Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Baking & Cooking Frenzy

When I walk into my kitchen today, I am not alone. Whether we know it or not, none of us is. We bring fathers and mothers and kitchen tables, and every meal we have ever eaten. Food is never just food. It's also a way of getting at something else: who we are, who we have been, and who we want to be.

Molly Wizenberg, A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen Table, 2009

Today (Tuesday), I had a lot of pelvic pain. It wouldn't go away no matter what I did so I could not concentrate on reading in my cosy nook like I planned. Instead I cooked up some comfort food.

First up was some hot homemade soup. There is no recipe really. You just put whatever you want into boiling water. Whatever will satisfy your soul. Today I boiled up some pot barley along with white onions, celery bits, carrot bits, chopped potatoes, a can of stewed tomatoes and cooked hamburger. For flavouring I added Dr. Bragg's liquid soy seasoning, some splashes of hot sauce and salt to taste.

Then I baked some bread. You can see the recipe here. Today I mixed half and half white flour and whole wheat flour.

I also made up some pizza dough. Again I mixed white flour with whole wheat flour. These ones are oiled and wrapped in saran so they will go into the freezer for later use.

Last,  but not least, I baked up some chocolate chip cookies. These ones did not turn out as nicely as the ones I made here. Even though it is the same recipe.  Perhaps it is because I used an egg substitute as I had run out of eggs.

My egg substitute is as follows: 1 tsp. baking powder mixed with 1 tsp. oil to which is added 1/4 of water and mix it altogether. You can also use milk in place of water. This is a substitute for one egg. Although the cookies looked and tasted different, they were fine and I've now learned how to make cookies without eggs! I hope you will try it too.

My World Tuesday ~ November 9, 2010

My thank you to those of you who are praying for Kipngeno's school needs. He really needs your prayerful support.

Hi friends,

Here in Vancouver it is very windy and wet. I am reminiscing about warmer times and nice flowers in my garden.

Like these red roses.

And these Zinnias.
It is the kind of day where I feel I should curl up on a nice chair and read or study. The rain can get to be too much here in late Fall/Autumn and Winter.  At those times, it is important to be grateful and remember that it is the rain that keeps our city green and full of grass throughout the winter, as well as bringing early flowers in Spring.

My study corner for quiet study. There is a comfy armchair close by and natural light from the window.

That is my world for this Tuesday. You can join others around the world here and see what they are up to.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kipnegeno Goes to School

Hello prayer partners,

Kipngeno will be going to school in January, 2011 and we are so happy for him.

I wrote about Kipnegeno in an earlier post and you can read about him here if you like

He will be studying pharmacy, instead of nursing. Medical professionals are very much needed in Kenya.

He needs a lot of funding and prayer support to start school in two months time and we are trying to gather what is needed. Please continue to pray for him and if you can help, please let my friend, Pastor Jonah know here.

Otherwise have a great day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My World Tuesday~ November 2, 2010

We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.
Wernher von Braun
The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. What the world really needs is more love and less paperwork.
Pearl Bailey

I hate paperwork.  I know my blog is supposed to be about things that give me joy but I am sorry to say this is one task I take no pleasure in.  It is only after the paperwork is sorted and discarded, or put away in an easily accessible place, that I feel joyful

Over the years I've purchased many books and tools for dealing with out of control paperwork and I've also tried many systems. In honesty, I've never found one that really works for me. When I was working I simply had not enough time to deal with paperwork as my hours were horrendous.  Now that I am disabled and dealing with chronic illness, I prefer to avoid dealing with paperwork.  I do try to make sure I am more or less on top of deadlines and bills but I admit that sometimes the deadlines do pass by. Some organizational buffs might well ask why I don't automate bill payments. I guess I am old fashioned. Additionally, I like knowing exactly what I have to pay and exactly what I have in the account when I do pay the bills. If any of you have faced this problem yourselves and you've found a way to ensure you are never late with bill payments, please do let me know some of your tips.
On the top of my desk right now I have this pile of back logged paperwork. I've been collecting bills and sorting them into their various categories and so there are many months worth of bills in the pile. Once I have my financial plans set for 2011, I will be discarding as much of this paper as possible.  All the bills in the pile have been paid but I need more time to determine what I need to keep and how to file it, what to shred and what to action. At the top of the pile are the receipts I have to submit for reimbursement to my extended health care plan. There is a deadline of one year within which to file and it is getting close to that for some of them so I have prepared the package for the post.  I have oodles of paper in suitcases, boxes and bags that are more or less sorted but need a good going over before decluttering takes effect also.
My desk only has two drawers. The top drawer is for all my office supplies, including the stapler which is invaluable for my paperwork. I have a larger shelf/drawer below it which is where I keep my printer/scanner both of which are invaluable.
After the fire well we had over a year ago now, I resolved to get rid of clutter, including needless paperwork. I have a long way to go on this as I have been dealing with mom's health and long term care needs for most of each month in addition to my own health needs. When she is safely settled, I can resume my own paperwork actions. In the meantime though I make sure the bills are paid and the medical receipts are submitted.

My goals for 2010 included paying down debts and getting my financial house in order. I have made substantial progress on this as the year draws to a close and I feel much more in control of things. Part of my financial action plan now will be to ensure that I have systems set up for dealing with all future bills and paying down any smaller debts. In addition, I need a cash flow statement and a portion set aside for my monthly savings and monthly giving.

Did you set any financial goals for 2010?
Did you have success in meeting them? 
   Even small steps toward achieving your goals are better than no progress at all.  
If you persevere you will eventually meet your goals. 

Join others here for My World Tuesday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Please excuse my absence from Comments

May there always be work for your hands to do, may your purse always hold a coin or two. May the sun always shine on your windowpane, may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you, may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Irish Blessing

Dear fellow bloggers and readers,

I want to apologize as I am not up to blogging or commenting right now. I travelled yesterday from my home in Vancouver to visit my mom. By the time I arrived I was very ill: vomiting, fever, headaches, etc. I got worse as the night wore on. I'm not sure if I have a flu or a case of food poisoning. The good news is that I feel a little better today. The worst of the symptoms seem to have passed. But until I feel much better I'm afraid I won't be able to leave comments on your blogs though I will certainly try to pay you all a visit. Thank you too from the bottom of my heart for your continued following of my blog and leaving comments. It means the world to me.  I have one prescheduled blog post which will go up tomorrow. That might be all from me until I return home later this week.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Scenic Sunday ~ October 31, 2010

Autumn.. the year's last, loveliest smile.
William C. Bryant

I'm nostalgic for these beautiful, sunny days of fall/autumn in Vancouver, Canada.

Click here for more beautiful scenery from around the world.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today's Sky over Vancouver ~ Skywatch Friday, October 29, 2010

Going around under an umbrella interferes with one's looking up at the sky.
Jerzy Kosinski

It was a rainy day today though not as wet as it could have been :-)

Join in for more beautiful sky photos from around the world by clicking here.

Weekend Work

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,  I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend. As mentioned in my last post, I was spending time to declu...