Monday, September 26, 2022

Tuesday 4 - Autumn This & That

 It's time again for Tuesday 4 held in memory of Toni Taddeo it's founder and previous host.  

It's Autumn and temperatures in many places will be going down, days will be shorter and leaves will be tumbling down. 

Let's discuss these things.

1. Do lower temperatures bother you or make you uncomfortable and are you more of a warm climate person?

Lower temperatures in Winter bother me now that I'm older but I absolutely love the crisp, cool air that Autumn brings.

2.  Do you like the colors associated with Autumn. Clothing wise do they look good on you?

I love the natural, earthy colours of Autumn.  For most of my adult life I never wore them because I thought I was a "Winter" colour in the seasonal colour personality. These days there are so many colour analysts and they all seem to have their own system for determining what colours look best on you. 

A few years ago I did a colour 'test' through Linda Waldon, personal stylist.  Her system concluded I had a "Copper" pallette which  has all the colours of Autumn. Since then I've slowly been transitioning my clothing purchases to these colours and trying to simplify my wardrobe to make do with less. I'm still working on the less part. I think the Copper colour options make me feel more comfortable and I'm getting some compliments when I dress in these colours.

3. Would you rather:… 

  •  .… get lost in a corn maze or go on a hayride?
  •  …. visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin patch ?
  •  …. eat a caramel apple or  a candy apple?
  •   …. Cinnamon buns or Pumpkin muffins? 

All of the above sound good to me!

4. There are 7,500 varieties  of apple.  What is your favorite and do you like apple pie?

 I love crispy, crunchy apples. My favourite varieties that I can buy where I live are: Fuji, Honey Crisp, Gala, Ambrosia Gold & Pink Lady (Cripps Pink). I do love apple pie too; especially the kind made with Granny Smith apples which are now a little too rough against my gums for me to eat raw.


annie said...

I am sorry the cold is bothering you now. Prayers will go up for that. We so need one another for prayer and concern. Where would we be without it? I never saw any Ambrosia Gold and will have to give them a try.

Jodi said...

I hear ya on #1, once I get cold I can never get warmed back up! Just thinking of winter makes me shudder! Have a great Tuesday!

Sharon Wagner said...

My favorite is pancakes with minced honeycrisp apples on top and a good quality caramel sauce.

Cathy said...

Enjoyed reading your answers. I love the lower temps, but not below the 40's. But I know that will be here soon.

Jo said...

Dearest Penny, I loved the winter but oh my, I am GLAD the warm weather has arrived in the Southern Hemisphere. I love autumn colors in nature but not as color in my clothing. And I also love all the options in number 3. What a lovely post. Jo xx

Lori said...

#1,,,I am the opposite; I am always hot. #3, I totally agree with you! They do all sound good! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

Jeanie said...

I always enjoy reading your answers, Penny! I think I agree with all of them!

Kirstin said...

I did a color thing when I was in high school. I was a winter. I'd love to do it again to see if it's the same

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