Friday, September 20, 2019

Update - Kenyan Missions

Eunice is the woman in the photo. Eunice is a widow of many years and has raised several children mostly on her own.  Like many people in Kenya, she and her children live in the villages and they eke out a living as best they can. They have little for their own needs let alone funds for dealing with major life challenges. It is a real challenge just to try and eat, let alone eat a nutritious diet.  Other things that we in the developed nations take for granted like eating out, travelling, buying books/clothing/household needs,  medicines and so on are luxuries.  The small amount of funds they are able to make are mainly used for meager food supplies and telephone data. Everyone in Kenya must have a phone of some kind as that is the way to stay in touch, do business and banking.

Eunice is from a village near Kericho, Kenya where she taught Sunday School for over 40 years. She retired from this role a few years ago but before she could enjoy her down time she became sick and has been in and out of hospitals for treatment.  She has been in a private hospital in  Nakuru, Kenya for several months after spending time at the mission hospital in Tenwek near Bomet.  The hospitals are several hours away from her home and family. Her main health challenges are acute anemia and high blood pressure which seem to be health issues on the maternal side of the family.

Eunice's family and I have been trying to get her the medical help she needs and it has been difficult to fully understand the nature of her condition.  Mostly we have been responding to urgent medical needs to keep her alive.  Such interventions include keeping her supplied with oxygen, blood and special food as needed.  But these treatments have only been keeping her going rather than healed any underlying health issues.

Her family and I have been trying to get her the medical help she needs but it has taken a long while to fully grasp the nature of her condition. Thus far we have been able to keep her going and to do the urgent things for her care.   We have been keeping her supplied with oxygen, blood and special food when we can but it has been challenging financially to do what is required.  Whatever we have done has only kept her alive and hasn't addressed any underlying health issues. 

We are now at the point of trying some expensive medications and a more consistent special diet to see if this combined approach will give her the boost she needs to fully recover.  It has been about 8 days on this new regime and Eunice seems to be stabilizing but once again we are running out of funds. We are urgently trying to raise the funds needed so she can get the required treatment for at least another month.

Funds are needed for pay for the medications, blood and oxygen when required, care in Intensive Care Unit and if moved, general ward costs. Since she is in hospital hours away from her home town, we also need a bit of funds for food for her son or daughter who accompany her and visit her every day. They do not live in Nakuru where Eunice is currently in hospital and she cannot be moved due to an unpaid hospital bill.  Eunice actually has medical insurance but the hospital costs are much more than what insurance has paid and what I could add.

Here is a budget breakdown for the next month or two.

Current medicine costs are 5000 Kenyan shillings (KSH) for every 5 days (approx $65 (Canadian), $50 (US), $71 (Australian), $44 (Euros) 39 Pounds Sterling.

Funds are needed for at least one month  5000 KSH  x 6 = 30,000 KSH. Two months is 60,000 KSH.
Approximate costs for oxygen and blood is 7000 KSH (approx $95 Canadian) for each pint of blood or each tank of oxygen.  She will likely need more than one of each.

High Dependency Unit (called in Intensive Care in some countries) or General Ward costs would be additional but for now we seek support for medicines.

For family support costs for one person is as follows:
Food costs are 1500 Kenyan shillings for 2 days or 1500 x 15 for one month is =22500  Kenyan shillings.
30,000 +22500 Kenyan shillings =52, 500 Kenyan shillings minimum per month  ($673 (Canadian), $507 (US), $746 (Australian), 458 (Euros), 404 (Pounds Sterling)

Other costs, travel back and forth to the hospital (5600 KSH per month), occasional travel to home 3000 KSH per month), food (30,000 KSH per month), lodgings (45,000 KSH per month). Approximate cost for one month 83,600 KSH.  Cost for 2 months approx. 167,200 KSH. 

The family expresses gratitude for anyone who is able to contribute.  They realize that it is a completely selfless act. One person cannot do it all but many people working together can do a lot.

Please share this need as widely as you can. Thank you so much.


Thank you to those who have been touch.


In Other news

Most of you know that Ernest (in Kenya) has been recovering at home from the leg injury he suffered after being run over by a motor bike taxi. 
As of Friday, September 20th he will have the plaster removed from his leg and be able to walk without the crutches he has been using over the past months.

On behalf of his family, thank you to those who helped him with medical costs.


If anyone would like to help this man he has an ongoing need for nutritious food ($50), diabetes medicine  ($7) and delivery of clean drinking water ($40).  All funds stated in Canadian dollars for a one month period.

You can reach me by email if you would like to help Ernest.

Photos show Ernest at his release from hospital and in the field at home.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Eunice Needs Medical Help

*Awaiting Access to Go Fund Me page to update. 
Thank you.*

Please share widely

One of my faithful readers asked me privately about a month ago if I have considered a Go Fund Me Campaign for Eunice.  I had not due to being so busy with other things but now I've had a moment to do so.

Eunice is the women in the center of the photo and she has been in hospital for months because she cannot afford the proper treatment for her medical issues. 

I need everyone's help in sharing and spreading this campaign page.  I'm not sure if this is the right fundraising platform to start a campaign but with your help in sharing we can do something to help Eunice.
Here is the link for copying and pasting

You can also get to the campaign page to copy and page by clicking on the photo caption.

I will update the page as I get more information.

Thank you for your help.

Note:  Since I posted this item it's come to my attention that blogger is preventing some people from leaving a comment. I know that happens from time to time as it has happened to me on other blogs too. I hope it won't deter you from sharing or from donating as you are able. Thank you on behalf of Eunice and her family.
In retrospect it probably doesn't make sense to keep comments open. I will try to figure out how to disable ethe comment feature. It doesn't seem so straightforward as before.  I would rather people took a few moments to share this need within their social networks rather than leave a comment here.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Last Guest Goes Home

(I apologize for the blot on one of my sky photos. It looks like my lens need cleaning but I'm afraid to scratch them so have been delaying the task).

The sun is going down quickly.

Unofficially summer is now over. My house guests have all gone home ~ just. The garden/s have stopped producing though the geraniums are still bright and thriving.  The geraniums always last a long time and that probably explains why they are one of my favourite container plants. Soon I will need to clear the debris from the garden and organize the patio for the winter season.  Unfortunately I didn't seem to have time to sit out and enjoy the patio this summer as I had planned. Perhaps next summer will be better as I hope I will be finished with the major decluttering by then and won't have annoying tasks hanging over my head.

I'm reading a book or two. I just finished the interesting booked entitled Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. It's a good thing I enjoyed the book a lot so I could read it quickly.  Though I've only had it out of the library fo a week there are almost 160 people who have joined the wait list for it.  I'm also reading Lisette's List.  The writer and the book have excellent reviews but I'm finding this book less enjoyable. It isn't the subject matter but the style of writing that I don't enjoy quite as much as the first book I've mentioned. I am enjoying the 2nd half of the book more than the first half so I will finish it.

I plan to go to the library on Thursday or Friday to drop off completed books and pick up a new book, a Gothic mystery called The Poison Thread.  It comes highly recommended from someone I follow on You Tube.  In Europe it goes by the title, The Corset.  I'm not sure why it has a different name in different parts of the world.

My cousin was here for a few days and went back to her sisters on Wednesday.  We had one less day together than I had hoped but she is flying home on Friday and still has a few things to do with her sister. Yesterday we went to Chinatown for late lunch then took a scenic ride on the bus to a movie theatre in my general neighbourhood.  We went to see the movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the relatively new movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt. It is set in the time of Charles' Manson and his cult followers but it doesn't copy the story that many of you will be familiar with  regarding the late Sharon Tate. The movie is a bit quirky and darkly comical. My cousin and I both rated the movie as fine but rather slow moving until the latter scenes. It wasn't the best movie I've seen but it certainly wasn't the worst.

I'm glad I got to see it as it was on my list of movies to see and I'm getting the feeling it will soon be gone from the big screens here in my city.  Once the movie ended we decided to walk back to my home.  Though it was dark we felt safe enough together and the distance was only about 8 blocks through a residential area. I wanted to stop at the late night pharmacy on the way home and pick up some sliced bread. We ended the late part of the evening and our visit by watching a taped program of the Amazing Race Canada.  In the morning there was only time for coffee and a brief goodbye. So that is it for our visit and maybe we will see one another again at Christmas or next summer.

I wasn't able to do much in the way of laundry or cleaning today because my hot water is shut off until tomorrow.  The boiler is being upgraded and the water supply has been impacted over the past several days (it turned out to be 4 days and 3 nights. I was only expecting 3 days and 2 nights). Besides reading and visiting with relatives I've also been spending a bit of time sewing and knitting. Depending on my progress I hope to share the projects in a future post.  It's a bit sad to see the end of my guests for another year but I now turn my head and hand to many other things on my 'to do' list.

I'm not sure but I think these 2 lovebirds were on a kayak, maybe 2 kayaks.

All photos in this post were taken at Spanish Banks in Vancouver, BC.


Linking up with 
Skywatch Friday
this week. 

Thank you so much for your visit and your comment.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Waning Days of Summer

Hi friends,

These are some photos I took on my one and only trip to the beach this summer.
There were quite a few people there and a lot of photographers set up with their equipment right at the waterfront.
In some cases they blocked the best views but I don't mind. I'm not a pro and I just wanted a few nice photos.
When I framed my photos I cropped out as many people as possible :-)

The beach outing was really for my niece so she could walk in the sand and see the waterfront.
After the sun set we stopped for an ice cream on the way home.
A simple little outing which was quite enjoyable.

In previous years I've mentioned how the weather changes from hot to a bit chilly overnight as of September 1st.
This year I noticed it getting chillier a bit earlier.
 It is still nice and sunny during the day time.  But now I need a little covering to keep at a comfortable temperature if I'm going to be out after dark.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Enjoy your weekend and thank you for your visit.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

A Sunflower Sky

I hurriedly snapped these photos as the light was quickly fading.


Walking through the community garden after watering I could see that many sunflowers had already dried up and died.  The plot holders probably haven't watered in quite some time.
Many sunflowers in other plots were much taller than mine too.  
When I was assigned a plot I was told not to plant a very tall variety. I guess some people don't listen well or their sunflowers were self seeded from last year's tall ones.
Nonetheless I was pleased the sunflowers came up and that they got as tall as they did (they are over 6 feet tall).

It's been a busy and a quick week.
My niece and I had a whirlwind visit with me trying to keep her occupied and busy for the time she was here.
Her brother took her to the annual air show but this year they went to Chilliwack
which has a free air show rather than the one they usually go to in Abbottsford.

We didn't know the one in Chilliwack was free. It just fell at the right time in the calendar.  The free entrance was a bonus and my niece had a wonderful time.
Other than several long walks to the garden and to and from other places, we also went to see the Disney movie, The Lion King.  We both enjoyed it a lot.  The scenery and animals are so realistic looking.
It made me want to go to Kenya again soon.

Tuesday we went to the annual Pacific National Exhibition (PNE).

 There we went to went to see the farm animals and the always fun, Super Dog show.
My niece had a lot of laughs watching the dogs run through their races.
We went early to the dog show to get a good seat.
The dogs move so quickly that it is hard to get a good photo.

Of course we also had corn on the cob, ice cream and a few other goodies that we don't get to eat on a regular basis.

I was seated at the pretzel place having a salty pretzel while my niece had a vanilla one.

It was a very hot day. Thankfully there were several places to fill your water bottles and it seems each year they improve the seating. Of course the seats under the shade get taken up quickly.
After each activity,  my niece pronounced it as her favourite one.
That is a good sign and means she has been enjoying herself.
Nonetheless she is anxious to get home to her own bed. 
She loves to come each year but she is basically a homebody.
Before she goes home we are going to the beach on Wednesday.
On Thursday we will have a small dinner to celebrate her birthday. Her brother will bring the cake.
Then it will be time to get ready for the journey home on Friday.
In a year or two, I'm hoping to take my niece on a plane trip. Before then we have a lot of 'training' to do like getting her a bit more independent and less fearful of doing things like climbing stairs, riding the city buses and so on.
A cousin I see about once a year, sometimes twice, will be visiting in another week or so.
Unfortunately it seems my building will be turning the water off for the days she will be here.  I guess they are upgrading the boiler system.
I have to make some inquiries so I can properly prepare.
I always enjoy a visit with my cousin. She is usually only here for a very short time but this time I told her she needs to stay a bit longer so we can enjoy some outings.  She was game.
When we were teens we were the best of friends but then for many years life took us in very different directions.
In later years we kept in better touch due to my late mom's ill health and now we try to keep in better touch.


 Linking with Skywatch Friday

 Take care and have a lovely week.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

This and That: Beautiful Skies and Various Hobbies

The beautiful sky that greeted my Saturday evening.

Beyond getting rid of clutter I've been preparing for Fall and Winter projects and making a bit of progress.
In February I purchased the fabrics on the left side of the collage (all cotton).
On the weekend I purchased the fabrics on the right of the collage (all cotton, viscose, rayon and bamboo).

I want to make some summer dresses or outfits but I haven't found the right patterns yet. 
I keep looking on line for inspiration and ideas.
I still need notions to undertake the various projects.
These are not for my winter wardrobe. These are in preparation for next summer so I still have plenty of time to find just the right inspiration for the clothing.
The white interfacing at the top of the right hand pile is for a project I hope to make for one of my brothers.This one I'm hoping to start before winter arrives.

The olive green dress below is one I got a Kenyan seamstress to make for my late mom. 
The seamstress was amazing as she sewed up 3 dresses for me virtually overnight.
African women seem to sew without patterns as they know how to measure and cut for various styles.
They are quite amazing in this way.
 I had two similar dresses made for my mom and one for me. I wanted mom's dresses in a very simple cut and wide enough for comfort when seated. I also wanted large pockets in the front of the dress for easy accessibility when seated in a wheelchair.
Mom loved her dresses and at her home going ceremony I made sure to dress her in one. This is the one I have left and on hot summer days I wear it around the house. If I want to wear it out I would have to alter it.

These next few photos are from my community garden plot. I had a good crop of beans and zucchini this year. 
I don't think I'll grow zucchini next year though as they take too  much room in the small plot.
The sunflowers grew very well but the leaves had spots on them.
I will have to try and learn what caused the spotting and check to see whether other
sunflower growers had similar issues.

I harvested kale and lettuce from the small garden.  I could not use up all the kale but the lettuce really didn't grow large enough or plentiful enough though I did enjoy a salad or two. I've had more success growing lettuce in containers on my balcony.  This year in my patio garden I grew mostly flowers which were growing nicely until end of July then all of sudden the garden dried up. I also grew cherry tomatoes and strawberries which grew well.  The peppers, eggplant and zucchini didn't grow well. The herbs grew quickly but sadly, mostly went unused. 


In Kenya, Eunice remains at the private hospital so we have had no forward movement in getting her to hospital. But since I posted this on Wednesday night she took a turn for the worse and is back in Intensive Care. The family is desperately trying to raise funds for her further treatment.
Ernest had the plaster changed on his leg and is healing well.

A young friend was robbed of his phone a few weeks ago while riding public transport called matatu (basically a shared taxi van). One really needs a smart phone to survive in Kenya (perhaps in most of Africa these days) as Kenyans do a lot of money transactions via phone and also need to keep in contact with friends and family. Thankfully a young Canadian woman offered to help purchase a new phone for him. That was an answer to my specific prayers.

In other good news, one of the young men I helped to finish an Engineering degree finally got a refund from the university he had been hoping to attend this year.
It took almost 8 months to get the money back.
We are grateful since universities in Kenya  are notorious for being broke.
This is another answer to a specific prayer.
For some odd reason the university insisted on making the refund cheque out to my young friend's mother despite the fact that he is of age and she did not pay his tuition.
This approach had great potential to cause other problems but thankfully everything worked out fine and very soon he will have the funds put into his own bank account.
These funds are needed to apply to graduate school.
More on that as time goes by.


By the time this post is published I hope to be enjoying my visit with my niece so I will "see" you once our visit is over and she has returned home.

 I close with one more photo of the misty mountains.

I really love the sky.

Joining up with

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Close of Another Week

I love the first, blurred photo.
The blurred, coloured lights give it added interest.

(You can click each photo to enlarge).
This was taken just after 5:30 a.m. The light is coming out about an hour later these days.


I've been busy this week with some  personal business and several things concerning the missions in Kenya.
Eunice is still in hospital in Nakuru, Kenya awaiting the clearance of the bill before she can be transferred to hospice care in her home town.

Much of my summer has been busy trying to declutter and also take care of old business. I write about some of it here on my blog.

While I've been very busy from time to time I take time out by knitting and reading.

These are the coloured, knitted cloths I've made so far. Some will be gifts and some will be for my own use as most of my dishcloths are at the end of their use.  I seem to go through a lot of them.

I like seeing the different colours of cloths in the basket.

This last photo was taken last night. I love the colour in the sky and the illuminated cross and twinkling lights on the ski hill.  It is getting darker a little earlier now and before too long it will be the end of summer.   Every year I am amazed at how the weather goes from hot to a bit chilly at night on precisely September 1. It's amazing.

I still have so much work to do at home but in a week my niece will visit for one week and we will be busy with different activities and dinners.  My cousin will visit from afar the week following.  Once my relatives are gone I hope to visit with a missionary from Taiwan. She hails from my area but she now makes her home in Taiwan and she comes to visit her family and friends each year.  She won't be staying at my home.  We just hope to do something nice together.

This photo was taken just before 9 p.m. It is getting dark about 30 minutes earlier than a few weeks ago

Here's to the close of another week.
I hope you all had a wonderful week with love and laughter or at least some progress in an area important to you.
Make time to take care of your needs.
Hugs and love.

Linking with

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Skies Over Vancouver, Skies Over You

Hello friends,

It's hard to believe but the summer here is almost over.

I captured these beauties in the early morning hours of Monday, August 5, 2019. 

Taken at night at the community garden plots on August 8, 2019.

Just a brief note about the Kenyan missions.  Ernest, the young man who was run over in Kenya (see side bar photos) is recovering well at home. He is escorted to the hospital each week for a check up to make sure everything is going well. The metal contraption (its name escapes me) has been removed. He now wears a cast and gets around with crutches and a wheelchair.

Ernest is discharged from hospital.

Here he is a few weeks later after the medical device was removed from his leg.
Thank you so much to the two friends who helped with his hospital bill.

Night descends quickly but still lots of people sitting in the park.


In sadder news, my friend Eunice has been in hospital for going on 6 months in a city called Nakuru, Kenya.  This city is about 3 hours away from her home and she is at this hospital because she requires more more specialized care.  But she really hasn't been doing well for most of the 6 months.  The family has been told to remove her from hospital due to significant unpaid bill but before she can be transported she needs to get a bit stronger.  The bill must be paid before they will allow her to be moved  (a catch 22 situation).
The family is hoping to move her back to her home town and is trying to arrange hospice care there.
Hospice care will take more funds but if she has to be hospitalized in the public hospital much of the cost should be covered by health insurance. We'll have to wait and see how this all plays out because very little is ever straight forward in Kenya.
Kindly keep this need and this family in prayer.
I believe in answers to prayer.

It's a miracle to know the same sky that covers me here at home covers the people where you are and moreover covers the people in Kenya. Such an awesome thought.


Joining in with 
Skywatch Friday this week. 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Productive July Ends

It's been a busy week so far. Nothing terribly exciting happening but all is satisfying.

First up I delivered half of my personal library to a local care home. The recreational advisor saw my advertisement on the local Freecycle and said he would take all the books. So that was a God send since most takers just want a fictional book or two. A great many of the books I donated history books and reference books of all kinds (cooking, gardening, travel, self help and health books, how to books and cookbooks and a great many other topics).  The recreational person I dealt with told me they will sell books to benefit the seniors in their care. I do hope that they will have good success with the sales.

Reading continues with a few good books in my pile each week. My recent reads were The Paris Seamstress, Rebel Queen and The Next Person You Meet in Heaven.  They were all good books and I've listed them in the order of enjoyment in case you are interested.  Right now I'm reading a few books on fashion: Gok Wan's Work Your Wardrobe  and The Way She Wears It  by Dallas Shaw.  I'm relearning a lot of what I once knew and it is good to have a refresher.  Most of my newer reads are borrowed from the library so that I'm not spending the money and adding to my clutter at home.

One of my errands on Monday was to go the beautiful Granville Island. This is a very popular spot with tourists and locals alike but I wasn't there to stroll around and enjoy. I stopped at a store called Ten Thousand Villages to pick up a parcel of small items I ordered on line and asked to be delivered to the store front. It saved about $ 10.00 Canadian on shipping charges which is a lot considering the parcel was very small. If I had heavier things or larger things on order, then paying the shipping charges would be a good idea.  In fact, in my previous order with this company I had the parcel shipped to my local post office.

I'm very pleased with the quality of the products I've purchased from this place so far. I also like that the products are purchased from various countries abroad at fair trade prices. If you'd like to check it out please do because you would be benefiting artisans from developing nations.   If you want to check out the store, please check here.

Some of you might wonder why I am buying things when I am doing major decluttering.  One reason is I like to shop for gift ideas for Christmas and birthdays throughout the year.  This helps spread the cost over many months.

The other reason is that though I have too much stuff, one area where I am lacking is accessories, especially necklaces and earrings which help to stretch one's wardrobe into numerous outfits.

I keep an eye out for things I can purchase at a good price and that will coordinate with my wardrobe, current and planned.  Since I've already donated many clothing items  I will need to supplement my wardrobe in future.  But I don't need anything for awhile and can make do with what I have.  I also have plans to sew some things with the fabric I purchased in Kenya earlier in the year.  I will buy some coordinating fabric here in town to try and extend my wardrobe options that way too. So I can hold off buying new clothing until I know for sure what I really need.  

Last time I wrote about my knees I mentioned that I need to get updated x-rays.  I finally made it early in the week for the x-rays on both knees.  I expect soon to be referred to the center that educates arthritis patients to better manage their symptoms and assess them as to whether they need surgery.

Other than that I've been busy with the usual household things and a bit of shopping for a new wall clock,  yarn and food for the house.

While relaxing in the evening I'm knitting dishcloths for Christmas gifts. It's really the main that I knit and I have built up a little stash.  I enjoy knitting these simple cloths and it helps me feel like I'm doing something constructive while I relax.

I went to the community garden and snipped off some beautiful sunflowers to place at home. I noticed there were some ants in them so I had to get those out before I brought the flowers indoors.

I also snipped some salad greens and brought home. I made a simple green salad tonight with hamburgers on buns for dinner.

The container garden is holding up well. The rest of the garden doesn't look so great and I'm not really sure why. Probably a combination of over watering at times and under watering at other times.

Right now though there are workers out there and so they don't take care how they throw things around. After their work of power washing and painting walls is done I think my garden will be largely finished for this summer. If I have time I may plant some thing from seed just to see if it comes up and blossoms before we get too far into Fall weather.

Geraniums are a favourite in my garden.

I'll continue being busy at home for a few weeks with plans to see a movie or two with a friend and visit with an out of town friend who should be arriving soon.  My house guests won't start arriving until the end the month. Until then I have a lot to keep me busy. That's my update for now. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves wherever you are in the world.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...