Showing posts with label cherishing family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cherishing family. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Time in Eternity

Dear friends,

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words on my last post. I wish to also thank those who prayed for my cousin Connie and our family.

Last night Connie peacefully passed from this world into the next.

As her sisters said to me shortly afterwards,
"She is now with mom and dad and baby brother".


 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Revelation 14:13 

Friday, May 25, 2018

An Update on This and That

I was hoping to share some photos of the harbour cruise from last week but I didn't have time to resize them. 

Instead I'll share a few snippets and a bit of sad news.

Two snapshots from my harbour walk. I always love to look at all the boats and yachts at the marina. 

These first two shots are for Skywatch Friday visitors.

The next photo is of a vintage dessert. This one reminds me of my late mom. Years ago when she still had a school age child at home she would make a dessert out of fruit, gelatin and whipped cream mixed in. This one has less whipped cream than she used to use because I wanted to save some as a topping.  When the jelly is half set, I diced fresh strawberries and bananas into the jelly along with whipped cream and then put it back in the refrigerator until fully set. Yummy! Though next time I will use more whipped cream mixed into the gelatin, lol.

I'm reading my 24th book for 2018. This one is by a new to me author.  
Read more about the book here if interested.
I'm enjoying the book. Nothing too taxing. This is just the right kind of reading when I'm very busy and need a small diversion.

I finally finished planting my garden. I got a late start on it due to the long winter we had.  Once the debris was cleared I amended the soil with 160 kgs of compost.  Another 180 kg of potting mix was needed for the many containers.

I've planted vegetables and flowers again.  I've noticed that it is is getting harder and harder to find the starter plants I want (petunias, geraniums and pansies) even though they are common plants.
If, and when I do find them, I might only find one or two small starter plants.  That means there is no selection when the remaining plant might not be well watered or healthy or if you want a different colour than what remains.
Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

I'm not sure why it is getting so hard to find common starter plants.  It may simply be that I arrive too late to the stores and they sell out quickly.  When I purchased the geraniums I asked the store owner if he was going to get more as they only colours were red and pink. He said he hoped so and that there shipment had just arrived that day. They were already very low on geraniums when I arrived.

Another explanation for the lack of plants may be that certain plants are no longer in fashion and so stores don't carry them like they used to.  I remember I had the same issue for the last few years and so last year I went to a large garden center hoping to have more selection. They did indeed have a huge selection but not of the plants that I want.

 I like to plant a lot of pansies. These seem particularly hard to find. This year I only got one container of purple ones.  Fortunately I had one pot of very hardy, yellow  pansies that had survived being outdoors all year even through the cold winter.


This year I tried starting plants from seed by purchasing a large tray.  Most of the seeds didn't sprout so I didn't use any of them. I think next year I will plant seeds again but I won't use a large tray. This way I can actually label them first so I know what I've planted.  This will only work if I can get started much earlier in the season.  It's a bit hit or miss when the last few planting seasons have arrived so late after a long winter.

Grandma Sally seems to be doing well at home. So far she has needed one tank of oxygen which the nurse was able to take to her home and administer.  Jonah (Grandma Sally's grandson) has returned home a few hours away for some much needed rest.  He was taking care of Grandma Sally's needs and visiting her every day in hospital for the past 3 months. Now that Grandma Sally is home, culture dictates that males do not enter the bedroom of the females so she has females taking care of her needs. Of course at the hospital when Jonah was visiting, Grandma Sally had staff attending to her immediate care needs.

In sad news, one of my cousins, Connie, was diagnosed with cancer about 2 weeks ago. It was at a late stage as a result of doctors not testing her when she started trying to ascertain the reason for neck issues several years ago. Finally one of her sisters accompanied her to doctors and they were given the runaround until the sister insisted that proper testing be done. This is when the cancer was diagnosed and it was already quite advanced.  Treatment began immediately commencing with some surgery on her spine. The doctors are saying she needs to be moved to palliative care soon as Connie's health is deteriorating rapidly.

My cousin is unaware that the photo below was taken by her sister and shared with me on the occasion of the birth of her great grandson in April. I share it here so you know who to pray for if you feel so led. But I will likely delete the photo soon out of respect. I can just see the love on great grandma's face and the little one in her arms is so very cute.


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Monday, April 23, 2018

A Busy Week

Hi friends,

I hope all of you are well. I've been a little less present on the blog this week due to busyness.

Unexpectedly my washer broke down so that added to my usual workload. I cleared everything out of the laundry closet and sorted everything as well as wiped it all down.

Of course, the washer breakdown necessitating an analysis of whether repairs are worthwhile or whether a new machine is needed.  This in turn meant even  more time doing online research, telephoning washer repairmen, researching flyers for washer sales and so on.  It looks like I will have to purchase a new machine.  After talking to experts, reading reviews on line and speaking with relatives with similar washing  machines I feel rather fortunate to have had my washer working as long as it did.  Many people seem to get only 4-5 years out of a similar model while I had 10 years. Even so, it is really   shame that we live in a throw away society and that manufacturers and retailers have done so little to improve the longevity of machines.
Most of us have become aware that machinery and equipment of various kinds are no longer built to last even if they don't become obsolete due to technological advances.

While I was cleaning out the closet, I was motivated to complete a number of Spring cleaning projects.  Things get so dusty over the Winter despite regular cleaning.
It feels good to clean in nooks and crannies and get all the dust bunnies out.  

Several bags and boxes of items to give away were put together and photos taken so that various advertisements could be prepared and posted on line.  I'm always surprised at what people are interested in.  This time the large bucket of powdered laundry soap was a sought after item. And also some clothing which often seems to be the hardest for me to get rid of.

It is very time consuming to give away several different items at the same time.  It requires responding to emails and scheduling meet up times when it is convenient for both parties. Inevitably I find, that often those that are the first to request an item are the ones least likely to be reliable when it comes down to picking the item up when they say they will.  I still prefer to give things to someone who might actually use them rather than to throw things in the trash and add to the landfill.

Since Saturday the weather has been slowly improving with more sunshine and gradually warmer days.

Soon I will need to prepare the garden.
 In the meantime I've started some seeds, both flowers and vegetables. This is the first year of starting my garden mostly from seed. Usually I purchase starter plants because I'm often behind schedule.
This year due to late warming weather, I think I can garden in the old fashioned way which is how everyone did it when I was younger.

On the hobby side I've read a few more books and increased my year-to-date total to 21 books.
I've put together several completed books to gift to my hairdresser tomorrow. I usually get books on loan from the library but from time to time I purchase a novel or two from the thrift stores. I often return them to the thrift stores once I'm finished but this time I am happy to give them to someone I know enjoys reading.
I had a huge surprise late last week when relatives arrived in town without  notice.  They were here on other business but managed to find time for a lovely dinner.  Eight of us dined, visited and laughed together at a local neighbourhood restaurant and we had a lot of fun.
  Considering they live so far away it was touching to know they made time for me.
This particular set of relatives always does.

Last, but not least it seems so many people I know have their birthdays in April and May.  This has been keeping me busy writing and sending cards and phoning far away friends.
It's always nice when someone remembers me on my birthday and I try to remember special days of friends and family members.

I'm enjoying the last days of the tree blossoms.
I missed out on a lot of them but there are still some beautiful ones around.
I hope you enjoy the few I've posted here in this space today.
I think this variety of cherry blossom is the Prunus kanzan or the Prunus serrulata.
Sadly the trees are getting rather old and I never see anyone pruning or tending to them but they are still blossoming each year and bringing a lot of joy to me and to others.

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Thank you for visiting!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's Been Quite the Week!

Hello everyone,

Another week has zoomed by and I hardly had time to catch my breath.

We had 3 snowfall warnings over the past week and the temperatures got quite chilly.  I'm not sure but I think it must be some kind of record.

I didn't take a photo today (Thursday) but the snow was all gone and the sun came out. The temperature felt very comfortable. I'm sure the weather should be gradually getting better from now going forward.

I had an appointment with the Sleep Lab. It was really just a follow up concerning an overnight sleep oximetry test I had done earlier. I already knew my oxygen levels appeared normal and the doctor confirmed that. Good news there.  I've been referred to the "other side" of the clinic where they will try to help me with my ongoing sleep issues (unfreshing sleep). I don't hold my breathe over real answers from them but it will give me some peace of mind to follow through with it. I've already put it off for years. I guess I'm concerned that the solution will be to recommend medicines and really I don't want to go that route. In the meantime, I continue doing everything I can to achieve better sleep, that is restorative sleep.

The view outside the UBC Hospital where I went to see the Sleep Specialist.

I've also done some shopping at a far place about an hour from my home. I often purchase on line but since I have problems finding pants to fit properly I thought I'd go out and try things on. I came away with some purchases but when I got home I realized they gave me one wrong item (right colour, wrong size).  Now I have to return to get the right size. I also have several other purchases I made a few weeks ago that need to be returned to a different store.

Just over a week ago I lost or misplaced my mailbox key and I don't have a duplicate so I had to call a locksmith.  The mailbox key was attached to the storage lock key so the lock had to be cut off and a new lock purchased.  Altogether these two tasks cost a fair bit.  At least this time I will have spare keys so there will be an extra set put aside.  There are still some minor bathroom things that need to be done; changing out the toilet seat cover in one bathroom and upgrading the shower head in another bathroom. Like my cushion projects it feels good to finally get some of these outstanding tasks done or nearly done.

Another long awaited event finally happened this week. The telephone company had indicated it is upgrading the fiber optics which deliver internet to my home. Right now the telecommunications company is gathering consents from homeowners in the building. I have spoken to their project contact on the phone and he also came to my door to get a signature. Once 80% agreement has been reached, the builders will come out to do what is necessary to bring the faster speeds to my home. I understand in another month I can possibly have access to the fast speeds. I can't wait to get this done as I have already waited years for this service to be available.  In the meantime my internet speed has become one of the slowest speeds available in the area.

At long last one of my cousins arrives tomorrow for a brief visit and I've been busily cleaning, tidying, getting small jobs done and thinking about our menu. I haven't really decided on a menu and she is no help as she said she will eat anything.  So I purchased different things to have several options on hand and will decide what to do when she arrives. In fact we may go out to eat since it is her 60th birthday we are celebrating.

My eldest nephew had his birthday yesterday so I called to wish him a very happy birthday.  I'm giving him money as a birthday gift and he was very happy about that. That way he can do what he wishes with it and have something he enjoys.  I think I mentioned once long ago that my nephew is a cowboy.  He is constantly developing his skills and amongst other things, he and his wife train horses.  His wife is also a gifted photographer whose specialty is photographing horses and their owners. People love her work. The video below is already a few years old but you can see him at work with one of the horses. There is no sound, only video.

Early in the week I met up with a younger nephew at his work place at the university. I presented him with one of my handmade afghans for his (latest) graduation gift. He graduated in November and I attended the ceremony but hadn't yet given him a gift.

He loves hand made afghans and I gave him the blue one in the photo above.  It will coordinate well with a fabric quilt I made him years before.

My nephew (in the photo below) has a BA and an MA in Psychology and is now working on his Ph.D.  He is researching and examining how neurosteroids, such as testosterone, regulate different aspects of executive function, particularly behavioral flexibility.

I snapped this photo of him in the lab when I visited a few weeks ago. 
I am very proud of him because  he has won numerous awards and scholarships and currently holds a 4 Year Doctoral Fellowship from my alma mater, UBC. 
When he finishes he will either continue on the research track or transition to medicine.

It's also been very busy on the missions front but I will end here. 
Perhaps Kenyan missions will inform the next post.

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

I'm linking up with


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday's Critters ~ February 10, 2018

Gift from a friend.  A blue glass bird. I love it!

A friendly old dog patiently waiting for his master at the Park's canteen.

A small ant working hard to climb to the top.

An energetic dog fetching ball.

A black fly enjoying the pretty petals.  I don't know if black flies eat nectar like bees do.
(It will be easier to see the ant and the fly if you click on the photos to enlarge them).
I've been busy crocheting another afghan.
My cousin who lives in Edmonton will visit briefly in about 2 weeks. 
I want to gift her with an afghan for her 60th birthday.
I will unveil new afghans soon.

I also have to get started on making some clothing. I began cutting out the fabric a few weeks ago but have much more to do. I also need to return some clothing I bought without trying them on.
The store is not so far away so that will be good exercise.
I'm hoping to do a little reading, cleaning, etc.

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Joining in with Eileen at Saturday's Critters.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Early August

Hello friends,

It's the end of another week. Time passes so quickly.

I had great news today. My nephew has successfully completed his Master's Degree in Psychology and will commence his PhD studies in a few short weeks. I am very proud of him. We have long had a "deal" that once he has completed much of his education we will travel together to France. He reminded me of it today.

In other news the wild fires which have been burning for weeks now continue to wreck havoc several hours to the north of me. The air quality in much of the province is very bad and has now affected my city for a few days.  Have a look at the sky in the photo below.

This has been the picture for much of the past 3 days. Our province has not seen fires this bad for about 60 years or weather and we've been smashing temperature records all week. What we need is some good rainfall but there doesn't seem to be any in the forecast. The moon has turned orange. You can see it peeking out of the trees in the photo below (sorry the trees are in the way and I wasn't high enough to see over the trees). I read on line news today which said a controlled burn a few days ago is now an uncontrolled burn due to high winds (*sigh). It is threatening a power station that supplies electricity to Vancouver Island and Vancouver. Crews are working hard to make sure it isn't impacted but at this stage only God knows the outcomes.

 As of 6:23 a.m. PT Friday, 10 communities had reached a seven out of 10 on the Air Quality Health Index:
  • Central Fraser Valley.
  • Central Okanagan.
  • Eastern Fraser Valley.
  • Kamloops.
  • Metro Vancouver - NE.
  • Metro Vancouver - NW.
  • North Okanagan.
  • South Okanagan.
  • Squamish.
  • Whistler.
When the index shows a number of seven or higher, Environment Canada recommends that children, the elderly and those with respiratory conditions "take it easy" and reduce outdoor activities.
The general population should do the same if they start to cough or feel an itch in their throat.
(Source: CBC News, August 4, 2017)

Yesterday when I was out running errands I had to make a dash for the bus and I ran as fast as I could for almost 1 block.  I noticed later in the evening that my throat was very sore. I've also had an intermittent, irritating cough for a few days. I'm largely indoors but it is too hot to go without throwing open the doors and windows and running the fans so I guess I must be breathing in the small particulate matter which is in the air.

With the run of hot weather I haven't felt up to much though I am keeping very busy with the daily things of life. I've made a bit of progress with some household updates; mainly buying new accessories for the kitchen, dining and bathroom areas. This has also meant decluttering a bit in these areas and giving away things.  All the giveaways take time because one must take photos, place the advert, respond to emails and phone calls and then hope the people show up to pick up what they requested. Sometimes there isn't much interest in what is posted. It is all a matter of timing.

With the really hot weather this week I haven't done much reading. Even so it won't be difficult to meet this year's reading goal as I'm several books ahead of schedule.  Currently in my reading pile is The Legacy of Pemberley by Rebeccah Ann Collins. It is the 10th book and final book in the series. The funny thing is I didn't know that when I picked it up so I've had to try and decipher who everyone is.  If are a Jane Austen fan I'm sure you will enjoy the book just as I'm enjoying it.

There Was a Country:A Memoir  by the late Chinua Achebe is also in my current reading pile.  It is about his personal account of the Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Biafran War of 1967-1970.

Besides these two books I've got several more on hold request at the library.  I've also downloaded several free ebooks this week from both Amazon Kindle and Kobo (Canada's version of Kindle).  I probably wouldn't spend money on these books but since I got them for free I will now be introduced to some "new to me" authors.

As you can see, I won't be without reading material any time soon.  The nice thing too  is that I'm already prepared with reading materials for any future travels. While I still prefer reading a paper book you can't beat the convenience of an ebook. I can carry an entire library of books in my mini Kobo.   Such wonders. My grandfather and great-grandmother would have marvelled at the thought if they had lived long enough to know about it. I think my grandfather would have especially liked an ereader. Every time I saw him he would be reading.

My niece will visit me in a few short days and  I'm looking forward to her visit. We always have fun and I do things with her that I wouldn't otherwise get to enjoy.  While she is here we will celebrate her recent birthday and her brother and I have a few surprises planned.

In coming weeks and months,  I'll be trying to solidify future travel plans with my nephew.  He is a very busy guy so it will be difficult to pin him down over a mutually workable period of time to travel. I do hope we can work it out.  I'll also be working on a few other fun plans.  More about these in future.

I've been busy helping students and widows in Kenya.  There is always great need there. Sadly the little toddler with the cancerous tumour on his eye passed on.  We were unable to save him though the doctors tried hard.  My friend Jonah worked tirelessly to get the City of Nairobi to provide land to bury the lad who died while being treated in hospital in that city.  Ordinarily one would be buried on the family compound.  However the sad fact is this young lad and his mother were turned out of their rural home due to the boy's tumour. The father thought his wife and the boy were cursed.  As a result they had been living in a shelter for some time and the boy had been many hours away in hospital for much of the time.

Last but not least, Kenya will be having it's national elections on Tuesday, August 8th, 2017.  It is a always a very tense time.  If you are a person of prayer,  please pray for peace and safety for the nation and it's people as well as fair election outcomes.

Take care until next time.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Friday Foto Friends.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The End of an Era

Dear friends, it has been long since I posted here. I wasn't sure if I would post again at this space, start a new blog or stop posting altogether. 

 For now I thought I should at least come back and report what has happened since I posted last in the Fall of 2016.
(Sorry Jo for taking so long to post after your suggestion).


 Some of my readers will remember I took a break due to needing a rest. I  didn't quite get the rest I anticipated.


First it was Christmas with the busyness and travel all that entails. 

Next came more medical issues for my dear mom and hospital checks and ultimate admittance.  
She stayed there for a month and that required much travel back and forth to visit with her, comfort her and make sure her needs were being met.

After surgery she wanted to go home.

We worked on setting everything up for her there but there were a few setbacks and delays in getting her home.
Ultimately though we succeeded and  she was so very happy.

She told me several times (and others too) that she felt she was going to her (real) home as she pointed upwards toward heaven. 
I wasn't really sure if she meant it or if she was just under the influence of the pain medications.
She was in a lot of pain.

Of course, I knew that anything was possible at her age and health.

On April 14, 2017, Good Friday, my mother left her earthly home and went to be with our Lord.
It was hectic to organize a funeral on a long weekend and being from another city but it was done and we laid her to rest on Friday, April 21, 2017. 

Both days were absolutely beautiful, sunny days. For that I am grateful.

Travelling relatives left their homes in winter storms and arrived in beautiful, peaceful and warm weather.

We had a nice family time and mom's home going was truly a family celebration.
Her sister, brother and niece each sang songs, her grandchildren and nephews carried her casket and her grandson gave a powerful eulogy encouraging others to take on some of mom's exemplary traits such as her strength of character and ability to deal with life's tribulations, her great sacrificial care and concern for others and the contentment and satisfaction she had with her life. Our childhood  (mine and siblings) Sunday School driver officiated the service. 
Everything had come full circle.

Mom never looked so peaceful and contented as she did in the final days of her life.
At times she would smile in her sleep and I felt that she was somehow being prepared and given a glimpse of the glory that awaited.

She did not speak in the final week of her life but she was not in any real pain or discomfort.
As a gift to my brother and I, she sat up in bed and spoke extensively to the care providers and to us on the day we arrived to be with her for the final days of her life.
I am grateful for all of this.

Mom had her 80th birthday on August 31, 2017.
I was grateful my brother insisted we get a cake for her despite the fact she couldn't eat it post-stroke.
I wanted to wait until she recovered more fully.
Now I see the wisdom in his thinking and so very glad we have the memories and the photos.

Though it is never easy to lose a loved one, it is definitely made much easier in the light of the knowledge that one day we will meet again and that she is never again going to suffer or shed a tear.

Moreover she will be reunited with her maker and all the many loved ones that have gone before her.  

What joy!
What joy!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sad Goodbyes

Florence 1943-2016

We little knew that morning
God was to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
in death we do the same.
It broke our hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide,
And though we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again


Today my aunt was laid to rest.
She was a very stoic woman who had a lot of strength. She was in great pain on a constant basis but would never complain or let on that she was not well.
She lived her life her way and that is what is important.
Her husband passed many years ago after being ill for a very long time.
She leaves behind 2 sons and 2 daughters and several grandchildren and great-children.  

Sadly, another family member passed today too.

My cousin Patrick and nephew to my auntie, Florence and to my mom.

He had heart trouble and several heart attacks over the years. 
He had another heart attack today after they laid my auntie to rest.

I don't know for sure but I think it was the stress of the long journey (for him about 1000 km one way).

 Patrick was a loving and sensitive person who became closer to my mom and would visit her in the care home after losing his own mother. 

Sad, sad day for his wife and young son left behind.  
It  was only a few short years ago that their other son passed unexpectedly..
They say a parent never gets over the demise of their child.  A child dying before a parent is out of the order of things.

In a post a short while ago I was writing how important it is to give thanks for every good thing and to enjoy the beauty that is here all around us while we can..
If we are exceptionally busy we should pause and remember to  give thanks.  Embrace all that is good and lovely.
Always remember to tell your loved ones that they are loved.  We just never know how long we will have with them on this earth.

 Prayers abound for the immediate loved ones who will find it difficult in the weeks and months to follow.
Much love
May God watch over you and your loved ones and keep you safe

2 Corinthians  (TLB)
 Now we look forward with confidence to our heavenly bodies, realizing that every moment we spend in these earthly bodies is time spent away from our eternal home in heaven with Jesus. We know these things are true by believing, not by seeing. And we are not afraid but are quite content to die, for then we will be at home with the Lord. So our aim is to please him always in everything we do, whether we are here in this body or away from this body and with him in heaven

Friday, August 29, 2014

Frugal Thursday & Party Plans

There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise, 
But a foolish man swallows it up.
Proverbs 21:20

It was a very busy day Thursday dealing with mom's birthday party planning and financial matters.

It is only a small party but because I live out of town it is always a bit more difficult to get everything organized. I've bought her a small gift that she will really like. It is a child size pendleton blanket that she can use as a lap blanket. It will be much warmer than the one I made her a few years ago.

I hope mom will enjoy herself and feel special for the day. I've been rather worried about her as she has been feeling frail and weak for some time now.  This will be her opportunity to see those that mean a lot to her. She will be 79 on Sunday.  Many years ago I used to tell her she will live until she is at least 82 because she used to think she wouldn't make it to the age she is now.    If we are blessed to be able to celebrate her 80th birthday party I hope to try and do something special.  Maybe invite relatives from afar. I have to start thinking ahead for that one.  It would have to be a surprise or she may not like all the fuss so we will have to see how it goes.

 I sourced out the place to purchase the cake, appetizer tray and food. I also made sure my niece will be escorted to mom's residence and invited my nephew and his family and his mom (my SIL). My other nephew won't be there as he is going for a few days holiday to Las Vegas. He has been doing double duty this summer at his job and studying for his GRE exam to get into graduate school so he has long planned this one weekend away before university starts again. He told me yesterday that he will visit his grandma next week before classes begin.

Mini version of a blanket I bought mom many years ago. I have her big one.

I also undertook a number of activities to shave a few dollars from my monthly costs. I'm always looking for ways to be frugal and cut monthly costs. How about you?  Do you spend time looking for savings too and what do you do with it?

I have a friend in Kenya who could use a little help to finish his university and graduate and that is where I put some of my savings. His name is Elvis and he is finishing his medical studies in Kenya (read more to the upper right of my blog). Let me know if you would like to help him. Any amount would be appreciated by him and his single mom who looks after 3 other children on her small income as a worker in a flower factory.  If you live in Europe, just think she might have picked the flowers in your vase.! Life is very hard for your average person in Kenya. The vast majority are not privileged to have a big income or eat more than a meal a day.

Today I saved money by doing a number of things:

* cancelled my movie package on my television programming.  This is a savings of $18. (Canadian) per month.  Initially I purchased it when it was a promotional deal. I don't usually do this but was feeling extravagant at the time. I meant to cancel the deal after 3 months but ended up keeping it for 6.

* opted into another package of channels because of a 6 month promotional deal at half price ($9.00 Canadian). The cost of the package is the same as my movie package but is currently 50% for half a year. I'll decide in that time whether I want it or not. I will likely cancel it before the 6 months is over or just at the 6 months.

* switched my long distance call plan. The cost is half of what I have been paying ($6.00 a month).  I haven't been using that many minutes per month so this works out for me.  It is easier for mom to reach me when she needs me than for me to reach her. So she is the one that needs unlimited long distance calling plan. Her plan is $20. (Canadian) per month.

I also look after my mom's bills and try to save her money wherever I can. Given her many moves last year, the telephone company made a royal mess of  a number of things. After several attempts to straighten things out I discovered that they are now giving her a $10 discount each month for the next year. They call it a loyalty discount.  She really has been loyal to them in choosing to stay with them over 40 years!

* I asked my telephone company where else I can save money on my bill?  Apparently I am already paying for the least expensive options for the telephone, internet and television bundle.  But I have been a loyal customer of the same company for a very long time also so they gave me a 6 month discount of $5. for each of the services. It amounts to a total savings of $90. They said it was in recognition of the fact that I do have other options for my telecommunications needs.  I can get a much cheaper telephone rate somewhere else or cut my home phone altogether. I have Skype and I have unlimited cell service. However I keep the home phone the same for my mother's sake (reliability of service, same phone number, voice mail, etc). I would also probably be paying more on the internet and television without a bundle. Of course, I am always assessing whether to stay with the company or go elsewhere. I've determined that for my needs at this time, this company gives me the best rates and the best services for those rates. If things change, I can always change providers

* they also suggested I delete my paper bills for a monthly savings of $2. but I wasn't quite ready to do that given all the issues I've had over the last year (or so I thought with my mom's bill and my bill.  It turns out I misread my bill but I still like to check them over on paper not on the computer screen.  I dislike looking at documents on line but once I feel comfortable that things are straightened out with the service providers I can easily give up the paper bills. Update:  the very next day after posting this I learned that the telephone company has been challenged over the issue of charging people for paper bills. I also understand that they have recently stopped charging seniors, the disabled and those that don't have internet (another $2. saved on my mom's monthly bill).  In the not too distant future, the federal (national) government will prevent the telephone company from charging anyone for a paper bill. Now if only they would also stop the banks from charging us for the paper bills too and let the consumer decide how they want to receive their bills. Many would opt and have already voluntarily opted to receive bills on line to save paper and impacting negatively on the environment.  For those that can't or don't have internet usage (the economically disadvantaged, the disabled and many seniors), should not be charged for the privilege of having a paper bill.

* colouring my own hair. I have saved quite a lot of money by buying and applying henna to my roots every month. I go to the hairdresser only once or twice a year to get my entire head of hair coloured, get a few highlights and/or a trim. This usually costs $45.00 and I save $25 a month doing my own hair. I actually save more than this because my former hairdresser charged $45 a month to apply the henna, wash and blow dry and I now only pay $25 (different hairdresser).

* contacted my financial advisor to let him know I want to eliminate critical illness insurance. This costs $120. (Canadian) a month. I've been paying it for 16 years and I think it is time to stop especially since I am not working any more. I've tried to eliminate this several times before. My advisor always convinces me to keep it and to cancel my life insurance instead. I keep my life insurance mainly because lenders like to know you have insurance and I want to have a small amount for loved ones if needed when I ultimately pass.

* returned a pair of winter woolen socks and exchanged them for a different pair. Savings: $3.36 (Canadian)

* purchased an African basket from Ghana for a savings of $15.00 plus tax off the original price. Believe it or not, I purchased the basket at a postal outlet of all places.  Chatting with the proprietress I discovered that she was born in Kenya, a land that I love so much. She is clearing out old stock to make way for the new.  My basket got quite a lot of compliments as I wondered about the west side neighborhood doing my errands.

* shopping at a new to me store for a food items. I was pleased to discover that a lot of things I like are much less expensive there (examples: flax seeds, some cheeses, whole meal bread, molasses). I saved about $8.00 (Canadian) off just a very few items that I would normally purchase in my own neighborhood.

My work on "tweaking" the budget is not done. 

I still have a number of areas that I know I can eliminate and which I hope to do very soon. 

That brings me to the question how many of you my dear readers have critical illness insurance.

How much coverage do you actually have and do you think it is worth it? 

Personally, I think that once you hit 55 years or older, the critical illness is not so important. Most people are going to get critically ill before that time.  If they get critically ill when they are older then they usually have no need for a smaller lump sum for vacations or bills.  You usually have equity in your home for those purposes and some more fortunate people have more than adequate income in savings. If you don't have either of these, you probably wouldn't buy critical illness insurance as it would cost too much.

My benefit is not that great in the event I was to get very ill. When I purchased the insurance I was a lot younger but because I noted every little, small thing that was wrong with me at the time it ended up costing me a lot of money.  The primary issue was whiplash and back problems brought on by car accident and also some ear, nose and throat issues caused by a skating accident when I was a teenager.  These few problems and a bit of excess weight caused me to end up paying much more than I was expecting. Whenever I ask my advisor why I need this insurance he says to pay off bills or take a vacation if I should live long enough (3 months) after getting critically ill (cancer, stroke, heart attack...that kind of thing). When I was working and not retired it made more sense to me.  I was far too busy to scrutinize expenditures and maximize savings by implementing frugal measures and routines.  Even now that I am retired, I still don't have a lot of excess time for these two activities but I make time every year to evaluate where I'm at.  I'm retired now and eliminating critical illness insurance seems to be a good way to go. I've already notified my advisor by email so he wants to meet next month if I am free and get me to sign some papers. Perhaps he will try to convince me again but this time I am pretty certain. I also want to give up the accidental death coverage through my previous employer.

Total savings:  Approx. $265. dollars. $54 savings is spread over 6 months. The $120. on critical illness insurance won't be saved until my advisor gets me to sign papers next month. So real savings this month of August is about $ be used for charitable works and mom's birthday present.  Not too bad and soon I will have more savings. More tweaking of the budget and any resulting savings will allow me to continue with my ongoing charitable work in Kenya and also toward saving for household needs (renos, appliances, etc.).

 I'd like to hear your thoughts about your own experiences, if any, with critical illness insurance.

{Photos of flowers were all taken in Kenya.  Please do not use for Pinterest or any other purpose.  I hope I don't offend anyone but recently I found a number of my blog photos on Pinterest and no one had ever asked to use them. I guess this is kind of the purpose of Pinterest but I don't subscribe to that kind of usage.}

A Glorious Sky

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope the end of the week finds you well and in good health. On my end it's been a hectic week and I...