Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Wee Bit of Good News

Every third month I go to a diabetes workshop run by my doctor and the medical clinic's nurse. I missed the last workshop and so it has been six months already since I was there last.

At the workshop we get a little education and each member of the group is provided with their updated cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure and weight numbers. We are also given any shots we might need.

I was a bit anxious over my numbers as the last time I went my blood sugar was a little higher, again. My blood pressure was also a wee bit elevated. I had also gained weight since the last workshop I attended.

I was happy to find that my blood sugar levels have in fact improved and I am nearing normal. My weight has returned to where it was, however my blood pressure has gone up a bit more. I'm not sure if it was hidden salt in the breakfast I ate and the coffee I had within half an hour of being tested, the white coat syndrome or just rushing to get to the clinic on time.  They let me rest awhile when I told them I felt my blood pressure was high and that it didn't usually get that way. Sure enough my blood pressure was elevated. I guess this is what they call prehypertension.  My blood pressure is not yet at the level considered high but it has been elevated more than not, on my last several visits to the clinic and something I need to get a grip on.   Now.

I think if I continue with my new dietary habits, get more fibre and get a bit more exercise and practise deep breathing, my blood pressure should come down.  I guess my real challenge is that I continue to have leg and mobility issues and that affects my ability to exercise or even get around as well as I need.  But assuming I can do some light exercise and all the other "right things", my blood sugars should also continue to improve in addition to the blood pressure.

I also asked my doctor to reduce the cholesterol medication I have been on. I asked for it to be halved since I feel it is too high.  The medication is causing cramping in the legs and the problem seems to be getting worse after months of no side effects.  She agreed to reduce my dosage.  I guess we will see how this affects my cholesterol levels the next time I get a full blood work up next year.  I am really hoping by then that I can go off this medication altogether.

This bit of good news made my day.


Monday, October 17, 2011

A Delightfully Refreshing Juice

I experimented today and it led me down an interesting path.

While I was out at the supermarket buying mushrooms for my stir-fry veggies, I decided to pick up some watercress, guava and small, fuji apples

Tonight's juice consisted of all of the above, plus some spinach, parsley and two small green pepper.

Watercress and other cabbage greens are among the most highly nutritious vegetables. They provide an excellent source of vitamins B6, C, manganese, and carotenes.  Greens in the cabbage family also provide a very good source of fiber, iron, copper, and calcium. The greens are also a very good source of vitamins B1, B2, and E. Greens like these provide almost three times as much calcium as phosphorous.  Great news because high intake of phosphorous is linked to osteoporosis. As a member of the cabbage family, watercress also has anticancer properties.  Caution.  If you have hyperthyroidism you should avoid eating watercress because of its high iodine content.

I bought the guava today because it's ripe scent was wafting under my nose as I stopped near it to pick up some bananas. Watercress has a bit of a sharp taste so I thought guava would be just the thing to tame it down. Guava is a tropical fruit that has a green rind, white or pinkish flesh and small seeds. It is preferred by many people over oranges because it has more Vitamin C. The nutritional content of guava includes calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, nicotinic acid, Vitamin A and B, Vitamin C and fiber. All these minerals and nutrients are great for the body.

Guava can help with many health issues, including: constipation, colds and coughs, controlling high blood pressure, weight loss, improve appearance of the skin, improve poor circulation, and battle type 2 diabetes by lowering blood glucose. Not to mention, it's taste is so tantalizingly different from all other fruits I've eaten.
The result, a light green, creamy and refreshing drink.

Sunday Thought