Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Please Pray

 Ephesians 6:18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.

Dear friends,

Tragedy has struck in Kenya and touched the lives of my friends.

Some of you know that Somalian terrorist group Al-Shabab attacked upscale Westgate mall in Kenya  on September 21, 2013. Many were killed and more terrorized.

Then Sunday night Kenyan time, 48 people were killed in Mpeketoni near Lamu off the coast of Kenya.  One of those killed was my friend Jonah's cousin. Jonah is there now with family members to recover the body of the deceased and bring him home to Kericho for interrment.

Carnage outside Mpeketoni Police Station, Photo Credit: Daily Nation News (Kenya)

On Monday, terrorists killed another 15 people in a 2nd attack on the people of Mpeketoni.

May God protect the police and the innocent and bring additional security.

I ask you to pray with me for Jonah's safe return home and for the means to assist the family in the all costs involved with final resting preparations.

Please also pray for the safety and peace for the people of Kenya and for the Government of Kenya to get on top of the insecurity in the country.


Joy said...

I thought of you and your friends when I heard the recent dreadful news Joyful - I'm praying with you … Love and blessings to all concerned, Joy xo

jabbott said...

I hope the police take hold of this situation soon and no more innocent lives are lost. Please keep us posted regarding your friend's safe return x

Ceil said...

Oh Joyful, what a sadness...this really brings the news home to me. Your poor friend, who has to claim the body of his cousin! What a waste war is. I will be praying for you and your friends in Kenya. May God bring us peace and cooler heads and love for each other. Love needs to reign.

Denise said...

Beyond sad, praying.

Margie said...

I will pray.
I am so sorry to hear of the death of your friend's cousin.
This is so terribly sad!

Joyful said...

Thank you everyone for your sacrifice of time and prayer. Much love and appreciation to each of you. xx

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to see this, Joyful. Will keep it in prayer. xx

Cynthia said...

So awful, and as another commenter said, war is such a waste. I will pray for your friend and his family.

Fun60 said...

It was with great sadness that I read your post today. I visited your blog as you had left such a kind message on one of mine and I wanted to explain that I write two blogs. My main one is at www60andthenext10.blogspot.co.uk and that is where you will find my posts. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a speedy resolution to the terrorism throughout the world.

Linda said...

I, too, have been mourning the ongoing violence in that lovely land---among such precious people that both you and I know and love! Yes, I'm praying, and we need to continue praying. I've heard that many citizens are growing increasingly frightened, and I can understand. Thank you, Penny, for ALL you do to bless so many of them. God hears your prayers and our prayers.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's terribly ad that there's so much violence in our world. I will indeed pray for peace.

Joyful said...

Thank you to all you lovely ladies for dropping by and leaving a kind note of prayer and encouragement. Prayer is such a powerful force and we value your prayers for my friends and for all the people of Kenya. God bless Kenya.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

It is so sad that we have people who feel killing is a better option to resolve issues.

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