Monday, September 9, 2024

September Musings ~ Tuesday 4

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.
How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you?

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often ?  Where do you go, what do you do?  What would you like to do?

I get out more in the Fall and Spring than I do in other seasons. Mostly I love to go to places where I can take a walk by the waterfront. I enjoy the photo opportunities at the waterfront.

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?

I miss my university days mostly because I had a very active social life and people were more ready to get together for any reason to have a potluck or a dance/fundraiser or to invite one another to their homes for a dinner. These days it's like pulling teeth to get together with anyone and that includes family members. Everyone is so busy and I fall into that category myself. It's sometimes even hard to make phone calls or to receive them but it's important to try and make an effort. At least, I believe it's important. Sadly, not everyone I know agrees with me except for people who are older than me. Perhaps I wouldn't be missing these 'olden' days but a lot of people I know have moved away and haven't kept in touch or they have passed from this life.

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way... are you going to move or stay where you are?

I would be moving within the city but I already know that it would be difficult to find a place that fits my requirements. I'd love a larger space with roof top amenities for gardening and entertaining. I'd also like a building that isn't too high in case of fire and I'd love a view with an apartment that isn't too close to everyone else and has a lot of space, preferably green between buildings. If money was no object, I would also like a cottage getaway at the lake.

4.  How can you improve your life?

That's a good question and I'm not sure I can do more than I'm doing because I work on improving my life each and every year. Right now, it would be nice to finish up the decluttering. Honestly it just seems to go on and on but I can see the endpoint of the main things I'm trying to accomplish. Once I have that done, I will continue making small DIY improvements. All of this is to ensure I have a comfortable space, easier to maintain and more efficient for doing crafts and study.

Joining in with Tuesday 4 this week. Thank you for stopping by! Happy September to you. 🍁🍂🍁


Melanie said...

I enjoyed your comments. I agree that everyone is so busy these days!

Jeanie said...

These are very thoughtful questions. They give me food for thought, too and help me know you better.

Annie said...

Lots of green around is important and I bet more important than we know. Thank you for joining in! Happy September

Susan said...

I agree about everyone being busy. I thought I would have more time once I retired, but I have been busy. Not all bad, since I get to be with family and friends. I just need to make sure I get enough rest. A house by the lake sounds so nice!

Kirstin said...

I'm so behind on commenting, I'm trying to catch up beore answering this weeks questions. I liked your answers. I understand about how hard it is to get people together. ugghh. Finding times for vacations with our adult daughters can be like pulling teeth.

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...