Friday, July 5, 2024

The First Friday in July

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well.

It's Friday and I'm looking forward to relaxing a bit. I'm going to the Rolling Stones concert tonight. The ticket was my Christmas gift from my younger brother. Wow, I haven't been to a concert in decades and things have changed dramatically. I cannot even take a purse into the venue. I could use a fanny pack but it ended up in storage when the contents of the master bedroom were moved out a few weeks ago. I just found this out yesterday when I decided to read all the rules and policies about 'bags'. I almost skipped over that part but I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't want my purse being confiscated. Anyway I'll have to really pare down and make sure I wear clothing with pockets. That's a tall order too given we are suddenly experiencing a heat wave. 

I'm not going to let these challenges get to me. I'll probably be the 'lightest' I've ever been going anywhere in recent history, lol because I can't take much into the venue. That might be a good thing. I'll take an empty plastic bottle to fill with water, my wallet and my phone. These are a must because you need a debit card or a credit card. It's a cashless venue. Also you need your phone with the Ticketmaster app so you can scan your ticket. No paper tickets or screenshot tickets are allowed. Things have really changed a lot for those of us who never go to sporting events or big concerts but if you've been to these big events lately then it's all common knowledge for you.

I went out for some errands on Thursday.  It was very hot and there was not a cloud in the sky. Here are a few photos for you.

I was on my way to dinner and I happened to pass by a flower shop which is relocating this month. They had various sale signs in the window. I spotted this trolley and tried to enter to buy it. The store was closed but the owner saw me pointing to the item and let me in. I bought it and then had to return to my home before I could go out to dinner.

As many of you know, I am decluttering but I do still buy certain things that I need for how I want things to be in future. For sure I want plants and greenery and I currently lament that I have very few flat surfaces. This little trolley will help solve that. It can also be used as my DH bedside table because I'm getting rid of a big chest that we have been using as his night stand amongst other things.   The table takes up way less space than the chest.

I ended up going out for Vietnamese food instead of Japanese food. It was very tasty and the young water struck up a conversation with me about my phone because he has a similar one. I've learned he has only been here for 10 months from the beautiful coastal city of Danang, Vietnam.

A fabulous meal.

That's it for now. Have a wonderful Friday.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday today.


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I haven't been to a concert in decades and it all sounds foreign to me. I hope you enjoy the show. Your photos show beautiful blue skies, my favorite.

Jocelyn said...

Beautiful blue sky.

magiceye said...

Nice skywatch photos. No photos of the concert?

Joyful said...

@magiceye, Thank you for the visit. The concert is late Friday and I'm posting this blog on Friday morning. It's not yet 9 a.m. here. It's probably much later when you live. Enjoy the weekend.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I haven't been out to a big concert like the Stones in many years. Wow, things really have changed. No purse seems kind of extreme. Enjoy the concert, and really looking forward to hear how you liked it. The Stones are one of my favorite R&R bands.

Jeanie said...

They say "You can't always get what you want" but in this case, I think you scored well. I would love to see that concert! I hope it's loads of fun.

Red said...

Things have changed ...even us!

Photo Cache said...

Have fun on the concert.

Worth a Thousand Words

baili said...

your sky is GLORIOUS !!!!!!!!!
thanks for stunning shots friend

glad you enjoyed delicious food and some nice shopping

The Sky This Week

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all well. Today I'm sharing several photos taken this past week. We had several days t...