Friday, May 8, 2020

The Park Was Busy

It was a beautiful sunny day today. One of the first in weeks. I went to the park to visit my community garden plot which I haven't seen since late last summer.  In the meantime, someone plucked some of the weeds in my plot but left them in the garden. Someone also stole my trellises. I believe it was my neighbour who likely volunteered to weed my garden. I know she cannot stand the sunflowers and mine had grown rather tall.  The mess left over the winter was probably bugging her because she and her husband seem very fussy about their garden and anything encroaching on it.   I saw some weather worn trellises in her garden that weren't there last year.  No one else has the same trellises and I can only speculate.  The trellises were not expensive but it is the idea that someone else helped themselves. Not only do I not have trellises but I have to spend time to go to the store and look for more at a time when it is not so easy to get into stores or to find what you want there.

People were sprawled everywhere on the lawn at the park. I've never seen so many people in this small park and my photos don't do justice to the numbers that were there. I also saw signs about the appropriate distance to keep from others and I believe people were following the instructions.  It was early evening and people had seemingly been at the park for the better part of the day with their lunch buckets and their blankets.  Some were just beginning to leave for home.

We have been told we can work in our gardens but we must bring our own tools during the Covid 19 restrictions. I agree with the rule but in truth it inhibited me from getting to the plot sooner.  It means I have to carry everything with me to do the gardening and it can be awkward and heavy. 

While I was there I did see one older gent enter the community garden shed and use the garden tools.  Either he didn't get the memo or he doesn't care. I  also saw him interacting with others in the park who clearly were not his family.  Why the mother let her little girl interact with a stranger who might be picking up the virus and spreading it, is beyond me.  Maybe she  doesn't buy into all the public awareness about social distancing. I know many fall into that category.

I for one do believe there is a virus and though I don't agree with everything that's being said, I am doing my best to avoid direct contact with others. I am also minimizing the things that I touch that have been touched by many other people.  Today I took my own rake. Next time I'll take some other tools and some seeds.

My garden had a number of thing growing in it that I didn't recognize, probably growth as a result of  wind blown seeds. I did my best to clear up a few patches of soil and I hope to return soon and plant a few seeds, including sunflowers.  Last year I was told that I could plant sunflowers as long as they were not super tall.  More than half of the plots had sunflowers growing last year and I do so love the look of them. I've also planted a few sunflowers at my home garden and they are sprouting nicely. A few other things are sprouting but it is too early and probably too cold for some of the seeds (cucumber, peppers) and I planted the tomatoes too early. I'll figure out what to do about it soon.

Some restrictions will be lifted in my province just in time for Mother's Day gatherings. It doesn't make any difference to me but I'm sure it does to many others.

Happy Mother's Day to those of you who are mothers or those of you who have a mother with whom to celebrate. 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday


eileeninmd said...

Hello, the community garden is a great idea. It is a shame your trellis was taken. I love sunflowers, they just make me smile. It does feel good to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Take care and stay well! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

Lady Fi said...

I guess everyone is desperate to get outsude.

Karen said...

Nice to see people out enjoying the fine weather. I am in Ontario and our community plots are open now.

Sharon Wagner said...

Our parks are overflowing. We closed some of the roads to traffic and still, runners are wheezing right by us. Sigh.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's too bad about the trellis. All it takes is one or two people to spoil it for everyone else. The parks in my area are busy too. Even though the parking lots are closed (to avoid crowding), many people park on the streets and walk in. Can't blame people for wanting to get out of their house.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a shame your trellis was taken …

Here in the UK our garden centre/nurseries are still closed, hoping this may end soon.

Have a good weekend.

All the best Jan

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I no longer garden much but am happy to see you do. I think our lock down has had a tough effect on so many. And My guess is there will be tough times that follow. I am disappointed that fear of death has been really pushed by this. It is part of our time on this planet that death is part of our journey. We are making death seem awful rather than a natural passing on. While loosing loved ones is emotional it is all part of our journey.
It is snowing here this afternoon and gardens are way behind. It will be a cool several days.

Jeanie said...

It's scary when people don't play by the rules. Smart rule for the tools.

That's sad about the trellis. And your sunflowers are not your neighbor's problem! If you like them, let them be! Stay well.

Red said...

Some people are very cavileer about regulations for covid. I was out today . It was a zoo. Home depot has no idea of what they're doing.

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm so sorry for you that gardening will be so disrupted by Covid-19. That part is really unfair.

Mari said...

Glad you were able to get out and work on your garden. We are still under restrictions, and I hope some are lifted soon. I fear the results of it going on too long will be worse than the pandemic. But I'm following the rules!

Joyful said...

Hi Jeanie, the sunflowers were no longer in the garden when I went yesterday. I am not sure if they reseed themselves but I believe they do. I'll have to replant from scratch and trust me I will :-)))

Joyful said...

Heidrun, I heard there was snow coming your way. So sad but I guess the winter was pretty mild this past season. Our winter just seems to have gone on so long and now at last we've had two warm days. People are out in droves.

Joyful said...

Yes it always amazes me how cavalier people can be. A lot of people seem to feel invincible until they get sick. Home Depot here has been limiting the number of shoppers who can enter and they've been doing this since the beginning. It means I haven't bothered to go because my brother passed by there one day and the line ups were super long since contractors go there too not just regular folks like me.

Joyful said...

Thank you. It really is true that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. I'm not sure if the parking lots are closed near parks here but the provincial parks run by our provincial government have been closed for quite awhile and not yet open. The city parks are open except for one very large one which the government closed down because too many people go there.

Joyful said...

Hi Jan, I hadn't realized that garden centres there were closed. Some of them are open here but it is quite hard to stand in line and then once you get inside find out that what you want is not there. Even seeds are hard to come by and I see on line a number of seed places have sold out. All in all, I'll be doing well if I get the gardens in.

Joyful said...

Yes people everywhere now that the weather is warming and they've been cooped inside for so long.

Joyful said...

Hi, it is nice to enjoy the good weather. I just hope people do not relax following the social distancing measures while they do it. I didn't realize that community plots were closed in Ontario. They haven't been closed here at all as long as we follow the rules.

Joyful said...

Thank you Eileen. I agree that sunflowers make a person smile. I will be planting them again this year. Enjoy your weekend. x

Joyful said...

Yes, it seems that way.

Joyful said...

Thank you Joanne. I will survive ;-)

Joyful said...

Me too Mari. I hope your restrictions, or at least some of them are lifted soon. It seems like many states are doing so. Keep following the rules.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful that you have a community garden where you can plant things, but how sad that someone took your trellis! That is not nice! i also love sunflowers...they are happy flowers and the birds love the seeds. vitamin D is very good for us and to help fight all viruses, so I am happy that people are getting outside in the sunshine and enjoying beautiful weather. Have a blessed and beautiful weekend!!

Rhodesia said...

I love sunflowers, such happy flowers. Can you not just take the trellis back if you are sure it is yours. If she did not have any before and yours has vanished it sounds like there is little argument over the matter!!
Take care and just make sure you stay safe.Diane

shayndel said...

So nice that you could go to your garden plot Joyful! Your post is very picturesque and I can really imagine (and of course you provide wonderful photos that give the picture) the scene with people out at the park, and the surprises at your plot, between the wind blowing seeds over, to the things missing!! Oh dear!! The mood over all though seems joy and thankfulness to be able to return to it and start putting it in order again!! I love sunflowers too and timely that you mention it as they were my Mom's favorite flower. I always get sunflowers if I can on special days to remember her, and today I have two sunflowers in a vase here for Mother's Day!! Blessings to you and take care in good health and may we hear a lot of Good News in the days to come !!♡

diane b said...

So sorry to hear that someone took your trellis. That is mean. It looks a lovely sunny day to be in the park. But so many people. I'm glad you are being careful not like some others.

Nancy Chan said...

We are also missing the park and waiting patiently for the green light to resume our walking exercise. It should be safe if we don't group and make sure we observe safe distance from others. We have another month of conditional movement restriction order to follow. Gardening is good to keep us from the gloom of being locked down at home.

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