Monday, February 18, 2013

A Fun Project

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

Proverbs 31:13

Old night clothes after washing.

Cutting up the clothing for trope or tarn.

Trope/tarn turned into this....

The finished product after a bit of steaming. It looks wider on the bottom but that is an illusion.

It measures approx. 19 inches from top to bottom and 21 and a half inches from side to side. I could have added more trope/tarn but didn't feel like making more trope/tarn.

I think the rug is ample enough for my two feet. I'm thinking I will put it by my bedside or give it to someone. (Pardon my see through sock, he he).

I am quite happy with how the rug turned out. I didn't follow a pattern, instead making one up as I went along and adding stitches to the corners as needed to try and keep a more or less, even shape. To make the trope/tarn needed for this project I used 4 pajama tops and 1 leg off of one bottom. Ideally, you should use t-shirts and in particular,  those without side seams. This will make your trope or yarn much stronger. My trope has a lot of joined sections which I can see peeking out in different stitches and it may not be quite as secure as it could be. That is quite okay with me.  I don't mind the more rustic look and this rug is likely going to be for my own use.  I decided against using green or orange coloured pajamas so I could make my rug in shades of pink, purple and  light blue. That means I will probably make another rug but first have to cut up the rest of my green coloured nighties.
Jessie, a missionary to the deaf in Kenya, is the one who inspired me to make tarn and the rug.  I followed her example here for attaching the strands of tarn.

If you want to learn more about how this kind of project is done, there are several youtube videos that teach you how to cut t-shirts (or in my case, pajamas) for trope or tarn. I'm posting the video I followed but there are others out there with different methods. Choose one that works best for you!  I will be posting soon about some other creative projects so come back and visit again sometime. I like hearing from crafters and would be crafters.

I'd love to know if you decide to make your own project after making your own trope/tarn.

If you missed my last post, please read here. I'd love to read your comments especially if you already help on the mission field or are a missionary. It might encourage someone else to step forward ;)


Jidhu Jose said...

so creative

Joyful said...

Thank you, Jidhu. I appreciate the comment.

Anonymous said...

Pretty! I love crafts like this that use things up we already have. It looks great!

Joyful said...

Thank you ladies! Happy crafting ;-)

Joanne Noragon said...

Way back in the seventies we old crafties made a purse this way. It had five sides, but four would also do. Make two of your rugs, then a separate shoulder/gussett band two inches wide and long enough to go around three sides of the purse and comfortably over the shoulder. Sew togethr the ends of the band and then pick up and crochet the band along three sides of the square. Add a tab and button closure. We lined them, too.

Joyful said...

Joanne, It's amazing what one can make out of old things. I've seen quilts made out of old t-shirts too. I'm sure this kind of purse will come into fashion again at some point, lol.

Pat said...

That is fascinating, Penny! What a great idea for recycling old clothes. The rug is really pretty.

Unknown said...

I love seeing beautiful things made from old stuff! I am not that crafty and wouldn't do very well, but it's neat to read about.

Gattina said...

What a nice work ! I have a rug like that in the bathroom but I bought it finished at Ikea. No patience and too lazy to do such a work myself, lol

Suburban Girl said...

Very nice work.

Linda Kittmer said...

I love ways to creatively recycle! This is wonderful. I've got drawers full of old t-shirts and it might be fun to do some dyeing before cutting up some of the plain ones. Thanks for invitation to come visit your blog!

Vores have said...

Beautiful and creative. Thanks for the comment on my blog.
Weather here: there is "little" snow freezing. Wish you a good day :) Hugs Hanne Bente

Joyful said...

Thanks so much,Pat.

Joyful said...

Hi there, thank you for your visit. This project was very easy so I'm sure you would do fine. You just need to be able to use a scissors and do simple crochet stitching. It might not be good for someone with bad arthritis in the hands/wrists.

Joyful said...

LOL, Gattina, I know it is very easy to buy something we need, especially if it is a good price. When one has time, interest and ability, it is nice to make something. I get real pleasure out of making something from scratch (bread, doilies, quilts, etc.). Happy week to you. xx

Joyful said...

Thank you, Rebecca!

Joyful said...

Linda, thank you for your visit. I'm sure you can make something quite lovely as I know you are a fibre artist. I hope to see your finished project some time.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Hanne. Keep warm. Happy week ahead. Hugs. Joyful

Anonymous said...

Very nice rug!

A Woman that Fears the Lord said...

What a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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