoid that. I wonder if press on nails (new things) would work on your toenails?

  3. Love the color of your hair. I am leaving mine natural until the gray starts coming in...then I will highlight my hair for a bit.

    We have one laundromat here in Yucaipa, vs. tons in San Diego. We are very grateful to have a washer and dryer here at the house. In San Diego I never could get the timing right. Seems like everyone else was there with me.

    Glad to hear about Sarah Palin's book, as I have wanted to read it to. I would like to read most of the past President's and First Ladies books too.

    blessings, jilly

    1. Thank you, Jilly. I think you have the right idea. the highlighting can help to cover the gray for a bit. There is also a new "pill" from the health store called "Gray Be Gone". I wonder if it works?

      Good thing you have a washer and dryer if there is only one laundromat where you live.

      Good luck finding the Sarah Palin book. I think you will learn something about Alaska and Sarah Palin in it.

  4. Our dryer has been making funny noises...maybe I should prepare!

  5. Dear Friend,
    Thank you for your grooming updates, your toes and hear look great. also thank's for the tip of lemon juice, and yogurt, or eggs, I will try them. I used the olive oil, and it helped my hair and the ends especially. Thank's for giving us a visual of the books you read, keep up the good work. me

    1. Glad you picked up some tips about hair conditioning. I've been learning a lot about it with the new henna colour.


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