Friday, October 16, 2020

It's Another Friday

 This is what it looked like on our Thanksgiving Day last Monday.

I already forgot what it was like on Tuesday and Wednesday but I know yesterday it was quite nice and the sun came out. I was able to do some errands like deposit funds at the bank and pay some bills. My local branch is still  not open and the ATM is only available until 6 p.m. on most days. I did see staff in the branch but I'm not sure if the branch was open to the public or staff was just working in there. If you want to do in person banking you have to go to a different branch.  I also dropped off my back pack for stitching and stopped off for some groceries and a quick stop at McD's. I didn't have time to stop at the dispensary to get refills on body wash because the shop closed earlier due to Covid like most places. 

I pick up my back pack today so I'll stop off for the body wash as well. Before that I have some parcels to pick up at the post office. Hopefully they are there. The tracking information tells me they should be there today but maybe not until late in the day.

Today it's a rather dull, gray day and it will probably start raining very soon. I checked the long range forecast and it doesn't look much different for the rest of the month. I guess I left the clean up of the garden for too long. If I do it soon I will most likely be working in the rain. I've found it cold indoors this week. I turned my heating on in the bedroom and living room for the first time last night. I didn't leave it on overnight. 

Here is the sky photo for today. It looks almost the same as Monday's sky.  It is 9°C or about 49°F. As we transition from late autumn to winter, the sky will not vary much unless there is a sunny break.  Then we could see some more interesting cloud cover.

As they say in Copenhagen, 'you make our own sunshine'. I never hear anyone say that where I live, lol. We love to talk about the weather and complain about it, then we laugh. I like the Danish view of bad weather.

While I was out running errands the sun came out for awhile.  It's always nice when that happens. It tends to make me forget about the rain even if it rains later.  When I snapped the next few photos the sun was gone again but at least there was colour in the trees.


I'm linking up with Skywatch Friday today. Have a happy and safe weekend.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very similar here

eileeninmd said...


It is the same here today, cloudy skies and rain off and on. I like the patio and all your plants. I hope to see the sunshine this weekend. Have a happy weekend!

Rhodesia said...

The weather is not very good her but we did have a spell of su this morning for a while. !!
Have a good weekend and stay safe, Diane

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

your sky is what I call a "northern sky" where you have a lot of grey winter days

Tom said...

...I must say that it looked might good, for oour Thanksgiving in November we are apt to have snow.

Annie said...

Rainy here on the eastern seashore. Your balcony is so lovely. You really have a green thumb my friend.

Joanne Noragon said...

Always colorful, your patio.

Joyful said...

Actually in the northern Canadian sky we get a lot of blue sky and sunshine. It's only in the south where we have a lot of mountains and get a lot of rain, that we get a gray blanket of a sky.

Red said...

You've still got lots of leaves and color. Your flowers are still in bloom.

Mari said...

We are having similar skies! I love when the sky is dark and the sun comes out - so dramatic!

Joyful said...

Yes, isn't it quite amazing considering it's been quite cool and it has already snowed in many parts of the province. It's early snow even for the north country.

Jan said...

I love that saying, "you make your own sunshine" and it is certainly the case. However we too in the UK just like to complain about the weather also. I must say the hot summer days were lovely for us here as our weather can be so grey and wet for too many days. The warm days through lockdown kept us going I think, it was unusually hot and we all felt the better for it. I hope that we can take some of the stored good energy and health into the winter with us.

Jeanie said...

At least your gray sky is dramatic. Here we see a lot of what I call "white sky." It seems to have no color at all. My part of Michigan is very cloudy, although when that sun comes, you grab it! I love the ÿou make your own sunshine" idea. I think that's really true!

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