Hi friends,
I've been absent from this space for long. I've been quite busy doing big household chores and since that tires me out a lot, I am generally resting in between. This might be delayed spring cleaning because I am getting to seldom cleaned areas and things I often don't have time to do. I have a lot I want to accomplish before the weather gets cold.
I was also waiting for an update on Rose in Kenya; the mature woman (52 years old) who is pregnant and was in hospital with Covid 19.
Rose was able to be discharged from hospital less than a week ago. Her discharge had been delayed due to not having a place to quarantine. In Kenya, villagers live in small quarters and some arrangements had to be made before she could get out of hospital.
Sadly last night Rose was rushed to hospital with severe stomach pains. Private transport had to be hired as she lives in a rural place.
Please keep Rose, her unborn child and the rest of her family in prayer for all the many needs. Thanks so much.
Praying for Rose. What a hard time she has had.
Thank you so much for prayers Mari. Rose really has gone through a lot and needs all our support. God bless.xx
Of course, Rose will be added to my prayers.
Thank you Jeanie.
Sending prayers for Rose!
Rose and her unborn child will be in my most sincere prayers.
Thank you Eileen. God bless.
Thank you so much Barb.
Thoughts are with you, Rose and her unborn child 🙏 Diane
Thank you Diane. I hope you are doing well. xx
Saying a prayer for Rose.
All the best Jan
Praying now for Rose and her unborn child. I pray she is well and safe and that the baby is healthy. I am still amazed that she is pregnant at 52. That seems very unusual. But God is in control and He will do what is right and best for her in every way. Praying now.
Thank you Jan.
Thank you Pamela.
Lots of healing energy huts for the Mom and unborn child ~ lovely photos yo posted too ~ Xo
I apologize for my tardiness in commenting,
Living in the moment,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
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