Monday, April 20, 2015

Humility in Yellow

I haven't taken any macro shots for a long time. I thought I better practice once more but it was a bit windy and I had no tripod. I got a few decent shots anyway.
(click on the photo for a slightly larger image).

I'm interested in the humble, happy dandelion right now because I'm drinking Dandelion Root Tea for it's medicinal properties. I'm not sure it will agree with me for the longer term as I seem to be having a few reactions but it is always good to try something new.

I thought the tea might help with my blood sugar levels but it is giving me stomachache and heartburn.
If you drink this tea please let me know what you've experienced.

If you missed my post about Baby Fidelis yesterday, please read and share the post widely. You can find it here 
The more people who know of the baby's situation, the more people who can help. Thank you so much for your help!

Joining in with Macro Monday 2Nature Notes,   i heart macro and Mosaic Monday this week.

 Macro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg

 nature notes logo

Shine the Divine

Mosaic Monday


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

The pretty and humble dandelion, an early pollinator source. I've not had the tea but added the leaves to salad on occasion which can demonstrate the properties of a laxative. :-)
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Joyful said...

Hi Judith, thanks for sharing your experience with the leaves. I've yet to try them but the root has the same demonstration of properties :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

My friends sautes the greens with garlic (yum extraordinaire) and does something I don't recall with the blossoms, but has never mentioned the roots. I'll ask her.

Cranberry Morning said...

Beautiful images. Thanks for sharing the link about Baby Fidelis.

Leovi said...

Beautiful flowers! I love the light in your photos, pure delicacy!

fredamans said...

Dandelions are so dandy! :-D

DeniseinVA said...

I've never tried the Dandelion Root Tea. The only thing I remember about them is that my Dad used to make wine with it back in the day.

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos of the dandelions are gorgeous!

Mari said...

Dandelions can be very pretty! My Grandpa used to make dandelion wine.

jabbott said...

Never had dandelion tea sorry. I once had jasmine tea I took two sips and my body went as heavy as lead and I went to pass out. My advice dont drink anymore it just might not suit you xxx

My Garden Diaries said...

I just learned that dandelions are one of the best plants for the garden as they pull the nitrogen up through the soil! Loving your shots here! Nicole xoxo

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful closeups of these dandulions! My granddaughter loves to pick them for me ;) I never drank this type of tea--be careful if it does not agree with you!

Katarina said...

Great macros!

Unknown said...

Lovely photos of the pretty dandelions. I've never tried dandelion tea.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty macros, the dandelions are suppose to be great for the bees.. And we need to keep the bees happy.. Great shots! Have a happy week!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

you have done the humble dandelion justice in these beautiful shots :)

( Deb from Sacred Eclectic )

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

you have done the humble dandelion justice in these beautiful shots :)

( Deb from Sacred Eclectic )

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, You are doing just fine on your macro photography! :-) The yellow flowers are great. I think you know Sandi who has a blog called Dandelion Tea ... I have never tried that tea but if you find that it works well for you please let me know. I am short on time this morning as I've got to volunteer at the hospital today. Hope you have a great day!

Hootin Anni said...

...and for me, yellow is the epitome of Springtime! Beautiful.

I'd like to invite you to Hootin' Anni's to view a special post of nature's thrilling day for me.

psychelyn said...

Those are beautiful shots. I like small flowers that grow on thd wild.

Meredith said...

I always picked bunches of Dandelions for my Mother when I was small. I thought they were so beautiful. We can't grow them this far south, enjoy your yellow.

Debby Ray said...

Love your dandelion shots! Great minds think alike...I have some too on my post. Such a simple beauty!

Karen said...

I love dandelions, and will have lots in my yard. My neighbours do not like them, and do not like my yard!

Maggie said...

The fields around here are full of dandelions right now, bright and sunny just like these ones in your fabulous photographs. Thanks for stopping by Normandy Life this week.
a bientot

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Excellent depth of focus in the flower shots! Beautiful!

Rambling Woods said...

Beautiful macros. I have learned to enjoy the dandelions as being the only thing blooming for early bees. My neighbors get sprayed so they don't have them...I wish they weren't considered to be so bad.. Bunnies love them too...I will check out your other post..Michelle

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