Monday, August 12, 2024

Tuesday 4: A Little Tea Party

Welcome back to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie of Cottage by the Sea.

This week could we talk about your personal thoughts?

1. Do you find yourself daydreaming about your situation and things you would love to do if only ...?

Yes, the thing on my mind for some time now is if I can just get through all the decluttering and little jobs there are to do around the home, I can finally start doing some creative and more fun projects and possibly make plans for the future.  Recent water leak and strata projects set my own timeline back considerably because I didn't have access to all of my things. I still can't see the end in sight to the household tasks though I do see progress.  

2. If you are having tea/coffee, a little break in the day does your mind wander off to other thoughts and meditations.

No, not really. When I'm having coffee, I usually use that time to catch up on email, blogging, recorded TV programs or a bit of reading/study so my mind is already occupied.

3. Do you find yourself meditating or revisiting in your mind a scripture, verse from a book you've read and it's impact on you?

Yes, I often meditate on scriptures. I did a lot of scripture memorization as a youngster.  These scriptures come to me often during alone time, while going through life's events, having discussions with family and friends and whenever I watch or read Christian and secular material.

4.  Do you find yourself sometimes replaying conversations with others?   Are there books or movies that stay vivid in your mind? 

I don't replay conversations with other these days but when I was younger I did. Especially when I was a junior high schooler and spent a lot of time walking to and fro to school. I had plenty of time for replaying conversations and thinking because I had a long walk to school and back.  As I grew into adulthood and had different relationships of work and a personal nature, I also spent time thinking about and replaying conversations. Usually I was thinking about tensions with someone and what I might have said in discussions instead of what I did say.  I don't do this anymore either.

I have many movies and books that I've enjoyed over the years but I seldom think about them afterward. The ones that have really stayed with me tend to be from when I was very young and perhaps more impressionable.  Three movies that really stuck in my memory for a long time include: Anna Karenina with Vivian Leigh in the titular role of Anna, The Red Shoes and a Brief Encounter

Three books that stayed with me a long time after reading them were: The Poisonwood Bible, The Kiterunner and A Fine Balance.  

These books and movies are not necessarily my favourites though some of them are. It's just that they somehow remained in my brain much longer than others did.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I think I saw the movie you mentioned with Vivien Leigh. I really liked her in Gone with the Wind. I am trying to learn new Bible verses, but it isn't as easy as it was when I was younger. Enjoy you week!

  2. I must confess that trying to memorize scripture as I've gotten older is harder. One I memorized decades ago are stil with me though. I enjoyed your answers. These posts are fun, aren't they? Have a blessed week.

  3. Brief Encounter, that movie is also one that stays in my memory bank. When I saw where you wrote the title the movie instantly started playing in my mind. I certainly don't know why, there is nothing special or outstanding about it. Hope your day is happy and blessed.

  4. I enjoyed reading your answers. Hope you have a great day!

  5. I enjoyed your answers! I love to read books that stick with you long after you read them. Good questions and good answers! Much to ponder! Many blessings to you :)


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