Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bornest Goes Home

[Caption: Bornest is laid to rest. The orphans lay flowers at her grave.]

He will wipe every tear from their eyes,
and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
All these things are gone forever.

(Revelation 21:4 NLT)

Bornest, a young orphan woman in the community of Kericho, Kenya was my friend. She died over the weekend and was laid to rest yesterday.

In her short life on earth, Bornest touched many and I've learned that her life was mirrored in the words the people shared at her funeral. Though the rain fell heavily on that day, many people showed up to say goodbye and to pay their last respects. Bornest loved life and people and it was evident in her touching send off.

Pastor Jonah shared these photos of her going home celebration. The photos capture the order of their funerals which is:

- removing the body from the funeral home
- taking the body home
- talks & speeches
- preaching
- final farewell.

God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4 NLT


A word is not the same with one writer as with another.
One tears it from his guts.
The other pulls it out of his overcoat pocket.

~Charles Peguy~

I love notebooks. I love them because they come in all shapes and sizes. I love them because they remind me of possibilities. Possibilities of keeping track of things, possibilities of recording things, possibilities of writing.

I buy a lot of them. I generally browse the dollar stores and buy a couple at a time for a dollar each. I think this is a great use of a dollar! What else can you buy for a dollar these days that has as much value?

The notebook in my photo is one of my newer purchases. I like it's light green colour and I adore the little sketches on its cover.

The stone with word "Believe" reminds me to record things, even if only mentally, but hopefully on paper. Thoughts that help me believe in positive possibilities keep me mindful of gratitude for everything I have.

The stones are also reminders of the possibilities of writing more some day. More than lists, more than blogs, more than contact information.

~ I can dream. ~

We Made it to the Middle of May

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I trust you had a great week.  We've been having spectacular weather with sunny days, blue skies and ...